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What pokemon team would you have?

So I love seeing what people would have on their Pokemon teams if pokemon was actually real. Not your OC's pokemon team - yours. I would love to know why and how you got each of your pokemon.

Please don't post something like "I would have all legendary pokemon"

Here is mine!
(In order from when I would receive them)

1. Buddy the shiny growlithe (Male) - Named after my first dog buddy would be the first pokemon I got because of my love for dogs. He would be shiny because it reminds me of a tan dog stuffed animal I had when I was younger.
2. Rose Quartz the sylveon (Male) - Rose joined my team when he was just an eevee. He was given to me as a gift when I was younger and I raised him to be a sylveon. Rose is a sylveon solely because they seem to get confused for girls a lot.
3. Natasha the braixen (Female) - Natsha is one of the few females on my team. She's named after Natasha Romanova (Or the black widow from the avengers). I believe that she would have been a gift when I was younger. She is one of the strongest members on my team despite only being in her second evolution.
4. Lucy (Lucifer) the houndour (Female) - Lucy is the second female on my team. She join after I rescued her from a animal shelter near my home. She was then named Lucifer (nicknamed Lucy) after a running joke with friends.
5. Murdock the Noivern (Male) - Murdock joined the team when I was traveling around the world. He was named after a certain blind crime fighter (and super awesome Avocado at law)
6. Anubis the Lucario (Male) - Anubis was the last to join the team, I ended up finding him at the British museum during my time in England. (He is also on my team due to my love for ancient cultures)

Well then. That's my team, well minus the other pokemon I have stored away in my box. (Yes, I'm trash and they all have backstories and names too. Which I might post because it's super fun to come up with backstories and stuff. heh.)


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I love topics like these. I've had a particular team in mind for many, many years (since roughly gen 2) that has slowly expanded with each passing generation. It's well over six team members by this point, so I'd definitely be actively rotating Pokemon as I went.

While I do have tentative nicknames for all of the team members, I'll just name them here by species because I wouldn't be opposed to either gender. For most of them I don't necessarily have a preference of how they'd be caught/obtained either, so I'll just generalize instead.

Bulbasaur - My ideal starter. Always has been, likely always will be. While Raichu is my favourite Pokemon I've never pictured it (or Pichu/Pikachu) as my first Pokemon in my own personal head canon. Bulbasaur, and Ivysaur/Venusaur after it, just feels right, likely because it was my first ever Pokemon in general.

Pichu - Would be destined to become a Raichu someday but I've always pictured myself as first meeting the Pokemon in the Pichu stage. Ignoring obligatory favoritism, I love rodents and have always been attracted to the Pikachu line for that reason. It's also small in all three stages, meaning I could keep the Pokemon by my side for its entire life. ^^

Charizard - Every team's gotta have a flying type for quick travel and none fits me better than Charizard. I've loved the thing for ages both for the fact that it's a dragon (at least in design) and a fire-type. It would also likely match up well with, and bring out, the fired up/competitive/prideful side of my personality.

Snorlax - Big hunk of awesome. It's easy for me to picture sleeping on and against a Snorlax, or riding on its shoulder, or commanding it to punch/kick things. I love larger animals, and Snorlax has always appealed to me for such reasons. Plus it's powerful and imposing, and Munchlax is equally adorable. I foresee many battles with a Munchlax/Snorlax over pizza...

Steelix - Like with Snorlax, I could easily picture myself going after an Onix (and later evolving it to Steelix) because of my fascination with giant creatures. I've had so many awesome mental images involving both Onix and Steelix that it just wouldn't feel right not having one on my team.

Vaporeon - Similar to Bulbasaur being my first ever Pokemon, Vaporeon was my first water-type and has held special place in my heart ever since. The fact that it's a quadruped, canine-like creature fits well with my personality due to my love of dogs. Having an Eevee for a time before evolving it to Vaporeon would be great fun as well.

Lucario - I'm a massive/closet fangirl of Riolu/Lucario (depends how well you know me). I've always found them and their connection to the wave/aura deeply intriguing and mysterious, and I'm very partial to their designs because, again, they look like canines. I'd definitely strive to catch and/or befriend one. Would probably enjoy sparing with one and deepening my own understanding of the world, too!

Heracross - My other fighting-type of choice. Heracross has always stood out to me for a variety of reasons: the fact that it's a bipedal beetle and can fly, its incredible strength, and the gentle yet protective demeanor it's usually portrayed as having. I've always pictured my Heracross as being gentle but equally courageous/fearless when necessary.

Oshawott - Despite already having Vaporeon, I fell utterly in love with Oshawott/Dewott not long after their reveal. I could easily picture an otter Pokemon being within my ranks, both personality and species-wise. Plus Dewott is awesome. Tl;dr I love otters.

Porygon2 - I love this thing. Completely love it. And I don't even fully understand why. Porygon2 is both an interesting/adorable creature and perfectly built stats-wise for my strategies. I heavily appreciate that it's very defensive and learns a wide range of moves, yet has the ability to raise its special attack stat with Download and its speed with Agility. Neeeed.

Metagross - Last, but certainly not least, likely the most interesting Pokemon of my dream team would be my Metagross. I view it being one of my greatest allies but also a great challenge to train/raise/understand. The sheer intelligence of Metagross makes me inclined to believe that it could easily learn to speak human words telepathically, in turn deepening my relationship with the Pokemon in a way unique from the others (even my starter). I've had many dreams of traveling with a Metagross, so I suppose it would just be meant to be~
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Rinoa Heartilly

Mother of Meltans
Chikorita (Female) - I named her Rita after my favourite grandmother. I grew attached to her very quickly. She rarely let me down in battle and kicked a lot of ass on her own. Rita always makes me smile.

Starmie (Shiny) - Mine is called Shuriken due to it's colour. I've always been drawn to starmie since I was a very young child. I hold a strong sense of loyalty, trust and pride with my Shuriken. It's the best starmie to ever exist as far as I'm concerned!

Scizor (Male) - Known as Zeke. He's p. much my best friend. I wouldn't dream of having a team without him in it. The moment I first saw the species, I fell in love with the species and steel-type. I've never looked back since.

Mawile (Female) - Filia is my kickass partner in crime. I love the story behind her that relates to the mouth on the back of her head. She's such an interesting and inspiring creature to me. I absolutely adore her!

Steelix (Female) - Oh man, have you seen the thing? Steelix is so fuqing cute! I can hardly stand how cute she is. Much like Shuriken and Rita, she rarely ever fails me in battle. Or contest!

Skarmory (Female) - Gad is not only a bladey steel burd of death, but also my good luck charm. I wouldn't get far without her around. I named her after my best friend @StellarWind Elsydeon

...I'd also have a Vaporeon and Dialga because one is my pokesona and the other is my favourite pokemon. TL;DR: I'm 100% biased in all my decision making.
1. Blaziken (Blade): if I lived in the Pokemon world, I feel like I would be born in the Hoenn region because that seems to be the closest similarity to where I live irl (there's a lot of water, has big cities and seems pretty freakin hot). That's why my starter Pokemon would be Torchic and I would train him to become a Blaziken.

2. Misdreavus (Mister): my trusty partner Pokemon that I most likely befriended as a child or received as a gift from my great grandmother (who supposedly saw ghosts, yes I'm for real). Misdreavus is one of my absolute favourite Pokemon and I get the feeling we would be inseparable, particularly because we basically grew up together.

3. Steelix (Nix): honestly have no idea how I would come across an Onix (me being me), but there's no Pokemon I could imagine that would suit me better. What I love about Steelix (and how it would suit me personally), is that they seem like such a temperament species despite having such a scary face. As long as you leave them alone, they should hurt you, at least that's my interpretation of them. I've often been told I look unapproachable (I have resting bitch face apparently) and I have quite a few years of martial arts under my belt to back me up if I'm ever threatened, but I feel that, like Steelix, we're both misunderstood creatures who are actually more than just a scary face.

4. Luxray (Maximus): a dear cousin of mine who lives overseas would send her over to me for as a Shinx. In return, I trade her a Poochyena (a Pokemon that you come across fairly early in the RSE and ORAS games, just like Shinx is in DPPt).

5. Breloom (Xen): the first Pokemon I ever caught on my own. I caught him as a Shroomish on my first adventure and we managed to make quite a strong connection throughout my later travels.

6. Milotic (Cetus): like irl, my dream would be to travel to as many places as I possibly can. I'd imagine that travelling with Pokemon would be far more reassuring than travelling anywhere in a world without Pokemon, so I would be a lot more confident going anywhere I want, even on foot. After hearing about Feebas, which evolves into Milotic, I would definitely do my best to catch one for myself.
I'm going to pick my Kalos team but I'll include how I met them and their back stories.

1. Pystol (Greninja) - I'd probably live in the Kalos region and this would be my starter. He'd be named after my puppy Pystol.
2. Tyrion (Pikachu) - I'd end up meeting Pikachu shortly after I got my Froakie and he would be a solid member of my team. He's named after Tyrion Lannister.
3. Bas (Simisage) - I came across a Pansage on the way to the first gym and he became a part of my team. I later evolved him after I found a leaf stone. Named after MMA fighter Bas Rutten.
4. Ronda (Pyroar) - My fourth Pokemon I came across after I won my second gym badge. I met her when she was a Liteo. She's named after Ronda Rousey.
5. Carlton (Butterfree) - I rescued this Caterpie and helped him come into his own as a Pokemon. Although he can fly, he's my main psychic type. He's named after Psych's Carlton Lassiter.
6. Dave (Yvetal) - I met Yvetal when my friends and I defeated Team Flare and i used the master ball rather than try and catch him on my own. He's named after Darkness Dave.
If there were Pokemon in real life I would compose my team with the following Pokemon:
Calvin(Sceptile)Lv56:I chose Treecko as my starter because it was cool. It evolved into Grovyle at the 2nd gym and into Sceptile before the 7th gym. It specializes in the moves Quick Attack, Leaf Blade, and Dragon Pulse.
Anadrin(Swellow)Lv42: I caught my Taillow so it could cover Calvin's Bug type Weakness. It evolved into Swellow before the 4th gym and specializes in the moves Wing Attack and Aerial Ace.
Blackbeard(Crawdaunt)Lv50: I befriended and caught Blackbeard as a Corphish when his original trainer abandoned it. It evolved into Crawdaunt at the 5th gym and specializes in the moves Crabhammer and Crunch.
Smokey(Torkoal)Lv50: After I saved a Torkoal from falling off a cliff, it thanked me by letting me catch it. It specializes in the moves Rapid Spin, Flamethrower, and Overheat.
SnowKing(Glalie)Lv62: On a snowy mountain, while I was skiing, I stopped and found an injured Snorunt. I took it to a Pokemon center to heal, and I then caught it. It evolved into Glalie while I was battling Groudon and specializes in the moves Ice Beam and Headbutt.
Lightning(Raichu)Lv62: Before I challenged the Pokemon League, I caught a Pikachu at the Safari Zone and evolved it when it reached level 50(since that's the level it learns Thunder). As a Raichu, it specializes in the moves Thunderbolt, Iron Tail, and Thunder.
These would be the Pokemon I would travel with in real life:
1. Venomoth (Male, nicknamed Moth). This one should go without saying, Venomoth has always been one of my favorite Pokemon. I've used one in every Pokemon game it (Or Venonat) are catchable in. It may not be the greatest Pokemon, but it is a great asset. Venomoth is also adorable. It would know the moves: Quiver Dance, Bug Buzz, Giga Drain, and Sludge Bomb.
2. Meowstic-F (Female, nicknamed Tsumiki). Meowstic-F was a Pokemon that immediately caught my attention, she's cute, has some great abilities, and a fantastic movepool. Her stats are a bit underwhelming, though. She is one of two (The other being Tyrantrum) that I have always used on my Pokemon Y playthroughs, I even use a shiny one competitively. She would know: Psychic, Energy Ball, Charge Beam, and Hidden Power.
3. Tentacruel (Male, nickname Gooper Blooper). Tentacruel is another one of my all-time favorites. Tentacruel has a great design, great typing, fairly decent stats, and a great support movepool. I've used one in every generation Tentacool has been obtainable. It would know: Sludge Wave, Scald, Icy Wind, and Protect.
4. Mawile (Female, nickname Chain Chomp). Mawile is by far my all-time favorite Steel-type. It is adorable, has a great typing, and 2 usable abilities. On top of that, its Mega Evolution is fantastic. Certainly isn't the best Pokemon, but it isn't the worst either. It would know: Swords Dance, Iron Head, Play Rough, and Stealth Rock.
5. Sylveon (Female, nickname Sylvia). When Sylveon was revealed, I immediately fell in love with it. Its cute looks are very deceiving, it is a very powerful threat. It's one of the cutest Pokemon in my opinion, and one of the few Fairies I use regularly. It would know: Toxic, Protect, Shadow Ball, and Dazzling Gleam.
6. Tyrantrum (Male, nickname Yoshi). Tryantrum immediately became one of my favorite Pokemon when it was revealed. Who wouldn't want an awesome looking T-Rex on their team? Its got fantastic stats (Though, it's a bit slow), great abilities, and a great movepool. It would know: Head Smash, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, and Rock Polish.
A true dream-team of mine includes both Keldeo and Victini just because I adore features of them both, but I shall not include them on this list, either way, should I be in the pokémon world I imagine I would be partying it up with...

Klefki - Shiny - I caught a shiny klefki the other xmas, I love that klefki, it is one of my favourite pokémon of all time, if I only ever found one shiny pokémon in real life, let it be a klefki, I will find it so much treasure!

Janovii - kinda obvious by my avatar, but janovii will always be one of the best looking pokémon in my opinion, I love her little booties =)

Ferrothorn - Love this thing! Dammit, I'm charizard bait right now... Oh wait

Starmie - Still my favourite water pokémon to use, I've used the same one since gen 3 for battle tower/frontier/subway etc, it's my go-to water type, I spent too long breeding it, and now it's not even tournament legal =(

Absol - Yeah I'm still a kid at heart, and this thing looks badass =)

Garchomp - Since using this thing in Platinum, I've always loved Garchomp, and how awesome it is on Pokken totally helps =)
my dream pokemon team for me is very special is pokemon is real then my team gona be very special and with full of bond and trust
gallade [ his my fist ever pokemon becoming my favorite and im love gallade his cool good locking and badass ]
moves psycho cut drain punch close combat protect
charizard [ his my persenal favorite fire starter of all fire starters and im love his mega evolution ]
move dragon pulse flamethower air slash dragon claw [ can mega evole to charizard x ]
hydreigon [ his my persenal favorite pokemon of all the franchise his strong and very powerfull ]
moves dragon pulse dark pulse surf focus blast
delcatty [ it pokemon is my symbel of im a big fan of cats and i also like dog too cat are my persenal favorites]
moves double-edge ice beam iron tail attarct
luxray [ this pokemon is perfect for me becase im a big shix luxio and luxray fan and im love this pokemon ]
moves crunch thunderbolt dig extreme speed
floatzel [ his cool and my favorite water pokemon and also buizel is cool too im love them both ]
moves ice beam hydro pump cruch ice fang

if pokemon are in real life this team is gona be my bigest treasure
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If Pokemon were real my team would be:

Sacred the Ninetales: This is my all time favorite Pokemon! If it's in the game, it's mine. She can wreck anything that even cares to challenges her. In Alpha Sapphire, she won the Master Rank Beauty Contest seven times. I love her so much!

Sylphid the Gardevoir: This Pokemon is amazing! And in X and Y when she got the fairy type, I fell in love with her even more. She's my go to psychic type in any game and she's one of the first Pokemon I got to level 100.

Glacier the Lapras: You can't go wrong with this Pokemon! He beat the entire Kanto Elite Four and Champion single-handedly with his moves Rain Dance, Thunder, Surf, and Ice Beam.

Thunder the Luxray: Best electric type ever! In Diamond and Pearl, as soon as I saw this I knew I had to have it. It has the coolest design ever and an amazing move set. Plus, intimidate is probably the coolest ability ever.

Creed the Weavile: #ThugLife. This Pokemon is sooooo good! I don't think I've ever lost a battle with him on. He crushes anything with his high attack and speed and amazing moveset. Imagine walking down a street with this at your side.

Cumulus the Altaria: Cutest Pokemon ever! I played through Emerald so much times and each time, she was on my team. She is so good especially with the moves Perish Song, Dragon Breath, Cotton Guard, and Hurricane. She killed everything! This was my Mega Pokemon in Alpha Sapphire and no one, and I mean no one could touch her. And did I mention she had max happiness?
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I can take my time and sensitivity to detail the reasons for which are each of these Pokémon on my computer, but I can sum it up in one thing, they are special to me, size, strength, speed, appearance, no matter, they are just there because I so want, so they want my eyes, and more than anything, my heart wants it...


  • A-Pokémon-Esmeralda_1468327418410.png
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I've never been into competive battling but my dream team would be this. *Typhlosion (male):Typhlosion has always been my favorite. It's just nostalgic first starter and all. *Sylveon: (female):Sylveon has always been unique to me I don't know why. But fairy types are one of my favorites it's also good against dragon type.*Gallade (male):I have this because of a story. First run of Omega Ruby first encounter with ralts other than Wally boom shiny male ralts! I transferred to my brothers game so I can reset and he also reset........so shiny gallade was gone..........I still cry at night. *Lapras (female): I need a Pokemon to cover Typhlosions Rock ground weakness and Lapras just seems like a good choice. It's ice type to so ice moves are useful. * *Ampharos (male):Last cover Pokemon. Promise! Mabye. Electric is my second favorite type so that. Also electric beats flying and water. *Alakazam (male): Like electric I love physic! I can also take down poison types with Alakazam.
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