Ah, did this little bugger take me a while to find. If you remember a certain story seen through the eyes of a team rocket member, this is it. Just a few edits.
I've decided to edit some parts that just seems wierd and unnessacary, so it isn't EXACTLY the same, but close. I'd appreciate any sort of opinions, as long as it isn't flaming me. Well, may as well begin.
My eyes were burning. Stinging like a swarm of bees had attacked me. The sensation was numbing my mind. I couldn't think straight! All I could see was a black mist in front of me. It was thick and choking my lungs. I heard screams in the distance, but not knowing what direction they came from. I tried to scream back for help, but the words froze in my throat. The mist was keeping me from saying anything. Then i saw it, a bright flash of red and orange burst through the doors of my room. I felt goosebumps go down my spine as the flames ingulfed my room. I thought I was done for. I closed my eyes, waiting for either the flames, smoke, or God knows what to end my misery...
Luke?! Luke, are you in here?!
I eyes flew open at the sound of her voice. My mother's. Her voice sounded frantic, almost crazed.
Please, PLEASE answer me!!
I use all my strength to pull out a few words; "Mama! Mama, I'm right here!!"
I saw her eyes lock onto mine, seeing her franticness fade away.
"Oh thank God! Quick, we need to leave!!" I heard her say over the roaring fire.
I left my corner to follower her to the window, where the escape ladder was. Sadly, my mother never made it that far.
Her silk-dress she was wearing for her dance tonight got cuaght on the side of the bed. No matter how hard she pulled, it couldn't come free. I saw the tears forming in her eyes as she tugged. She turned toward me and yelled something. I never heard what she said however, becuase another burst of flames caught the bed, with her stuck to it. My brain lost it at that point, trying to compute what I saw. I tried helping her with the dress, but it was no use. The flames ingulfed her entire body in no time, burning my hands as I pulled away. All I could do was watch in horror as she cried a blood-curdling scream...
"Lucas? Lucas, wake up!"
"H-huh?..." I responded groggily, notcing my heart was beating a thousand times a minute. "Commander, we're almost at the destination." The man beside me said. He wore a compltely black jumpsuit, only broken my a huge blood-red "R" on his shirt. He also wore a black paper boy's hat, which also had the "R". He handed me my lucky Magnum .45, along with three Pokeballs, which i quickly attached to my brown leather belt. "I don't get it, why are WE stuck with this sorry excuse for a Commander?" another man wearing the same uniform asked. I recognized him by his deep voice and pesimistic attitude as Frank, a long time Team Rocket member. I was wearing the same uniform, as well as everyone else in the back of the van. The member next to me eyed me with a worried look. "You okay? You look alittle...jumped." He asked.
"N-no, I'm fine, honest..." I stated, regaining my posture. I has dark blue eyes, and spiky dark chocolate-brown hair. Probably why most of the Commanders called me "spikey-ass" for a few years. Not anymore though. Today's my first mission as a Commander. And I'll prove I'm worth it. "Okay men, all we gotta do is go in, grab the shiny pokemon the boss needs, and get the hell out without f-ing things up. Understand?" They all nawded there heads in agreement, except for Frank of course. Obnoxious bastard...
So, that's the end of the Prologue/Chapter 1! I'll have part 2 up either later today or tommorow. I ment to put this back up for a while, but it took forever to find. (possibly wouldv'e have taken less time to rewrite the whole damn thing...) But anyways, I want to see your thoughts.

My eyes were burning. Stinging like a swarm of bees had attacked me. The sensation was numbing my mind. I couldn't think straight! All I could see was a black mist in front of me. It was thick and choking my lungs. I heard screams in the distance, but not knowing what direction they came from. I tried to scream back for help, but the words froze in my throat. The mist was keeping me from saying anything. Then i saw it, a bright flash of red and orange burst through the doors of my room. I felt goosebumps go down my spine as the flames ingulfed my room. I thought I was done for. I closed my eyes, waiting for either the flames, smoke, or God knows what to end my misery...
Luke?! Luke, are you in here?!
I eyes flew open at the sound of her voice. My mother's. Her voice sounded frantic, almost crazed.
Please, PLEASE answer me!!
I use all my strength to pull out a few words; "Mama! Mama, I'm right here!!"
I saw her eyes lock onto mine, seeing her franticness fade away.
"Oh thank God! Quick, we need to leave!!" I heard her say over the roaring fire.
I left my corner to follower her to the window, where the escape ladder was. Sadly, my mother never made it that far.
Her silk-dress she was wearing for her dance tonight got cuaght on the side of the bed. No matter how hard she pulled, it couldn't come free. I saw the tears forming in her eyes as she tugged. She turned toward me and yelled something. I never heard what she said however, becuase another burst of flames caught the bed, with her stuck to it. My brain lost it at that point, trying to compute what I saw. I tried helping her with the dress, but it was no use. The flames ingulfed her entire body in no time, burning my hands as I pulled away. All I could do was watch in horror as she cried a blood-curdling scream...
"Lucas? Lucas, wake up!"
"H-huh?..." I responded groggily, notcing my heart was beating a thousand times a minute. "Commander, we're almost at the destination." The man beside me said. He wore a compltely black jumpsuit, only broken my a huge blood-red "R" on his shirt. He also wore a black paper boy's hat, which also had the "R". He handed me my lucky Magnum .45, along with three Pokeballs, which i quickly attached to my brown leather belt. "I don't get it, why are WE stuck with this sorry excuse for a Commander?" another man wearing the same uniform asked. I recognized him by his deep voice and pesimistic attitude as Frank, a long time Team Rocket member. I was wearing the same uniform, as well as everyone else in the back of the van. The member next to me eyed me with a worried look. "You okay? You look alittle...jumped." He asked.
"N-no, I'm fine, honest..." I stated, regaining my posture. I has dark blue eyes, and spiky dark chocolate-brown hair. Probably why most of the Commanders called me "spikey-ass" for a few years. Not anymore though. Today's my first mission as a Commander. And I'll prove I'm worth it. "Okay men, all we gotta do is go in, grab the shiny pokemon the boss needs, and get the hell out without f-ing things up. Understand?" They all nawded there heads in agreement, except for Frank of course. Obnoxious bastard...
So, that's the end of the Prologue/Chapter 1! I'll have part 2 up either later today or tommorow. I ment to put this back up for a while, but it took forever to find. (possibly wouldv'e have taken less time to rewrite the whole damn thing...) But anyways, I want to see your thoughts.