Meh, not too good. This is a gallery. Might take requests later. But none now. Too busy. Anyway, here's some sprites:
My 4th fusion
Golem recolored in Rainy Morning pallete
Extreme fusion of Mankey, Electabuzz, Ampharos, Dewgong, Kingdra, Wynaut, Stantler, Dragonair, and Jigglypuff. And I recolored.
Eevee recolored in my firefighter pallete -steal and you die-
Ampharegg. The gem looks like an eye. >_>
A guy riding a Rapidash
Sunny Daze and Rainy Morning palletes. -steal and you die-
Eevee egg in Mudkip colors
Eevee pokeball
Eevee Chao
Some scratch sprites. Meh, I like the vulture
A Quokka-based scratch(google it)
Gaah my horrible 2nd fusion.
Color swaps
More color swaps

My 4th fusion

Golem recolored in Rainy Morning pallete

Extreme fusion of Mankey, Electabuzz, Ampharos, Dewgong, Kingdra, Wynaut, Stantler, Dragonair, and Jigglypuff. And I recolored.

Eevee recolored in my firefighter pallete -steal and you die-

Ampharegg. The gem looks like an eye. >_>

A guy riding a Rapidash

Sunny Daze and Rainy Morning palletes. -steal and you die-

Eevee egg in Mudkip colors

Eevee pokeball

Eevee Chao

Some scratch sprites. Meh, I like the vulture

A Quokka-based scratch(google it)

Gaah my horrible 2nd fusion.

Color swaps

More color swaps