From the 22nd of October until the 11th of November, Pokémon Trainers with a copy of Pokémon Shield will be able to get their hands on a Shiny Zacian. Then from the 12th of November until the 27th of November owners of Pokémon Sword will be able to obtain a Shiny Zamazenta.
This event is also available in Asia, but there has been no news on a distribution elsewhere yet.
In the UK, GAME will be distributing both Pokémon from the 22nd October through to the 18th November.
You can sign up now on GAME's website to receive your codes via email rather than in-store. It's unclear whether any in-store distribution will be taking place in the UK at this time.
In Canada, GameStop will be distributing Zacian for Pokémon Shield games from 22nd October through to the 4th November, and then Zamazenta for Pokémon Sword games from the 5th November to the 18th.
Both Pokémon will be level 100. Zacian's OT will be 'Lancer' and has the moves Iron Head, Play Rough, Swords Dance and Sacred Sword, while also holding the Rusted Sword item. Zamazenta's OT will be 'Arthur' and has the moves Iron Head, Close Combat, Iron Defense and Wide Guard.
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