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Ask to Join Karma High Reboot: Superpower High School Roleplay (Main Thread)

I'm so sorry I never got the notification for the post ))

Elizabeth Donne

Elizabeth yawned as she walked out of her room towards the community living room, rubbing her eyes. She was dressed for the most part all she was missing was one of her many sweaters. After rubbing her eyes she stretched hearing a few satisfying pops in her back. Walking over to the small kitchenette she quickly through some toast in the toaster, and turned on her small electric kettle.

She was moving like a zombie, the mornings were not her thing, she didn't even notice her new roommates. The one she didn't get to meet last night, due to her being late last night. Noticing she was missing her sweater she walked back to her room throwing on a black sweater with gold stars and swirls it. Elizabeth then went back to the sound of her toast popping out of the toaster, pulling out the cream cheese and smothering her toast in it.

Milliara Rakoto ( @Cmeriwether )