• Welcome back to Pokécharms! We've recently launched a new site and upgraded forums, so there may be a few teething issues as everything settles in. Please see our Relaunch FAQs for more information.

Veeeerry Strange error

Doctor Oak

Staff member
If you've had a problem with viewing topics on the forum today, i've fixed it.

Quite how the problem arose however is VERY questionable. One of the files on the board was modified by someone/something that is NOT me and caused the board to be unable to load the file because of an error left in that file.

The file doesn't seem to have any malicious code left in it but the mere fact this happened when it should not have indicates that the board is not safe.

Indeed, the site itself may not be safe. The board will therefore be closed tommorow as I upgrade it and passwords concerning the site will have to be changed.

The staff will be made aware of these new passwords.

Beware ANYTHING. If this is serious, the board and the site could well be under attack like so many other sites at the moment.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I was wondering what was up. Thanks for the low down.

Upgrading's not a bad idea, though, whatever it means... Just don't crash the forums in the process :p

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Make the upgrade tommorow. It may even be pushed back further - my net connection is iffy until i can get it wirelessed.