• Welcome back to Pokécharms! We've recently launched a new site and upgraded forums, so there may be a few teething issues as everything settles in. Please see our Relaunch FAQs for more information.

Recent content by StellarWind Elsydeon

  1. StellarWind Elsydeon

    favourite aspect of pokemon

    For me, it's undoubtedly the setting – the world, its creatures (both the Pokémon themselves and various non-Pokémon and Pokémon-adjacent lifeforms) and its many mysteries. As something of a worldbuilding nerd, the speculative biology of Pokémon, the ecosystems they form and their interactions...
  2. StellarWind Elsydeon

    Since the RP forums at least are under my particular oversight, until further notice at least I...

    Since the RP forums at least are under my particular oversight, until further notice at least I ask that you do not utilize these plagiarism engines, and will update the RP forum rules at least to this effect.
  3. StellarWind Elsydeon

    We don't exactly have an agreed-upon site-wide "official" position re: generative AI-based...

    We don't exactly have an agreed-upon site-wide "official" position re: generative AI-based content – but were it entirely up to me, I'd rather not see AI-generated content polluting the RP forums or anywhere else really, seeing how 99% of them are trained unethically on assets stolen from actual...
  4. StellarWind Elsydeon

    Open Eeveelution RP!

    Moved to Role Play Discussion as this is not how we start an RP around here. Beyond looking for participants, you should also give potential participants some... general idea of what the plot/general point of the thread is so they'll have something to go on and an actual reason to join. Please...
  5. StellarWind Elsydeon

    Dude Elektross has no weakness

    Nice of you to join us four generations after Eelektross was introduced, with an observation that is not actually entirely accurate. Yes, Eelektross is certainly an Electric-type with Levitate, which provides some innate protection against its biggest weakness – but that does not mean you can't...
  6. StellarWind Elsydeon

    Lokhlass Rainbow Vmax?

    "Lokhlass" is simply Lapras' French name. Presumably the rest of the card is in French as well and you simply have a French card on your hand. Mystery 1 solved. Frell if I know how rare it is or what insane collectors are willing to pay for a piece of printed cardboard these days, though.
  7. StellarWind Elsydeon

    A reminder about the use of images in the RP forums, including discussion threads.

    Because it seems that people have either forgotten or conveniently ignore this particular segment of the rules. There appears to have been an uptick in uncredited art in the RP boards lately, and that's unacceptable. I really do not want to have to start actively chasing people around and...
  8. StellarWind Elsydeon

    A reminder about the use of images in the RP forums, including discussion threads.

    Because it seems that people have either forgotten or conveniently ignore this particular segment of the rules. There appears to have been an uptick in uncredited art in the RP boards lately, and that's unacceptable. I really do not want to have to start actively chasing people around and...
  9. StellarWind Elsydeon

    No worries, really! As long as you follow the rules we have no problems. If something requires...

    No worries, really! As long as you follow the rules we have no problems. If something requires clarifying, then we need to know so we can actually clarify it. ^^
  10. StellarWind Elsydeon

    Edits will be applied to provide further clarity to those who need things spelled out for them...

    Edits will be applied to provide further clarity to those who need things spelled out for them, however.
  11. StellarWind Elsydeon

    In any case, the rules specifically note any involvement of Legendary/Mythical Pokémon requires...

    In any case, the rules specifically note any involvement of Legendary/Mythical Pokémon requires approval - and having one (presumably a wild one) as a player character is most certainly involvement. They also specify that Legendaries/Mythicals/Etc. are not allowed as player characters in...
  12. StellarWind Elsydeon

    Reading your now-removed attempt at an RP thread demonstrates VERY clearly that you did not read...

    Reading your now-removed attempt at an RP thread demonstrates VERY clearly that you did not read the rules before you posted said thread - at least if the swaths of one-liners written in present tense is any indication. The fact you either did not wait for a response or went ahead and posted the...
  13. StellarWind Elsydeon

    All threads in the RP forums are equally subject to the RP forum rules. You are advised to read...

    All threads in the RP forums are equally subject to the RP forum rules. You are advised to read them - and our global rules for that matter - before posting anything in the RP forums.
  14. StellarWind Elsydeon

    Not here, no. The use of Legendaries/mythicals etc. is restricted per our rules.

    Not here, no. The use of Legendaries/mythicals etc. is restricted per our rules.
  15. StellarWind Elsydeon

    Mega Evolutions to return in Generation X and later mainline video games?

    The Kalos starters generally got a flagrant amount of disrespect. Despite having the fairly cool idea of being modeled after classic RPG archetypes (Fighter, Mage and Rogue) they end up being somewhat lackluster and very shortly after you get them, the game immediately overshadows them by also...