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Ask to Join Worlds At War // A Crossover RP

^ RP Thread ^



The worlds have collided. There is only one world now. Everyone is alive, but anyone can die. This new world has hardly existed for a few hours, and everyone's gotten used to it, and now a mysterious force only known as "The Ultimate Threat" is threatening to plunge it into chaos. Again. Yeah, we can't really catch a break, can we? Oh no.

So right now, everyone from every game, every TV show, every movie, every form of media ever is alive in a single world (probably about 20 times larger than ours to compensate) and anyone can get their asses kicked by anyone. As a general rule of thumb, protagonists recognize antagonists and antagonists recognize protagonists. Yeah, this is probably gonna get complicated really fast, but isn't that kinda the point now?

Species: (or at least equivalent)
Weapon(s): (if any)
Original Media:
Power Level:
Other: (just put any random shit here, canon or fanon)

Name: Robin
Age: Unknown, likely 27
Gender: Male in this case
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Robin is intelligent and diligent, often thinking tactically. He is incredibly kind, also calm and collected, and is difficult to anger (unless you're Grima).
Appearance: Robin has short white hair, brown eyes and a fairly average build. He wears a purple cloak over a beige tunic and rarely puts the hood up.
Species: Human
Occupation: Tactician
Likes: Tactics (of course), friends, meeting new people, talking
Dislikes: Needless violence, Grima, destruction, Grima, losing friends, Grima
Strengths: Highly intelligent and supernaturally skilled mage
Weaknesses: Can be too forgiving
Weapon(s): The Levin Sword, elemental tomes
Original Media: Fire Emblem Awakening
Other: Robin rarely shows emotions other than calm, happiness or sentimentality
Name: Vegeta
Age: 54
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Vegeta is arrogant, serious and somewhat cruel in combat and insults. He sometimes underestimates his opponents. He is intelligent, but his sense of humour is either very dry or very dark. He is capable of respecting people, but never admits when he does. He does have a kinder side, likely due to settling down on Earth and starting a family, and is incredibly reliable.
Appearance: Vegeta is well-built and stands at 164 centimeters tall with black hair that spikes up and has a highly prominent widow's peak. His attire mostly consists of a blue full-body jumpsuit (although it is sometimes sleeveless) with white gloves and boots with Saiyan armour on the top (although not when he's sleeveless).
Species: Saiyan
Occupation: Martial Artist
Likes: fighting, strong fighters, getting stronger, himself, Ultra Ego
Dislikes: not being strong enough, weaklings
Strengths: Has the skill and strength to back up most of his ego and has powerful abilities
Weaknesses: Often underestimates opponents
Original Media: Dragon Ball Z
Other: Vegeta has gargantuan ego problems
Name: Shulk
Age: Unknown, likely early 40s in Future Redeemed
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Likely heterosexual
Personality: Shulk is determined, organized, strong-hearted, intelligent and quick-qitted to the bone. He is often seen trying to help others. He likes to think this through and is very methodical in his approach to most situations. He is highly enthusiastic about working with machines and is always calm and collected even in the thick of battle.
Appearance: Shulk is approximately 175cm tall. He has long wavy blond hair and a pointed face. He often wears a short grey jacket over a black sweater with a long red and black cape. He also has a prosthetic right arm.
Species: Human
Occupation: Mechanic, Liberator
Likes: Machines, fruits, animals, reading
Dislikes: Bad people
Strengths: Skilled swordfighter and mechanic
Weaknesses: Tends to overthink
Weapon(s): Monado REX+
Original Media: Xenoblade Chronicles
Other: This version of Shulk is from Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed. Shulk has no sense of taste.
Name: Zer0 (not his true name)
Age: Unknown
Gender: Unknown, likely male
Sexuality: Unknown
Personality: Not much is known about Zer0's personality besides his bloodlust, his intelligence and his tendency to speak in haiku.
Appearance: Not much is known about his true appearance. He wears a helmet and stealth suit that covers his entire body. Curiously, he only has four fingers on each hand and his feet seem to only have 2 toes.
Species: Unknown, but definitely not human, potentially Eridian
Occupation: Assassin/Vault Hunter
Likes: Long-range combat, long-range sniper combat, close-range combat, close-range melee combat, close-range sword combat, close-range knife combat, violence in general
Dislikes: Excessive use of question marks
Strengths: Skilled assassin, skilled with firearms and bladed weapons, able to use a form of invisibility that drastically increases damage
Weaknesses: Abnormally weak natural regeneration
Weapon(s): Katana, sniper rifle, any firearms and bladed weapons he can find
Original Media: Borderlands 2 (2012)
Other: He always speaks in haiku. Always.

Edit: Added Zer0
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(walking into the thread wearing a shirt that says "I LOVE CROSSOVER RP" in giant letters on the front) hey whats poppin'

Name: Kasumi Tōmine
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Sexuality: ??? I don't think she cares about it to be honest
Personality: Cute and playful on the surface, but also smart to a slightly worrying degree. If you're perceptive or hang around her long enough, it's clear she's putting up a bit of a front to distract from her disconcerting intelligence, and especially her even more disconcerting moral grayness. She's mostly harmless, though. Mostly.
Her playfulness isn't entirely a front, though. She is pretty mischievous, and she does go about it in a "teehee I'm so cute" way. She's sort of like a cat in that regard? She's coy, too. The type of girl to steal bites of your food while you're eating out, and pretend that she's totally not even though she makes a show of being sure you see her doing it.
Appearance: On the shorter side at about 146cm / 4'9". She has fair skin with a permanent flush to it, brown eyes, very thick eyebrows, and blonde hair in 2 waist-length pigtails. Her pigtails are tied back with thin red ribbons that stick straight up sort of like antennae. Is currently wearing a pink cardigan, a white sundress that reaches her mid thighs, and black roller skates that don't seem to fit with the rest of her outfit. She likes to change outfits often, but seems to keep the roller skates for mobility reasons..?
Species: Yellow Knife, outward human appearance
Occupation: Alien Party member (a school club that hunts down & captures aliens on school premises)
Likes: Cute things, especially clothes! Her friends, but can get a bit possessive of them. Also enjoys violence as a little treat :3
Dislikes: Other symbiotic aliens, but is at least the bare minimum of courteous about it (unless they mess with her friends or her). People who see through her facade & start treating her negatively/more seriously because of it. People who start beef with her, because how dare they, she is obviously the only one allowed to start beef with other people!
Strengths: Cunning. Nimble & athletic. Pretty easy to underestimate her.
Weaknesses: Violence prone, especially if provoked. Easily dispatched if you can cut her hair. Still has the physicality of a 12 year old girl.
- Yellow Knife Powers: Is able to form her hair into many razor-sharp and highly extendable 'drills'. Is also able to form her pigtails into 2 large coils that emit non-tangible supersonic psionic energy painful enough to physically debilitate her target, but also only able to be utilized as a strong pinpoint attack. Both of these states make make her hair far harder and difficult to cut without one's own razor-sharp force. When using these powers, her eyes change to be more alien-like, resembling a frog's with vertically slit pupils.
Original Media: Alien Nine
Power Level: 6/10 I'd say?
Other: Says "nya" a lot as a sort of vocal tic. SUPER uncanny valley. >:3 emoji incarnate

will also add kumatora mother 3 soon but im too tired to right now and just wanna get this post out. lol
(walking into the thread wearing a shirt that says "I LOVE CROSSOVER RP" in giant letters on the front) hey whats poppin'

Name: Kasumi Tōmine
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Sexuality: ??? I don't think she cares about it to be honest
Personality: Cute and playful on the surface, but also smart to a slightly worrying degree. If you're perceptive or hang around her long enough, it's clear she's putting up a bit of a front to distract from her disconcerting intelligence, and especially her even more disconcerting moral grayness. She's mostly harmless, though. Mostly.
Her playfulness isn't entirely a front, though. She is pretty mischievous, and she does go about it in a "teehee I'm so cute" way. She's sort of like a cat in that regard? She's coy, too. The type of girl to steal bites of your food while you're eating out, and pretend that she's totally not even though she makes a show of being sure you see her doing it.
Appearance: On the shorter side at about 146cm / 4'9". She has fair skin with a permanent flush to it, brown eyes, very thick eyebrows, and blonde hair in 2 waist-length pigtails. Her pigtails are tied back with thin red ribbons that stick straight up sort of like antennae. Is currently wearing a pink cardigan, a white sundress that reaches her mid thighs, and black roller skates that don't seem to fit with the rest of her outfit. She likes to change outfits often, but seems to keep the roller skates for mobility reasons..?
Species: Yellow Knife, outward human appearance
Occupation: Alien Party member (a school club that hunts down & captures aliens on school premises)
Likes: Cute things, especially clothes! Her friends, but can get a bit possessive of them. Also enjoys violence as a little treat :3
Dislikes: Other symbiotic aliens, but is at least the bare minimum of courteous about it (unless they mess with her friends or her). People who see through her facade & start treating her negatively/more seriously because of it. People who start beef with her, because how dare they, she is obviously the only one allowed to start beef with other people!
Strengths: Cunning. Nimble & athletic. Pretty easy to underestimate her.
Weaknesses: Violence prone, especially if provoked. Easily dispatched if you can cut her hair. Still has the physicality of a 12 year old girl.
- Yellow Knife Powers: Is able to form her hair into many razor-sharp and highly extendable 'drills'. Is also able to form her pigtails into 2 large coils that emit non-tangible supersonic psionic energy painful enough to physically debilitate her target, but also only able to be utilized as a strong pinpoint attack. Both of these states make make her hair far harder and difficult to cut without one's own razor-sharp force. When using these powers, her eyes change to be more alien-like, resembling a frog's with vertically slit pupils.
Original Media: Alien Nine
Power Level: 6/10 I'd say?
Other: Says "nya" a lot as a sort of vocal tic. SUPER uncanny valley. >:3 emoji incarnate

will also add kumatora mother 3 soon but im too tired to right now and just wanna get this post out. lol
Fuck I forgot I left Power Level in I mean accepted!
no worries! its pretty fun to puzzle out what i should rate a character's power level at hehe

Name: Kumatora, Kuma for short
Age: 20
Gender: Nonbinary (doesn't care about pronouns, she/her default)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Personality: Brash and headstrong, even fairly crass, with a strong moral compass. Said moral compass typically aligns her with most other protagonists, but she's more of a wild card when it comes to stuff like stealing (hint: she will) or mercy afforded to those who have done great wrong (hint 2: not a lot). If you can get past all that she's pretty fun to hang around.
She's ride-or-die for those she trusts and is a great person to have as an ally or be on her good side in general. Has the paradoxical ability to take things seriously and not seriously at all simultaneously. Would bite you if you annoyed her and be completely unapologetic about it. A lot like her namesakes (bear & tiger).
Appearance: Around 159cm / 5'3". She has darker skin than her canon appearance, purple eyes, never wears makeup, and has naturally bright pink hair in a short pixie cut. She wears a blue knee-length hoodie, black biker shorts, black fingerless gloves, and tall pink boots. She's also taken an interest towards getting tons of ear piercings. Very attached to her outfit, but keeps eyeing up alternative & athletic styles with less of a dress/skirt type bottom.
Species: Human
Occupation: Deadbeat princess
Likes: Punk culture & fashion. Nature, and by extension environmentalism. Being able to goof off and have a good time!
Dislikes: Capitalism (canonically). Anything with a pig aesthetic, but not pigs as in the animal. People who are assholes in general, but it's thankfully not super easy to get onto that list.
Strengths: Seasoned psychic. Surprisingly good at stealth. Sympathy.
Weaknesses: Impulsive. Not a physical fighter. Tends to exhaust herself quickly.
  • PSI: Has a range of psychic abilities, commonly using PK Thunder γ, Defense Down Ω, and Lifeup β. Wikibound has great details for these and I highly recommend checking it out! Assume she has everything under level 50, favors PK Thunder far more than PK Fire or PK Freeze, and sticks to using the strongest available rank of anything until she's forced to move down a notch due to exhaustion.
  • Gloves: Sometimes she throws hands!
Original Media: Mother 3
Power Level: 7/10 currently, potential to be 8/10
Other: I refuse to apologize for being so headcanon-y, she's one of my favorite characters so I get to do whatever I want forever with her. In other news she's probably pretty averse to alcohol. Characters with a sensitivity to music will hear an electric guitar whenever she attacks because I think that'd be funny
no worries! its pretty fun to puzzle out what i should rate a character's power level at hehe

Name: Kumatora, Kuma for short
Age: 20
Gender: Nonbinary (doesn't care about pronouns, she/her default)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Personality: Brash and headstrong, even fairly crass, with a strong moral compass. Said moral compass typically aligns her with most other protagonists, but she's more of a wild card when it comes to stuff like stealing (hint: she will) or mercy afforded to those who have done great wrong (hint 2: not a lot). If you can get past all that she's pretty fun to hang around.
She's ride-or-die for those she trusts and is a great person to have as an ally or be on her good side in general. Has the paradoxical ability to take things seriously and not seriously at all simultaneously. Would bite you if you annoyed her and be completely unapologetic about it. A lot like her namesakes (bear & tiger).
Appearance: Around 159cm / 5'3". She has darker skin than her canon appearance, purple eyes, never wears makeup, and has naturally bright pink hair in a short pixie cut. She wears a blue knee-length hoodie, black biker shorts, black fingerless gloves, and tall pink boots. She's also taken an interest towards getting tons of ear piercings. Very attached to her outfit, but keeps eyeing up alternative & athletic styles with less of a dress/skirt type bottom.
Species: Human
Occupation: Deadbeat princess
Likes: Punk culture & fashion. Nature, and by extension environmentalism. Being able to goof off and have a good time!
Dislikes: Capitalism (canonically). Anything with a pig aesthetic, but not pigs as in the animal. People who are assholes in general, but it's thankfully not super easy to get onto that list.
Strengths: Seasoned psychic. Surprisingly good at stealth. Sympathy.
Weaknesses: Impulsive. Not a physical fighter. Tends to exhaust herself quickly.
  • PSI: Has a range of psychic abilities, commonly using PK Thunder γ, Defense Down Ω, and Lifeup β. Wikibound has great details for these and I highly recommend checking it out! Assume she has everything under level 50, favors PK Thunder far more than PK Fire or PK Freeze, and sticks to using the strongest available rank of anything until she's forced to move down a notch due to exhaustion.
  • Gloves: Sometimes she throws hands!
Original Media: Mother 3
Power Level: 7/10 currently, potential to be 8/10
Other: I refuse to apologize for being so headcanon-y, she's one of my favorite characters so I get to do whatever I want forever with her. In other news she's probably pretty averse to alcohol. Characters with a sensitivity to music will hear an electric guitar whenever she attacks because I think that'd be funny
Infighting between Kumatora and Vegeta inbound I mean accepted! I love putting random shit in strikethrough for no reason and I have no idea why, please help me-


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Name: Vegito (Xeno)
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Vegito's personality is a mixture of both Goku and Vegeta's characteristics. He exhibits Vegeta's cockiness and inclination for taunting others, and enjoys toying with enemies, but is not as serious, having inherited Goku's easygoing, cheerful nature. He possesses both Vegeta's strategic mind and tactical skills along with Goku's ingenuity and creativity, making him that much more efficient. Despite appearing cocky, he in fact retains Goku's benevolence, empathy and respectful nature, and mostly forgoes his cocky attitude when it's time to get serious.
Appearance: He wears a color-reversed version of Xeno Goku's outfit, consisting of a red undershirt and pants underneath a flowing black vest and blue sash, as well as Xeno Vegeta's gloves and boots from his Time Patroler Armor. Additionally, he wears a set of golden Potara earrings
Species: Saiyan Fusion
Occupation: Time Patroller
Likes: Himself and battling
Dislikes: Annoyances and threats to him
Strengths: His battle tactics, his wit, his plans to win
Weaknesses: Overconfidence (at times)
Weapon(s): Spirit Sword
Original Media: Super Dragon Ball Heroes
Power Level: 8/10
Other: Xeno Vegito’s most powerful form is Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker. While Vegito can still access forms 1-4 of super Saiyan, and can combo Super Saiyan with the Kaioken.
Name: Vegito (Xeno)
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Vegito's personality is a mixture of both Goku and Vegeta's characteristics. He exhibits Vegeta's cockiness and inclination for taunting others, and enjoys toying with enemies, but is not as serious, having inherited Goku's easygoing, cheerful nature. He possesses both Vegeta's strategic mind and tactical skills along with Goku's ingenuity and creativity, making him that much more efficient. Despite appearing cocky, he in fact retains Goku's benevolence, empathy and respectful nature, and mostly forgoes his cocky attitude when it's time to get serious.
Appearance: He wears a color-reversed version of Xeno Goku's outfit, consisting of a red undershirt and pants underneath a flowing black vest and blue sash, as well as Xeno Vegeta's gloves and boots from his Time Patroler Armor. Additionally, he wears a set of golden Potara earrings
Species: Saiyan Fusion
Occupation: Time Patroller
Likes: Himself and battling
Dislikes: Annoyances and threats to him
Strengths: His battle tactics, his wit, his plans to win
Weaknesses: Overconfidence (at times)
Weapon(s): Spirit Sword
Original Media: Super Dragon Ball Heroes
Power Level: 8/10
Other: Xeno Vegito’s most powerful form is Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker. While Vegito can still access forms 1-4 of super Saiyan, and can combo Super Saiyan with the Kaioken.
(Spots the words crossover and roleplay and immediately slides in)

I saw my calling words, and I arrive! What a wonderful thing to see upon deciding to check in again!

Alas, I’m not as active anymore cuz of responsibilities or whatever, but I shall do my best to set up some characters when I get a second!
(Spots the words crossover and roleplay and immediately slides in)

I saw my calling words, and I arrive! What a wonderful thing to see upon deciding to check in again!

Alas, I’m not as active anymore cuz of responsibilities or whatever, but I shall do my best to set up some characters when I get a second!
Hum. I may take a swing at this, been a while since I did a crossover RP. Though I am busy with work the next few days I'll try to see if any idea sparks in the mind.
No worries. Take all the time you need.


Previously mallard
Name: Donkey Kong
Age: 20s-30s
Gender: Male
Sexuality: straight
Personality: Dumb as a doornail, and just as goofy, this Kong is lazy, prideful, and more than a little vengeful if you cross him. Otherwise, he's fairly passive, and won't pick fights. He's a simple ape.
Appearance: 7'10" and his musclebound body is covered in brown fur. He has a cowlick atop his head and a red tie around his neck.
Species: g o r i l l a
Occupation: g o r i l l a
Likes: Bananas, his buddies, watching tv, sleeping
Dislikes: Crocodiles, banana thieves, bullies
Strengths: Ridiculously strong
Weaknesses: Stupid and cocky
Weapons: Coconut Gun, Orange Grenades
Original Media: Donkey Kong Country
Power Level: 9/10(depending on the scale ig)
He's the leader of the bunch, you know him well
He's finally back to kick some tail
His coconut gun can fire in spurts
If he shoots ya, it's gonna hurt!
He's bigger, faster, and stronger too
He's the first member of the DK crew!

Name: Compunzer
Age: ???
Gender: ???
Sexuality: ???
Personality: An absolute hack of a comedian, Compunzer can only ever come up with jokes that aren't funny. He comes up with them often... and blurts them out just as often.
Appearance: A large-headed, purple-skinned creature wearing an orange yukata beneath a green, black, and orange-striped robe. His face is twisted in a giddy grin most of the time, and his right eye is considerably larger than his left. He doesn't have any legs- instead he rolls and/or hops around atop a round, purple futon.
Species: Yo-kai
Occupation: Comedian(?)
Likes: Telling jokes, laughter
Dislikes: Hecklers
Strengths: Very tricky with his lifesteal and possession techniques, can turn invisible, functionally immortal
Weaknesses: Cannot tell a good joke
Weapon: Paper fan
Original Media: Yo-Kai Watch
Power Level: 5/10
Other: "Let's all board the friendSHIP! Ha! Get it? No good, huh...?"
Name: Donkey Kong
Age: 20s-30s
Gender: Male
Sexuality: straight
Personality: Dumb as a doornail, and just as goofy, this Kong is lazy, prideful, and more than a little vengeful if you cross him. Otherwise, he's fairly passive, and won't pick fights. He's a simple ape.
Appearance: 7'10" and his musclebound body is covered in brown fur. He has a cowlick atop his head and a red tie around his neck.
Species: g o r i l l a
Occupation: g o r i l l a
Likes: Bananas, his buddies, watching tv, sleeping
Dislikes: Crocodiles, banana thieves, bullies
Strengths: Ridiculously strong
Weaknesses: Stupid and cocky
Weapons: Coconut Gun, Orange Grenades
Original Media: Donkey Kong Country
Power Level: 9/10(depending on the scale ig)
He's the leader of the bunch, you know him well
He's finally back to kick some tail
His coconut gun can fire in spurts
If he shoots ya, it's gonna hurt!
He's bigger, faster, and stronger too
He's the first member of the DK crew!

Name: Compunzer
Age: ???
Gender: ???
Sexuality: ???
Personality: An absolute hack of a comedian, Compunzer can only ever come up with jokes that aren't funny. He comes up with them often... and blurts them out just as often.
Appearance: A large-headed, purple-skinned creature wearing an orange yukata beneath a green, black, and orange-striped robe. His face is twisted in a giddy grin most of the time, and his right eye is considerably larger than his left. He doesn't have any legs- instead he rolls and/or hops around atop a round, purple futon.
Species: Yo-kai
Occupation: Comedian(?)
Likes: Telling jokes, laughter
Dislikes: Hecklers
Strengths: Very tricky with his lifesteal and possession techniques, can turn invisible, functionally immortal
Weaknesses: Cannot tell a good joke
Weapon: Paper fan
Original Media: Yo-Kai Watch
Power Level: 5/10
Other: "Let's all board the friendSHIP! Ha! Get it? No good, huh...?"
The DK Rap, nice.
Accepted! I'll get the RP thread up soon!


Previously mallard

That's Compunzer interacting with Shulk if it wasn't clear; Yo-Kai from Yo-Kai Watch can access a special kind of leaf that makes them appear as humans to actual humans, but people that can see/sense ghosts can usually see through the disguise. It's the least complicated way of introducing him, since that's usually the only way Yo-Kai present themselves to humans lol

Its a tie between HunterxHunter, Goblin Slayer, Jungle juice [It's a Manga/Webtoon], or Tokyo Ghoul.

I though Tokyo in there for fun but it makes it harder ;^;.


Previously mallard
With inspiriting in Yo-Kai, it's extremely difficult for one to realize that there's anything different about them unless they're versed in Yo-Kai mythology and/or Shinto spiritualism, as inspiriting very closely follows the Shinto belief of tsumi, or negative spirit energy that latches onto both people and objects.

That being said, he's not really using this ability to really hurt Shulk, Yo-Kai are just agents of chaos lol
Name: Sasha Grands

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Her personality ranges from a magnitude of them. One day shell be quiet and calm, the nest hyperactive and mud puddle jumping. But she will point out the obvious for example: " WHY ARE YOU FIGHTING A GUY 20x STRONGER THEN YOU !?!? ". Sasha is the definition of expressive background characters. Always watching stuipd events happen and putting her two sense in. Weither it be nonverbal or verbal.


To lazy to describe. But she wears ripped blue jeans. With a pair of black and white Converse

Species: Human

Occupation: Hunter [ 2 Star ]

Sasha's likes are very simple. Collecting. She collects random trinkets ranging from clocks to nen objects. What she lacks in strength she makes up for in trinkets.

Sasha also finds herself enjoying adventure into the unknown. Liking to find herself interesting items, more trinkets. And even people enjoying the diversity with them.

Sasha doesnt really dislike much. Just the normal, perverts, arsonists, Etc. As long as her trinkets arnt at risk she's just peaches and cream.

  • Mastery of her abilities.
  • She can control any of her trinkets with her nen [if powers/abilities are allowed]
  • She can blend into the background of any situation it's just natural to her.
  • Sasha is in the lower end of Elite human strength. Not superhuman or above workable standards.
  • Her trinkets are just normal items. Her nen can only reinforce them so much.
  • She is quick to be anger sometimes depending on what belonging of hers was destroyed.
  • She might have above average strength, stamina, and other things. But it's not enough to be called superhuman.

Weapon(s): A large collection of trinkets. Ranging from combat to home care.

Original Media: HunterxHunter

Power Level: 3.5 / 10

Other: I'll make a ability chart for her later on. I'm to lazy to rn.

I'll fix this later I'm to tired rn to lol.