Hello Artwork Gallery. I seem to have spanned away from sprites more.... Anywho... Some of my wokr here. I'll start this thread by posting some things I have been doing in photoshop lately.
Recently I have been working on doing Anime-esque style shots of my and other OC's
To Begin we have my OC Kyle.... Well this is his young look. I based it off the fan-fiction I'm writing. It should be more flashbacky

Next We have my best(ish) friends female OC, Daisy who I just adore

I like the way it turned out. Backgrounds are always a hassle for me

This is also in my Fan-Ficiton. It's quite early on actually
Finally I have my first gym leader in anime style. I wasn't too pleased with the way she came out but the background is one of my best ones to date

So yeah this thread won;t just be for that style. I will also post some traditional pencil drawings and some sketches here. But as of now this is kind of what I have on my PC that I think is worthy so yeah Any constructive criticism and friendly comments are very much welcome.