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DPPt/HGSS Which Scizor is better for Competitive Battling?

Which Scizor do you prefer?

  • Quick Attacking Scizor

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • Endure-Reversal Scizor

    Votes: 2 50.0%

  • Total voters
Whats a better Scizor to use for competitive battling?

The Quick Attacking Scizor:

Item: Life Orb
Ability: Technician (increases attacks with 60 base power or less by 50%)
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 Att, 232 Hp, 24 Def
- Quick Attack
- Swords Dance
- Iron Head/X scissor
- Brick Break/Roost

= Quick attacking scizor basically attacks using quick attack. Though it's a weak move, it gets incredibly boosted by LIfe Orb, Swords Dance and Technician. It may not be able to make a OHKO after a swords dance, but it can really damage big.


The Endure-Reversal Scizor

Item: Leichi Berry
Ability: Technician/Swarm
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 Att, 252 Spd, 6 Hp
- Agility
- Endure
- Reversal
- Night Slash

= First use agility to outrun some pokemon, use endure to avoid being KO'd and to activate Leichi berry, then reversal away. Night slash for ghosts and psychics.

I've tried both sets on Shoddy, but I'm still undecided. Opinions please, and vote as well. Thanks!

EDIT: described Technician so people will know what it does. ^^


Bearded Trout Warrior
I vote for the quick attack Scizor... All it takes is one resistance to fighting, Night slash won't help you against Flying types, and especially if you go up against a Crobat where you may be out-sped as well...

I don't avtually know what Technician does... so I can't say I'm entirely for the first one at the same time...
but it looks better than the other.

If you have a good enough team to back up your second choice, then by all means it will be great for most enemies... It's just Flying types I see as a weakness... also quick attack and other priority moves could kill it.

I might try either one of those strategies though ;)
Both Scizors are good. Both serve a different role.

One with Reversal:

Good Points:
-Reversal one is good because Reversal is boosted to its max power and further boosted by the Leichi Berry.
-It's also resitant to Sandstorm, so it won't kill it.
-This set also gives it great coverage.

Down Points:
-Hail will still screw this up.
-Most will take the turn you use Agility to switch out to a Pokemon with a Fire-Attack and resist its core move in X-Scissor, most also resist Reversal.
-Skarmory, Spiritomb, Bronzong also are not really affected (Bronzong to a lesser extent. Spiritomb will be immune to Reversal)

The set with Quick Attack:

Good Points:
-Quick Attack with all those boosts hurt.
-Swords Dance rules with this set.
-Roost works well with Life Orb

Down Points:
-Walled yet again by Skarmory
-Life Orb chips away, at 10% per attack
-Lame coverage
-Extremespeed, Me First, Sucker Punch, and Pokemon faster than Scizor will really hit it hard (Especially Dragons with Flamethrower)

I like my Scizor with Baton Pass, but that's just me.

No Scizor is better than the other. It depends on what your team needs.

Hope that helped.