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^ Discussion thread ^

Approximately ten hours earlier
"Well, then what the hell are we supposed to do, combine them?!" one of the scientists shouted.

"Do we have a choice?!" another snapped back, "We're gonna die anyway, so we might as well reshape the world!"

"The fuck is wrong with you?" a third scientist yelled.

The second scientist, however, didn't want to deal with everyone's shit, and activated the device. In mere moments, trillions upon trillions of universes began combining, eventually realising that one of the other scientists had stabbed him in the back. He turned around, but the other scientists were already dead. In the passing seconds, he died laughing like a Psycho. His plan had worked.

ROBIN - Death Star Ruins (near New York City, USA)
Robin stood back up and scanned the area for any more threats. None. Now he could continue searching for his friends. Continue searching for Chrom. "Where is everyone, anyway?" he asked himself, holding his tome by his side, "And who is the Ultimate Threat?" He knew the Ultimate Threat couldn't be Grima; Grima had been killed years ago.

In his search for his friends, he stumbled upon some sorts of advanced technology. Swords that could be turned on and off. Mysterious devices that showed recordings of people, but in this case, not good people. As he wandered, he felt someone's presence nearby. He could tell it was someone and not something. And he presumed that it was someone that wished him no harm unless he struck first.

"I know someone's there," Robin said calmly, "Don't worry, I wish you no harm."

VEGETA - Shanghai, China
Vegeta, however, wanted a fight. Pretty desperately, too, I might add. He was waiting, and charging his energy so much that you could feel it all the way from Tokyo. He was still in base form, but people knew not to let that fool them; Vegeta is very powerful anyway, and would only get stronger the more of a beating he took.

Eventually, he stopped charging up, deciding that he'd done enough charging up and was ready for a fight. "Is anyone coming to challenge me?" he shouted, probably scaring one or two unfortunate bastards off.

SHULK - Adelaide, South Australia
Wherever Shulk looked, he couldn't find his friends or his son. He was worried. What if he never saw them again? He kept on searching anyway, hoping he would at least find someone. And for the first time in over 20 years, he had a vision. But his vision was not of the future; it was a vision of the past. All the good times he'd had. All the good things he did. All the love he'd deservedly got.

And then he snapped back to reality. He was right in front of a massive group of buildings. Something wasn't exactly right about them though. He stood back, just in case he'd be attacked.

ZER0 - New Vegas Ruins
Wherever he went, death followed. Zer0 had already killed several corrupt corporate workers. And he loved it. "This is what I love / One big corporate bloodbath / I will kill them all," Zer0 said to himself, albeit rather loudly. One unfortunate bastard caught wind of this and immediately ran off. Zer0 just shot him. Why wouldn't he? That's what he loved to do, after all.

(Note: Yes, we're doing real places as well. No, they did not grow. Yes, they stayed in the same spot. No, I'm not pulling a Mortal Engines and having them eat each other. Yes, they can be blown up. No, they are not required to start in. Yes, the countries (and oceans) grew.)


Previously mallard
New York City, USA
A huge gorilla rampaged down the streets of Brooklyn. He'd never been here himself, but his grandfather, Cranky Kong, had spun tales of a place like this. A jungle made of stone, where metal beasts roamed the streets. As he rounded the corner, a yellow taxi cab screeched to a halt, blasting its horn.


In response, Donkey Kong backhanded the automobile, which sent it spinning away; its engine compromised. With that dealt with, the confused Kong continued barreling down the road aimlessly.

Adelaide, Australia
There was undeniably an odd energy coming from the buildings, but all that stepped out from inside the building was what appeared to be a human. He was a pasty, hefty fellow, with greasy black hair and a scraggly neckbeard. He wore a tacky hawaiian shirt, socks with sandals, jorts, busted glasses, and, most importantly, a huge smile on his face. A smile that only got wider as he spotted Shulk.

"HEY! What's all this about an Ultimate Threat? I don't see one anywhere, so it might as well be... an ULTIMATE FAIL! HA! GET IT???"

He paused, hoping to get a laugh, but only a cricket chimed in. His joke was objectively lame.

"Ha... tough crowd, eh? That's fine! This one will ultimately threaten your life via death by LAUGHTER!"

The man gave a nervous chuckle, starting to sweat, as he took out a pack of notecards and began flipping through them. He was acting like a comedian bombing onstage, even though Shulk was the only one present.
ROBIN - Death Star Ruins (near New York City, USA)
"...okay then," he said in response to hearing a car horn, followed by someone shouting, a loud thud and a car alarm all in the distance, probably because of the loud thud. He then decided to walk out of the ruins of whatever the hell this was and looked to the streets. Only to see a gorilla with a tie. Not the weirdest thing he'd seen. Vegan Entombed were a thing, after all.

Robin finally decided to walk onto the streets and almost immediately got hit by some sort of vehicle. Not one he knew of, but a vehicle nonetheless. He stood up, in pain but alive. "I'm OK!" he said, then he kept walking towards the gorilla. He tried to get the gorilla's attention by simply walking towards it. When he realized that wouldn't work, he resorted to words. "Excuse me," he simply said.

SHULK - Adelaide, South Australia
Someone eventually stepped out from a building. He seemed decent, but his jokes were genuinely terrible. Shulk almost cringed upon hearing the second joke. "That was... uhhh... crap, how do I say this without sounding like an asshole? At least you... tried...?" he said, "I don't know at this point, but I've heard worse." That wasn't a lie; in fact, he'd been the butt of a bad joke by his best friend which gave him a crippling fear of caterpillars. And got back at his best friend and unintentionally gave him a crippling fear of spiders.



Previously SlicertheGallade890
XENO VEGITO - Mount Rushmore, North Dakota

Vegito stood on the edge of Jefferson’s nose before flying off and looking at the monument. “Geez, I should get a monument to myself. After all, I put in such hard work for the time patrollers.” Vegito then looked around, noting all the people. “Ultimate Threat huh? I’ve killed several a demon king before. Mechikabura was his name. He was a joke, so is this ultimate threat they’re talking about shouldn’t be an issue.” Vegito smiled smugly before sensing several life forms a distance away from him. “Heh. Seems like I’m not the only one in this. Good, I was going to get bored if I was left alone.”

Vegito stretched and charged his own energy as well. Vegito was one to not be messed with, much like vegeta, except more for Vegito because of his fused body. “This’ll be special, I can feel it!”


Previously mallard
Big Ape - New York City, USA
"Excuse me."

Robin, through the noise of the NYC streets, tried to get Donkey Kong's attention. And it worked! The gorilla perked up, skid to a halt, and whipped his head around to face the tactician. He paused for a moment, staring, before moseying over to Robin on all fours. He looked the robed mage up and down as he approached, grunting curiously.

DK would stop a few inches from the human's face with a final grunt- and Robin would pick up on the fact that this breath smelt of rotten bananas. The Kong tilted his head to the side as he looked down upon the human, curious as to why the human wanted his attention. This was the first person to try and talk to him since he'd been there.

Failed Comedian - Adelaide, Australia
The man perked up at Shulk's attempt at a compliment, his wide smile refreshing itself. Then, he accidently dropped his notecards, and stuttered as he tried to come up with another joke on the fly, as picking up the cards would take too long and he needed to keep the momentum going.

"Tr-try... Yeah! I did try, because I got my TRY-TEE WHITIES ON! AMIRITE???"

The man threw his arms out and did jazz hands, but his jokes remained miserable. The cricket was still there, though, and still it made its presence known.
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ROBIN - New York City, USA
Robin had managed to get the gorilla's attention. There was no need for violence. No need for threats. And the gorilla had made his way to him. And stopped right in front of him. It smelled like rotten bananas, but it didn't bother him; he'd smelled worse, after all.

"You're lost, aren't you?" he asked. He could tell that the gorilla had been wandering aimlessly for a while now. He knew because of his impossible tactical prowess. "Don't worry," he said in a comforting tone, "I can help you, just don't hurt anyone you don't need to."

MONADO MAN - Adelaide, South Australia
The man who had told the unfortunately bad jokes seemed to light up at Shulk's painfully awkward attempt at a compliment, then dropped a crap-ton of notecards. And then he told a worse joke. Yeah. Painfully awkward.

Shulk started blankly at the man, then at the cricket that had chimed in a while ago. Then he sighed. "Y'know, maybe you could try making jokes out of dark subjects?" he suggested, "I dunno at this point, I'm not very good at jokes either, but I've been the butt of a lot worse and since then I've had a crippling fear of caterpillars." He wasn't lying, as detailed earlier.

"Anyway, my name's Shulk," he said, extending his hand, offering a handshake, "I can only assume you're not human, but then again, I have no evidence to support my claims, so... uhhh..."

This was getting painfully awkward again.

"But that's besides the point," he finally finished, his prosthetic right hand still extended, "Who are you?"
KASUMI - Tokyo, Japan

To put it lightly, a lot of things were different from what she was used to. It was a fun kind of interesting, though. Lots of new things to poke and prod at! For example, the strange energy she was picking up, with no idea where the source was.

She hopped down from the obscure, tucked away ledge she had been sitting on. Surely there was a way to solve this mystery. Especially with all the exciting new travel methods available...

Teleportation sounded fun ~

KUMATORA - Mount Rushmore (Six Grandfathers), North Dakota

Okay, fine. Maybe she was completely lost right now. She'd gotten so used to traveling in a party that when everyone split up to explore, she found herself wandering sort of aimlessly until she was in the middle of Shitfuck, Whereverthehell.

Dragon below, she was losing her touch. Splitting was a really stupid idea, she was growing to feel. Taking a quick break to groan into her hands and drag them down her face, she decided to try to assess her surroundings. Find a landmark or whatever.

Yyyep. There sure were rocks. And trees. And mountains.

Now where was that path she was on..?


Previously mallard
The Leader of the Bunch, You Know Him Well... - New York City, USA
The observant tactician correctly deduced that this ape was confused and lost. Donkey Kong nodded in confirmation, staring expectantly as the human assured that he was able to help. He wasn't here to hurt anyone, and all the destruction he'd caused thus far was in self-defense against perceived threats. Naturally, he agreed with Robin's terms with a soft, guttural hoot.

Before they got moving again, however, the ape's stomach rumbled loudly. DK lifted a massive arm in the air as he craned his neck to watch it, and then turned his gaze to sweep over the surrounding area. When it was apparent that there were no bananas in the area, Donkey Kong's face dropped into a pout.

Unfunny Yo-Kai - Adelaide, Australia

The not-human began to perspirate.


The disguised yo-kai was visibly distressed by the accusation. When Shulk asked him his name, he leapt at the chance to change the topic, and stumbled closer to be within a more conversational distance.

"My name is Comp-... er............."

Perspirating more, he looked around, not wanting to blow his cover by giving an inhuman name, and spotted a nearby road sign.

"...one Wayston! Comp-er-one Wayston! Yup! That's my name! Don't wear it! HA!"

What appeared to be a man was clearly lying, and deflecting his anxiety with bad jokes. He took Shulk's metal hand with his own, sweatier one, and shook it.

"Now... let's hear some of YOUR material!"

His eyes glittered red, as he attempted to inspirit Shulk, which would cause him to make the same type of awful jokes that... ""Comperone Wayston"" was making! This wasn't exactly a betrayal, as it wouldn't harm him physically, but his pride sure might take a hit.