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Who Will Win?

Who Will Win the Democratic Primaries?

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Barak Obama

    Votes: 9 100.0%

  • Total voters
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At this point, the democratic primaries are pretty close, but I believe Obama will beat Hillary simply because he has more money. Hillary is in debt, and had to morgage her house. But crazy things can happen. ???

Doctor Oak

Staff member
It will be Obama.

But it doesn't really matter, there's no chance either of them would have been elected president anyway. Women and black people just don't get to be president of America. I'd honestly be surprised if either of them was elected in September. Though Obama probably had/has a better chance than Hilary, since at least he's still a man.
Yes, I definately agree with you on that aspect. As Hillary and Obama still wage war on each other, McCain just has to sit back and wait. By the time the presidential elections come around, the democratic candidate will have to go through another financial crisis, even if it is Obama. Money is power.
It will be Obama.

But it doesn't really matter, there's no chance either of them would have been elected president anyway. Women and black people just don't get to be president of America. I'd honestly be surprised if either of them was elected in September. Though Obama probably had/has a better chance than Hilary, since at least he's still a man.

I know the whole thing is a bit racist/sexist, but that's a bit over the line by saying that. Personally I think Obama has quite a good chance a winning the whole thing. A lot of people are going for him right now, and if things keep going the way they are, he may actually win it.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
I know the whole thing is a bit racist/sexist, but that's a bit over the line by saying that. Personally I think Obama has quite a good chance a winning the whole thing. A lot of people are going for him right now, and if things keep going the way they are, he may actually win it.

Of course it's racist and sexist. That's the point I was making. America has shown no interest previously in electing a woman or black president, is unlikely to do so any time soon, regardless of this race, and - let's face it - any first female or black president is going to be useless in the job because they will have been placed in office as a novelty and will continue to be considered so throughout their run. They will be run by PR making everything they do out as a big deal as they're "unique" and "groundbreaking" Presidents and any policies they have the balls to push through without fear of being laughed out by the House or Senate for being pieces of nonsense novelty will be then torn apart by the press as such.

Sure you'd have to have that one "first" to make the later goes at it work better and properly, but this is not the time to be having that - when America is the most unpopular nation in the world, is neck-deep in a botched war they should never have gotten into in the first place and is at the core of a world-wide economic crisis.

Plus, no redneck middle American is going to vote for either a woman or a black guy. Ever. Kinda rules out the Democrats getting any votes from half of middle America right there.
Honestly I don't know who will win. I know who I want to win. But as of right now, it looks like Obama will win the nominations.

In my twisted mind, history is favoring the Democrats. George Bush has gotten the lowest approval ratings EVER. Everyone is comparing McCain to Bush saying that their ideas are the same (at least from what I've heard). Before Bush, Richard Nixon had the lowest approval ratings of any president in history thanks to Watergate. People were so disgusted with the Republican president, people were willing to elect a relative unknown--Jimmy Carter. Sure he turned out to be one of the worst presidents in history, but the point is, people elected him. I won't count the Democrats out yet because it's still anyone's game. There have been some interesting and unexpected elections before and this could very well be one. Who knows who will be elected this November.
It will be Obama.

But it doesn't really matter, there's no chance either of them would have been elected president anyway. Women and black people just don't get to be president of America. I'd honestly be surprised if either of them was elected in September. Though Obama probably had/has a better chance than Hilary, since at least he's still a man.

No offense, your adminlyness, but I live in America, and I think the presidential election is in November.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Yeah, you're right, it is November. I was getting confuddled 'cos September's been a big month in my head for my own reasons. :p

Not that it's really relevant, September or November, the outcome will be the same.
clearly obama won but i have a lot of questions about him like were in the world is he getting all of that money from i think there is something wierd about him


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Thread closed due to irrelevance. Democratic primaries are over.
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