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Ask to Join Karma High Reboot: Superpower High School Roleplay (Main Thread)

I'm so sorry I never got the notification for the post ))

Elizabeth Donne

Elizabeth yawned as she walked out of her room towards the community living room, rubbing her eyes. She was dressed for the most part all she was missing was one of her many sweaters. After rubbing her eyes she stretched hearing a few satisfying pops in her back. Walking over to the small kitchenette she quickly through some toast in the toaster, and turned on her small electric kettle.

She was moving like a zombie, the mornings were not her thing, she didn't even notice her new roommates. The one she didn't get to meet last night, due to her being late last night. Noticing she was missing her sweater she walked back to her room throwing on a black sweater with gold stars and swirls it. Elizabeth then went back to the sound of her toast popping out of the toaster, pulling out the cream cheese and smothering her toast in it.

Milliara Rakoto ( @Cmeriwether )
Kimiko "Kim" Takahashi
CKim's Dorm
Interactions: @Inkage (Pamala), @Cryronn the Mudkip (Riley) & @Void_Nugget (Amaryllis)​

Kim of course did not notice Pamela's expression with her back to her as she entered the room. She seemed nervous as she addressed her, as Kim wondered if she was struggling not to mess up her name again or maybe cover for thinking the pile of pillows and sheets had been here but Kim merely sighed internally on the matter.

"Without dedication one cannot expect success. I trust you all understand that to be at this school." Kim mused to Pamala as Kim worked to fix up her hair from the early morning workout. Though as she did, Pamala gave some advice on how to brush hair. A silly concept at first, but as she listened to the girl and even saw her demonstrate, she realized the technique may have had some validity and she began to adopt that style and sure enough, one pesky knot seemed to be at a better angle as she brushed through it.

Kim may have been an academic ace, she may have worked herself to the bone to better her abilities, but simple things like this well, even she seemed was not above tips. "T-thanks uh, your advice wasn't a bad suggestion..." Kim mused, a bit sheepish given she was not used to praising of others.

But her attention turned to Riley who seemed to be full of her usual energy for better and worse. As she mispronounced her name Kim rolled her eyes. Was it really that hard for people!? It was Ta-ka-ha-shi. Just 4 syllables!

"Takahashi. And seems you are have your...unbundled energy refueled for the day." Kim said to the girl, though as Riley presumed they were gonna go to the cafeteria as she seemed to tease flexing her powers and even sticking like a section of her body out of the room and then back as Kim moved to the bathroom to freshen up.

"One shouldn't feel the desperate need to flaunt. Your abilities should show themselves in more fitting situations." Kim said, ever the no fun authority not that she'd claim authority here as she worked to adjust and check her hair int he mirror and once she was done she was ready for breakfast.

As she got her backpack the alleged honey thief seemed to finish up as she got changed and asked about the lessons as Kim led the way into the hall and gave her own thoughts.

"Suppose I am eager to see more of what the best school in the west coast has to teach us. I expect it to live up to the lofty standards." Kim mused to Amaryllis ever with her formal tongue as she prepared to make her way down the hall to the cafeteria.

It felt like he was walking through a tunnel. The darkness was immense and impenetrable, wrapping him like a cocoon and drinking in the sound of his footsteps and quick breaths. Groping for even the smallest sign of reassurance, a hard powdery sensation met his outstreched palm and sent tiny plumes of dusting spraying through the gaps between his fingers. Thank God.

If cavern walls had handlebars, Orion would be gripping them for dear life. For now, though, simply pressing his fingertips into the bumpy surface and resolving to never let go had to suffice.

With small, premeditated steps, the adventurer tiptoed through the passage, stopping abruptly at a sight that made his heart lift with hope. In the distance, like the struggling flame of a single matchstick, shone the slightest and most surreptitious light, so miniscule that only those who knew the terrifying experience of being entrenched in shadow would instantly notice it.

Enthusiasm without knowledge makes mistakes, Orion.

The words came to him like a distant echo, and at that point he couldn't tell if it was real or just another figment of his desperate imagination. He found that the words had burrowed their way into his heart regardless, tempering his joy and sharpening his perception. Never losing contact with his destination, in fear that it may vanish as quickly as it appeared, he kept moving.

Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast, son.

The adage had slotted into Orion like a missing jigsaw piece. As he kept his movements steady, the golden dot of lumiescence grew into a circle, expanding, rising. Fighting the temptation to break into an all-out-sprint, he closed his eyes. It was getting so bright now. He didn't open them again until he felt a gentle warmth on his skin.

"...Orion..breakfast and school... You don't wanna miss ... first day ... I can carry ..."

The waking boy raised his head slowly, and his hand found Tsugikuni's outstretched forearm.

"T-Thanks, dude..." He managed to exhale, though it took everything he had. With his dormmate's support, he slowly rose to his feet. After a few unintellgible groans, accompanied by a jerked thumb toward the bathroom, Orion span around languidly and trudged into the chamber.

A few rivers of cold water and a pep talk later, Orion emerged from the bathroom and scrambled for the bedroom, freeing up the bathroom for Tsugikuni, or even Marcel if he was evil enough. Desperate to shake off the chill circulating around his body, Orion threw on whatever clothes he could find, which (as it always did) ended up being a masterpiece worthy of runways worldwide.

The outfit in question, for the fashionably-inclined, was a plain white t-shirt under a black denim jacket, ripped jeans of the same colour, and his favourite pair of Timberlands. Throw in the stud earrings and dog tag necklace, and we have a winner!

With this invincible sophisticated bad boy vibe, there wasn't a woman on earth who could resist.

As he sat down on the common room sofa, Jake already having likely left for class, the drowsiness finally started to vacate. The mysterious dream he'd had whilst still knocked out came to mind. He began to scramble around his person for his phone to jot down the details of said dream before he forgot them - only to find his mobile was missing! Well, if you count 'laying uselessly on the common room floor' as missing.

Reaching over and picking it up, Orion was mortified to find that the tabs he'd visited last were still open. How much did they - you know what? Didn't matter.

Orion had nothing to justify!

The squirrels here were clearly planning something, and he sure was heck wasn't gonna be the among the poor dopes sent to the acorn factories once they enacted whatever scheme they were cooking up.

And that Ralyegh guy -he said he was an Innsmouth. From what Orion could gather, they were a fairly prolific family of archaeologists, and had a hand in some pretty big discoveries. If that was the case, then it wasn't too much of a stretch to say that Orion's parents might have known them.

But 17 or so years ago - which would've been around when Orion and his classmates were born - they disappeared. No trace, nothing. Just like Orion's own parents a few years after.

It was unnerving.

Of course, there was that last research topic, but that was just to send corrections to the article's author! Promise! When one is gifted with great talent, especially on the topic of dealings with the opposite sex, isn't it only right to share that gift with your fellow man?

Orion sat back down and ruminated, writing down what he remembered from his bizarre dream until Tsugikuni would appear back in the common room.

Interactions: Tsugi @Cryronn the Mudkip , Marcel @MarcelGalliard790
A flare of satisfaction flared in Pamela's eyes as Kim tried out her technique and thanked her for it.
"Well, no problem, Takahashi!" Pamela grinned in pride at earning a smidgen of respect from such a potential, powerful contact. "I know plenty of skills like that- my grandmother is a household goddes and has taught me quite a lot." Pamela leaned forward and added in an undertone, "If you ever want to hear more, I'd be glad to help. Least I can do for a roommate." Confident that she had gotten maximum efficiency out of that conversation, she turned towards Amaryllis and put on a look of awe and fascination.
"Amaryllis, your wings are just gorgeous. Do they ever get in the way when you sit? I met this girl yesterday- she is just the cutest thing! Her feathers were a pure white- yes, she had wings too! We didn't talk long. I met so many people last night- some girl with red hair- another who was just stunning, honestly...but back to your wings. Just gorgeous!" Pamela heard the bathroom door open, and wheeled around to see Riley. Something in Pamela twinged- guilt, maybe. She had to apologize in order to preserve her contact with her. Such an opportunity presented itself when Kim commented on Riley's energy. "Oh, don't tease her now," Pamela said, as she finished freshening up for the day, straightening a dark brown jacket over her light brown dress. A patented 'big sisterly' (or 'bisterly', if you will) outfit, oozing with casual class. "We'll need that energy to get through the day- you might find it encouraging by the end of it!" Pamela listened to Riley as she shoved her hand through a wall- followed by half her body. "T-That combined with your speed...it would make you unstoppable, even indoors...ah, but it also makes it harder to pick up things, I suppose. One slip up and there goes the dishes."

Having gave what she considered a reasonable amendment for her earlier behavior, Pamela listened to Kim and Amaryllis discuss lessons.
"Don't worry, Takahashi- I'm entirely sure we've all only scratched the surface of what's in this school. The next chapter of our lives start here. Let's only hope that we don't screw up our reputations on day one."
Throwing the door open dramatically, Pamela took a deep breath. "Highschool starts now, ladies," she said, turning around with a wild grin on her face. "Who's
ready?" Pamela didn't wait for an answer, leaving the room all cool-like, but hanging behind the door because, for all her bravado, she sure as hell wasn't going alone.
@Godjacob @Cryronn the Mudkip @Void_Nugget

Isolde jumped and yelped, scared out of her embarrassment. "G-G-Ghost! Stalker! Intruder! Person!"
She peeked out from between her hands at the newbie, sizing her up as a threat...her eyes were analytical, with a cold quality to them. Freaky.
Is that how you make friends, Blondie?! Shape up or I'll haunt your nightmares!
the purplish figure in her head said. Orion had already haunted her the entire night, as had all the other strangers from last night, so it was a useless threat. Nevertheless, Isolde obeyed. Somewhat
"................I'm Isolde. H-Hello."
Inside, she panicked. Had she said too much? Would they think she was boring?

...Social landscapes are hard.

@Cryronn the Mudkip @Gold The Dragonite @Cmeriwether