(Professor Larch, Dolan) My pokemon professor would be a paleontologist/archaeologist that is primarily living in johto. his home/pokelab/research facility would be on route 36 conveniently close to both Violet City and the Alph ruins. he would have a Fossil pokemon preservation behind his lab.
kabuto, kabutops, omanyte, omastar, aerodactyl, anorith, armaldo, lileep, cradily, shieldon, bastiodon, cranidos, rampardos, tirtouga, carrocosta, archen, archeops, tyrunt, tyrantrum, amaura, aururos, relicanth, baltoy, claydol ,and even a couple unknown. (i know unknown aren't fossils but some of the unknown from alph ruins like to visit) (its a very big pokemon facility). Sometimes Professor Oak or Professor Elm visit. He spends a lot of his time seeing to it that the envirement is properly suitable for the fossil pokemon. it looks kinda like the safari zone with the different terrains and envirements to suit the different pokemon's needs. (sometimes tourists and visitors come to visit the pokemon and pet or feed them snacks as they are very friendly and well taken care of). Professor Larch has been to many different regions from the desert ruins in hoenn to underwater ruins in unova he has seen a much and has a lot of experience in his field. Professor Larch loves to talk about his research and ancient pokemon, but try not to talk about fossils in museums around him He is staunchly opposed to the idea of fossils in museums and wants to revive them and show people how great they are. however being the good citizen he is, he reluctantly leaves them be.
Professor Larch uses all rock type pokémon as all fossil pokémon are rock type.