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Seven New Pokémon Revealed


Eevee Tamer
Staff member
Early this morning seven new Pokémon were leaked and many wondered if they were real or not. Now thanks to a new trailer uploaded to the official Japanese YouTube channel we know these new critters will be in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon. We don't know much yet apart from their names and types, but you can find the new trailer below:


First up we have Drampa, who is a [type=normal][/type]/[type=dragon][/type] Pokémon.

Secondly we have a hedgehog like Pokémon called Togedemaru, who is an [type=electric][/type]/[type=steel][/type] type.

Thirdly we have Cutiefly, who is a [type=bug][/type]/[type=fairy][/type] type Pokémon.

Ugly Fish.png
Next up we have Bruxish, a new fish Pokémon that is a [type=water][/type]/[type=psychic][/type] type.

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The trailer revealed a two more Bug type Pokémon in the forms of Charjabug and Vikavolt. Both are [type=electric][/type]/[type=bug][/type] types and Vikavolt is the evolved form of Charjabug.

Finally we have what looks like a new legendary in the form of Tapukoko. Tapukoko is a [type=electric][/type]/[type=fairy][/type] type Pokémon.

This is all we know for now but we'll update the article when we know more!


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A bug bus. That is by far the Pokémon I've laughed at the most the moment I saw it. Looking at its typing and such, I realised that it's not a bus, but a battery, which is almost even more hilarious. I'm really digging that evolution though, so that's going to be my third pick for this new region.

It took this long to finally get a hedgehog, and despite that it's the new adorable electric-type region mascot, I like this guy, and I hope he gets to be more than what he appears to be. Evolving into a porcupine would be a great way to make that happen.

If that's the legendary that was briefly mentioned during the E3 demo, then I think this thing is going to play a role in the game plot. For some reason, I'm reminded of Magearna in its design, mostly because of the humanoid body and the stubby legs. This has me wondering if Magearna and Tapukoko are going to be part of a set of 4, with one residing on each of the four main islands of the Alola region.
Drampa - looks silly in my opinion. Also this is interesting type match.
Togedemaru - despite its 4× weakness to Ground, I LOVE IT ♥
Cutiefly - I hope it will be Bug of the region (like Caterpie, Spinarak, Wurmple etc.)
Bruxish - ... Really? Feebas is waifu next to that...
Charjabug - another Electric/Bug type... Okay? Its shape is cool though
Vikavolt - really weird, I don't think I like it
Tapukoko - not bad but I kinda dislike the idea of Fairying the legends... It's like they try to force this type to be popular etc.
A bug bus. That is by far the Pokémon I've laughed at the most the moment I saw it. Looking at its typing and such, I realised that it's not a bus, but a battery, which is almost even more hilarious. I'm really digging that evolution though, so that's going to be my third pick for this new region.

It took this long to finally get a hedgehog, and despite that it's the new adorable electric-type region mascot, I like this guy, and I hope he gets to be more than what he appears to be. Evolving into a porcupine would be a great way to make that happen.
Um...shaymin was a hedgehog......did you forget about my second favorite Pokemon....
It's pretty obvious that Grubbin evolves into Chargibug then into Vikavolt.
Drampa is my new teammate.
My bro is using Togedemaru.
Cutiefly, Tapu Koko(My personal favourite legendary design now) and Togedamaru look amazing too.
Luvdisc evo?


Formerly SuperSableye24
Petition for the next mystery dungeon game to have a family of Goomy, Sliggoo, and Goodra, all taking care of their Grandpa Drampa.
Also Bruxish doesn't need to uphold to your unrealistic beauty standards, they're beautiful and out to be the best they can be~
Also I've seen people compare Charjabug to a bus but he looks more like a 9-volt battery to me. And Vikavolt looks like some jumper cables!
Since it's going to pop up a lot, I'd like to roll into chat with a little advice. Please remember that preference in what you like visually is purely subjective. Just because you don't like a design does not in any way mean it's a bad design. Doesn't mean Nintendo/Game Freak have lost their touch designing, and it doesn't mean the pokemon are stupid. These designs are all based on ideals, legends and folklore as well as real animals found in Hawaii. There are plenty of animals in our world that look insane/ugly to most people. Just please try to remember all that when observing the new designs and try not to aggressively tear them down, you may end up enjoying pokemon as a whole when you aren't putting energy into hating things within it. I might not personally use some of these guys, but I am enjoying their designs whole heartedly, because they do very much look inspired by the Island and it's pretty well done! I love all these guys and I am super excited to play the game :D!
Called it I knew Tapukoko would be a ledgendary or quest Pokemon
If you don't know what a quest Pokemon is examples are room, spiritomb and volcarona
So, like a Suedo legendary? I think that's what they are classified as, but I'm not entirely sure!

It's pretty obvious that Grubbin evolves into Chargibug then into Vikavolt.
Drampa is my new teammate.
My bro is using Togedemaru.
Cutiefly, Tapu Koko(My personal favourite legendary design now) and Togedamaru look amazing too.
Luvdisc evo?
Probably based off some of the tropical fish found in the oceans surrounding the island! I don't imagine luvdisc will get an evo :(. I'm genuinely still wondering what megas will be introduced this gen, and secretly hoping that some older pokemon will get some evolutions or something. D: I have always hoped farfetch'd would get one.
So, like a Suedo legendary? I think that's what they are classified as, but I'm not entirely sure!

Probably based off some of the tropical fish found in the oceans surrounding the island! I don't imagine luvdisc will get an evo :(. I'm genuinely still wondering what megas will be introduced this gen, and secretly hoping that some older pokemon will get some evolutions or something. D: I have always hoped farfetch'd would get one.
Makes sense...
Wonder what those orange and blue gem thingies will do. And yeah, I really like Bruxish's design and I understand it's supposed to look like a Tiger Fish...
I can see it being on your rival's team, actually, if you don't choose Rowlet.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Oh man, do I have a lot to say about these guys.

First off, right off the bat it's pretty safe to assume that Charjabug is indeed an evolution of Grubbin. The battery square loaf bug amuses me greatly and I quite like Vikavolt with its 80s top-down space shooter spaceship sort of look. Sort of a Grub->Garnet->Galaga sort of look to the line which I can get behind. I totally want Vikavolt to sprout a Mega evolution that has two tiny mini-bugs flying around it and firing pew-pew lasers while it fires its main cannon. XD

Second. Cutiefly. It amuses me vastly that of all possible members of the order Diptera, the first one we'd get is a literal beefly (probably an Anastoechus nitidulus at that) - not to mention that the first Fairy Bug we'd get would be based on an actual insect that looks almost exactly like it. I can forgive the dumb name just because of that.

Bruxish amuses the tap dancing -eff- out of me. It's clearly based on some kind of a flamboyant looking triggerfish or a filefish with ridiculous red lips and a tendency to grind its teeth which gave it its name ('Bruxism' is the scientific term for 'involuntary/habitual teeth grinding') and it seems to me like it's SUPPOSED to evoke a sense of what the hell did i just see considering its ability appears to block priority moves (this is unconfirmed yet, but 'Dazzling' does appear to prevent a thing from using Quick Attack).

The hedgehog bothers me. I know that every generation must have its own Pikaclone and having the pikaclone being a steel-type is a decent twist but could someone please explain to me why the frell is its tail emerging from the middle of its back?! I mean. It could just be a really big bunch of quills. but... oh my god, what is wrong with your anatomy, spikeball (because that's literally what its name means. 'Round and Spiky').

I frankly feel that the less said about 80s-cartoon-seafoam-falcor, the better. Thing almost looks like it escaped from Wind Waker. Normal/Dragon is an interesting type combination, though.

And lastly there's Tepid Cocoa himself. Electro-Chicken-Denjuushieldarms-Stereotype. We've already been thrown hints about his existence in the Treehouse gameplay footage, although I'm still quite surprised the thing is literally /called/ Tapu Koko. Makes me want to see the other four guardians and what sort of elemental affinities they'd have alongside their fairy nature. Hm.

On the whole I'm actually quite pleased with this batch, though i feel the only one with real potential of making it into my team is the Spaceship Bug. I guess that depends what the Beefly does...
Ok this was unexpected...
So Tapu Koko is the Deity of Meremere island (Obviously). It's ability is good.That would be nice if they did it with the other terrain moves. Electric/Fairy type is an odd typing.

Drampa looks awesome and I really want to use it. I hope it evolves into something amazing.
The Pikachu Clone looks cool. Never expected the Electric/Steel typing.
CutieFly looks good. The Fairy/Bug type fits it.
That new fish is ugly XD.
The new evolutions of Grubbin are awesome. Exactly why I want to use Grubbin.

There were so many new Electric types in this...I hope they reveal starter evolutions next. Also I saw this before it was posted on PokeCharms.

Also it looks like Hala will battle you, he might use Tapu Koko.
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Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I might have been laughing this entire video, not out of excitement or anything like that, but for the silliness factor.

Drampa evokes images of Puff the Magic Dragon in my head which is bloody damn hilarious. The Normal/Dragon-typing is so out there I love it. Everything about this Pokemon is ridiculous which makes it wonderful. Depending on what else Alola has to offer, this guy might just make it to the team.

Charjabug just has to be a Grubbin evo or I'm calling hax. The fact that we actually get to see it evolve into Vikavolt was a nice treat since the new evolution cinematic is really cool. I'm also quite fond of these insects as a whole for being a really derpy cube and sleek battleship insect respectively.

I laugh at Bruxish every time I see it. I don't think it's ugly one bit, but those gnarly teeth and flamboyant colors amuse me to no end. I constantly have to ask "Are you real?" The fact that the answer is yes is hilarious.

Togedemaru is about as unimpressive as the other obligatory Pikaclones and it's name is a mouthful. Moving on.

Cutiefly invokes the same "Are you real?" reaction as Bruxish but this time it's simply for being ridiculously cute. I know it's a Bug/Fairy-type but I keep wanting to see it as a hummingbird.

And then there's Tapu Koko. Not only is this the only Pokemon that I can think of off the top of my head with a space in its name, it's design is crazy awesome. Game Freak seems to be getting really creative with some of the Legendaries lately. Given the chance I would love to win Tapu Koko's loyalty as part of my team. Or maybe there will be an even more badass Legendary waiting on another island.

On the subject of Legendaries, is no one going to comment on the fact that Zygarde 50% achieved perfection at the end of the trailer? A Hidden Ability perhaps? Could this mean Zygarde can be caught in S&M?
I might have been laughing this entire video, not out of excitement or anything like that, but for the silliness factor.

Drampa evokes images of Puff the Magic Dragon in my head which is bloody damn hilarious. The Normal/Dragon-typing is so out there I love it. Everything about this Pokemon is ridiculous which makes it wonderful. Depending on what else Alola has to offer, this guy might just make it to the team.

Charjabug just has to be a Grubbin evo or I'm calling hax. The fact that we actually get to see it evolve into Vikavolt was a nice treat since the new evolution cinematic is really cool. I'm also quite fond of these insects as a whole for being a really derpy cube and sleek battleship insect respectively.

I laugh at Bruxish every time I see it. I don't think it's ugly one bit, but those gnarly teeth and flamboyant colors amuse me to no end. I constantly have to ask "Are you real?" The fact that the answer is yes is hilarious.

Togedemaru is about as unimpressive as the other obligatory Pikaclones and it's name is a mouthful. Moving on.

Cutiefly invokes the same "Are you real?" reaction as Bruxish but this time it's simply for being ridiculously cute. I know it's a Bug/Fairy-type but I keep wanting to see it as a hummingbird.

And then there's Tapu Koko. Not only is this the only Pokemon that I can think of off the top of my head with a space in its name, it's design is crazy awesome. Game Freak seems to be getting really creative with some of the Legendaries lately. Given the chance I would love to win Tapu Koko's loyalty as part of my team. Or maybe there will be an even more badass Legendary waiting on another island.

On the subject of Legendaries, is no one going to comment on the fact that Zygarde 50% achieved perfection at the end of the trailer? A Hidden Ability perhaps? Could this mean Zygarde can be caught in S&M?
Agreed for a lot of that...
But I personally think the Pikaclone is WAY better then Emolga and Dedenne.
Also, I think you can see why Cutiefly is a bug here, even if it looks like a humming bird: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/f5/65/93/f565935bcf5d89a11d261af1db9bfc0c.jpg
And yes.
That evolving animation is amazing, and it's so freaking obvious Grubbin evolves into Charjabug.
Drampa: Falkor, I want.
Togedemaru: Top 3 chus all time
Cutiefly: I was wondering when they would make that kind of fly/mosquito into a mon. They nailed the look. Fun typing as well.
Bruxish: Egad...Gorebyss' horrible cousin.
Charjabug: Bug bus is pretty funny.
Vikavolt: Glad to see a non moth/butterfly come out of the cocoon mon. Great design, still wish it was a ground/bug termite though.
Tapukoko: Pretty chill, I love tribal design and native dieties so he fits right in.
I'm a fan of these new Pokémon, especially Tapukoko, which my hands down favourite.
Charjabug and Vikavolt are gonna find a spot on my team as well, I reckon they're pretty damn cool.
Drampa has a goofy-ish charm to him, it's hard not to like him.
Togedemaru and Cutiefly are quite adorable, it's easy to like them as well.
And then that leaves Bruxish.
I've just got my fingers crossed for it to be this region's Magikarp or Feebas.
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