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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros. Ultimate - The Sumeragi Campaign

Tracy Rinehart

The moment the question left her mouth, Tracy knew she had misspoke. Of course Sumeragi couldn't do that, not yet. Otherwise, they would already be here. Frisk jumped to the conclusion, but luckily Terrence was able to calm her down. Tracy had also noticed something about Frisk as she had been asking her questions to Jin. A slight twitch. A familiar motion. Tracy blinked. A flinch was giving feelings of familiarity? It was something she would have to think about...

"Frisk..." Tracy stammered, but the girl was already out the door. Boboiboy and Akira were heading out as well.
"Good luck." Tracy called after Boboiboy. "Stay safe, okay?"

Tracy turned her attention back to Terrence. The other man, the one like a medival archer, was also going with them as well.
"Thank you for the meal." Tracy said again, standing up. She looked to Bard.
"Hello. I don't think we've been properly introduced." She said to the Bard. "What is your name?"


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


—Morning, City Slums—

Well, that was easy.

Veetoo had been interacting with a corpse for whatever reason. She had no reason to believe he was a ‘ghost in the shell’ like Mettaton, so it was probably... robot-y things or something along those lines. Honestly, none of her business and she didn’t care. He was more useful than not, and if he’d been repairing himself, all the better. That club foot he’d had yesterday would have been a real pain otherwise.

“I bet,” the teenager greeted, a little too casually given the circumstances and company. “So listen, we’ve split into three parties with different jobs. I elected to head out and recruit you and the wolf for one. You clearly don’t seem like the type to get all emotional about taking life, and honestly that’s something I could have in my corner if things get too bad - though I do want to make it clear that, for now, let’s try not to kill anything. Make it a last resort.”

The robot had been extremely compliant with the group last night, so Frisk was hoping he’d remain as such now. “Do you know where the dog is?”

That felt weird to ask. If the dog was gone they could just go as a pair. Strange and radiant as the canine had been, Frisk had no reason to suspect it had more intelligent reasoning and motive to its actions and desires. It could have run off elsewhere for all she knew.

“If not, that’s fine I guess. Our mission is to hit an abandoned data center Sumeragi’s interested in, get any intel we can before them and then some. You in?”


Previously mallard
Officer Howard
-Morning, Resistance Hideout-
Akira smiled. These kids were resourceful. Before she could say anything, Boboiboy announced that they were heading out. It seemed like he had selective hearing if he hadn't noticed her saying the same thing earlier, but the policewoman wasn't worried about it. She looked back to Kohaku and nodded.

"Great! Well, we're off to fight the bad guys. Be back soon!"

With a wave, Akira put her radio back on her jacket, made a few adjustments, and then donned her helmet as she exited the hideout.

"Alright, Rescue Team, on me. My bike is back this way."

She began moving forward, where she hid her bike only a couple blocks away.


-City Slums-
The Legionnaire cleared some large pieces of rubble off the bike, and then swept the seat down. She hopped on, and double checked her charge- it still had more than three-fourths a battery left. Contented, the RAVEN rolled out of the ruined building, and back over to Boboiboy and Miracle, wherever they may be. Akira doffed her helmet and held it at her side as she stopped the vehicle.

"I've only got room for one more... so which one of you thinks you can keep up?"

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

With a knowing nod and smile back, they hit the road. Without much input, it seemed Akira had their own wavelength, heading to their bike. Well quick transport was always a good thing, especially if they were supposed to quickly get to their rescue point. Would definitely be worth going to get.

. . .

Akira was eventually able to recover their hidden means transportation, even offering room for one more to ride. After the awkwardness from the previous day, Boboiboy felt as though he would impose if he was another burden on Akira, so sheepishly he avoided the idea.

"N-No no, it's fine! I can keep up my own way. Miracle can take the seat if he needs to."

Looking at his power watch, he glazed across Thunderstorm's icon. Thunderstorm is fast, but I want to avoid using the elemental splits from yesterday. I want some more control today, I better stick to the more relatively tame ones.

"Okay...revert after you get where you need to go..." he muttered to himself. "Elemental Shift..."

With a click, he activated his power watch. A blue light began to shine. With a flash of a symbol like a tornado, Boboiboy's form changed. His hat turned white with a blue crescent stripe in it, cocking to the side of his head while his entire uniform took up similar colors as well. The most notable change however, was the existence of a new object underneath his feet: a dark blue hoverboard with cyan accents. The new elemental blinked awake with a smile.


Swerving their hoverboard parallel to Akira's bike, Cyclone put a hand on their hip, gesturing with their noggin towards their destination.

"Let's mount up! Hmmm...makes me wonder which of us is faster though, your bike or my board...? Want to find out?"
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Previously Gamingfan2
The sun goddess was snoozing away on one of the many dilapidated buildings, seemingly content to enjoy the morning sun. Her ear flickered at the sounds of conversation. One of the humans, the girl that knew Terrence was speaking to the red construct, explaining what the group had planned and how they would take part. It seemed they were moving out soon.
Finally, Amaterasu rose from her slumber, stretching with a wide yawn before shaking off any remaining grogginess. The wolf trotted over to peer over the edge of the building, crouched, and gracefully leapt off! She fell the full height of the building, impressively sticking the landing, the impact of which dispersed around the wolf as a beautiful ring of flowers and golden grass. Amaterasu had pointedly landed between V2 and Frisk, giving the robot a dour look before looking at Frisk with expectation. She was ready to go, once Frisk was as well.

The human had come to... recruit V2. They said that the machine was okay with violence- which was true- and that this would be useful in the mission, which would be an assault on an abandoned data facility, which Sumeragi wanted to access. Frisk also intended to recruit a canine that had assisted them earlier, and asked after their position.

"I do not know where th-" V2 began, before the Canis Lupus in question jumped in between them, sending out... flowers? in a ring around themself. The wolf gave the machine a look that seemed annoyed, before turning to Frisk.
"...Correction. I do know where the dog is now. I accept your request."

V2 had been prepared to separate from the group entirely, and only work with them when their goals happened to align- however a more permanent association would certainly not be a bad thing, given the obvious powers they held. And that dog... had it just summoned flowers? What even was it? An angel he hadn't seen before? Didn't look like any he'd heard of.


Previously Deathstalker62
Mr. Miracle
Having finally settled with putting breakfast behind himself (and a brief intermission to freshen himself up with whatever resources he could find), now came the part of the day that Terry looked forward to the most: living out as his heroic alter ego per his usual daily routine. Though, maybe that daily routine typically did not include taking residence in some kind of amalgamated universe.. but hey, it didn't stop him yesterday so why should it stop him now?
Flying along around the group of the transformative boy and the policewoman, Miracle noted the strange watch on the former's wrist. Huh.. so that's where he presumed the lad's source of abilities comes from? Pretty neat, actually. Almost made the performer wish he had some kind of superpowered piece of equipment for himself to use.. oh, what he wouldn't give for a top hat that could actually just pop out whatever he wanted, instead of having to teleport things inside it from elsewhere first. Well, perhaps someone back in his world may come along who could set him up with that.. questions for later.

His name was called and his attention was drawn, as his eyes lay clear witness to the proposal of a race. Hm.. a match of speed then, huh? That is certainly something Terry could partake in himself! Having flown down to tap his feet lightly onto the pavement below, the miraculous magician had glanced over to his teammates, an idea already forming in his mind.

"I'd say I might just be the fastest one here, but if it's a battle of miles you want.."

Mr. Miracle's words had trailed, as his form had then begun to shimmer and glow, coated in the prismatic energy of arcane origin that was his magic. What was once a human form begun to shape and form like a lump of clay, and before long.. where there had once been stood a man, now had become a figure closest to resembling a Cheetah. The eyes were still as yellow as his own, but the fur was as sleek as it was tinted a midnight black, befitting of his coat, with a trail of white moving from the neck down to match the shirt underneath. The top hat was still all there, as was the cape and the eye mask, though the spots that should have been black appeared to be a scarlet tint, taken from the colors of his bowtie.

"..then it is a battle you shall get!"


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


Almost on cue, the wolf appeared—landing between Veetoo and Frisk. Instinctively, her spiked pavise appeared on her forearm as she took a step back before the teenager registered that the intruder was actually the very dog she’d been looking for. The pavise faded as quickly as it had come, and the robot corrected himself on the wolf’s whereabouts.

The ring of flowers that had appeared around it... that was Life magic. Well, probably not as she knew it. First of all, Frisk had never actually seen life magic in action, only read about it in the Mylis library. Secondly, it was doubtful the dog came from a world like Frisk’s, not if the gathered cast this far had been so diverse.

“Oh, and what about Terrence?” Chara smirked.

Touche. Anything was possible in the multiverse, after all...

Veetoo accepted Frisk’s request, and despite the clear dirty look the wolf had given him, it had turned to Frisk with what seemed to be expectation. “Alright well... I suppose it’d be nice to call you something other than ‘the dog’...” Frisk bit the inside of her cheek. Fluffy and Feido were out of the question, and probably wouldn’t be appreciated.


Frisk blinked, and gave a slight glance at Chara, who stared back unblinkingly. “Japanese Goddess of the Sun.”

In Frisk’s personal opinion, it was a really odd choice of name, and since when had Chara shown remotely any interest in Japanese mythology? Eh, well, it was better than the basic names Frisk was coming up with. Maybe Asgore’s terrible naming ability had rubbed off on her.

“How’s Amaterasu sound?” Frisk asked, and for a moment, she got the strangest sensation in her gut, as though it had flipped, though she had no idea why. Out loud, the name felt strangely fitting. Much better coming off the tongue.


Previously Gamingfan2
“Alright well... I suppose it’d be nice to call you something other than ‘the dog’...”

Ah, she had been through this bit before. The wolf dropped to her stomach, getting comfy as Frisk mulled over what to call her. More than likely it would be a simple name, like Fido or Fluffy or-

"How's Amaterasu sound?" Frisk offered nonchalantly.

The wolf's jaw dropped.

The aforementioned Amaterasu stood up, looking at Frisk with dull surprise. The tone when Frisk said her name wasn't of recognition, yet Amaterasu couldn't believe she just stumbled on it by sheer chance. She approached the girl, focusing her gaze on the human's face. After a moment, her head shifted slightly to look at the ghostly apparition beside her, and tilted inquisitively. Amaterasu had caught glimpses of it during the fight, and assumed it was a spirit along the same lines as Raiden, yet it always stuck around beside Frisk specifically. Add on the fact that she couldn't hear it despite being able to see it, Frisk's mumblings and her stumbling on her name, and the wolf was very curious now.

Frisk had given the dog a very particular name. "Amaterasu." The dog in question, rather than reacting like a dog would when called it's name, rather had it's jaw drop and then stood up, as a human would What in the goddamn...? V2 decided to check their database to see if they had anything on the name. There was a chance...

Nope, not a thing. There were a few titles to entries that looked similar, but they had all been corrupted to the point of being unreadable. Not surprising, thought the machine, given I can't even remember who built me. Perhaps directly asking the two would give them more information...

"Where'd you get that from?" asked V2. "Not exactly a common name for a dog, unless your world is that much different." To be entirely fair, Frisk's world might be that much different, but that seemed pretty unlikely.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


She was a little surprised at the wolf’s reaction to the name. It seemed to recognize it, jaw opening to a stop as though in surprise, then cocking its head to the side in a somewhat silly manner. Chara’s choice of name hadn’t been as random as Frisk at first assumed - it was likely the name of the dog. Who had named it after a Japanese goddess?

...Dumb question. People loved naming their dogs ‘Zeus’ or ‘Thor.’ How out there was ‘Amaterasu?’

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Frisk beamed before she procured her phone to look over the map for a moment. “Alright, now that we’re set, let’s go ahead and find that data center...”

“Where’d you get that from?” asked V2. “Not exactly a common name for a dog, unless your world is that much different.”

Frisk glanced up from her phone, then offered a nonchalant shrug. “Gut feeling, I guess. Amaterasu is a Japanese sun goddess, probably beautiful, too. The dog’s a very pretty one.”

She paused for a moment in her white lie. Veetoo was a robot from a different world, one apparently without humans or very few. The concept of naming animals likely was a foreign concept of some sort to him. “Where I’m from, loads of people name their pets after deities.”

“Smooth,” Chara snorted, her eyes locked onto Amaterasu with a smile. If she was aware Amaterasu could sense her, she didn’t tell Frisk. Or seem bothered by it at all.

With that handled, Frisk showed the map to Veetoo, pointing out the data center’s location. “You’ve been spending more time in the city than me. Know the quickest way there?”
The Bard

When Tracy turned towards Terrence and Kiwi, the Bard had already stood up by then. When she talked to them, Kiwi paused for a little second - people didn't usually ask for their name, it had really just been Miriam's Grandma Saphy (Who had proceeded to not even use the name, but that wasn't a big deal since Miriam did).

"Oh! That's right, I didn't really introduce myself to anyone so I guess not." The Bard agreed, before letting a small hum. "K-I-W-I. Kiwi, that's my name." Kiwi introduced themselves, the letters underscored with a little note of singing, even if it was faint. They gave a small nod before continuing. "I'm a Bard, and even though I'm not strong or anything like that, I'll do my best to help." The Bard, with that, kept up a wide smile and bowed their head - Addressing the quick introduction to everyone still around to hear, such as Terrence - Not just Tracy.


Previously mallard
Akira Racing
-Morning, City Slums-
The police officer smirked at the challenge, putting her helmet back on her head.

"You're on! Just don't get lost, alright?"

With the relatively soft purr of an engine, the futuristic motorcycle took off, and left nothing but a streak of red light in its wake. Akira's bike accelerated rather quickly, even as she weaved between the pieces of rubble strewn across the road. Her competitive spirit was confident in the superior tech of the ARK police and its ability to win this little contest. On a straightaway, it could easily reach speeds of 300 kilometers per hour, but even on a cluttered road such as this, she could semi-comfortably get to around half of that.


Previously Blatant Mokery
Terrence Boom
Terrence looked (shut up) at the two people that would be forming the stealth team with him- he would’ve been fine with anyone, really, but Tracy and the Bard seemed like an especially good pair to have along for this one. Out of everyone in the entire group, the Bard seemed like the person that Terrence found easiest to agree with in terms of handling enemies, and had some pretty excellent conflict-resolution skills if things went south. Then there was Tracy, perhaps the one with the most diverse toolkit of them all thanks to that deck of funky cards… between those two and his own Xiangzi-honed SOUL abilities, they could make a formidable crew. Not that being formidable necessarily helped with stealth.

“Kiwi! It’s nice to formally meet you,” Terrence gave them a nod. “I like your style, I think we’ll work together nicely,” he gave a thumbs up, Tempura rolling bowling-ball style into the Bard’s leg as some kind of introduction, though it only really felt like getting bumped with a pillow.

Turning to Tracy, Terrence couldn’t help but smile.
“Between the three of us, Sumeragi won’t know what hit- I mean, what kicked- I mean- what… snuck around them strategically,” his smile widened, having to remind himself that this was a stealth mission.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Boboiboy - Cyclone

Oh? A three way race? Gotta say, didn't expect a guy in a suit to be great at speed. But hey, the more the merrier! Just makes it all the more fun!

With no referee to declare the start of the race, it began within a few brief moments, the Raven captain soundlessly speeding ahead. With a pulse of blue light, Cyclone shot forward, bending his knees like a surfer riding waves. The circular outcrops underneath the board rotated almost like motors, cyan light projecting from them.

Off the ground as though weightless, he caught up to Akira. Thankfully he didn't need to worry about steering clear from street borne debris or bumpiness of uneven terrain, the skies remaining ever consistent. Straffing off the side of a passing building, he pushed off of it. Giving himself more momentum from the push, he ended up a few yards ahead of Akira, turning around and giving a wink whilst grinning ear to ear.

Haha! I never get a chance race, I should really get out of my own head more!


Previously Manu456Alola

Bonds in threes, fueling new hope
Site of a dream of long-spanning peace
Sullied by squads of war who claim to uphold it

City Slums – Crash Site Approach
In a flash, the trio took off toward the crash site's location, speeding through the slums via varying means of transport, some more supernatural than others. The city's remains were but a blur as they raced, passing by ruined buildings, fallen billboards, and withered parks alike, some debris clogging up the road throughout. While Cyclone had an advantage thanks to the air route he was taking, Akira and Miracle weren't far behind, weaving past incoming obstacles with practiced ease – though the magician began to lose ground over time, given a cheetah's disadvantage over long distances against two vehicles.

Even then, their race was quite close, and it was little surprise that their goal came into view after only a couple of minutes – marked by a
large plume of smoke rising from the streets ahead, as well as a series of buildings in the distance that had their upper floors ripped clean off.

Gradually slowing down as they approached, the team followed the signs of destruction to the location they had been searching for. Sitting in a massive crater was a large, rectangular space station of sorts, smaller chunks of it scattered about nearby, either covered in rubble or aflame. Each part of its exterior was white in color, though its luster had certainly faded away from the damage of the impact. The largest chunk of the ship, which was mostly in one piece, was about fifty feet tall and slightly over three hundred in width, while the smaller pieces were only around fifteen to twenty feet in all dimensions.

The main part of the structure bore a large, relatively whole emblem on its side, consisting of a jade hexagon with a diagonal black stripe running across it. Right underneath was the name "NORA".

Investigating the crash site were several groups of Sumeragi troops. Some were soldiers like those the three had seen the day prior, while others were a mix of combat and reconnaissance machines. A few vehicles were stationed around the crash site, carrying containers on their backs attached to hoses that some of the soldiers were using to douse the flaming sections of the ship. Most of the units gathered around the largest section at the center of the crater, be it because it was the most complete of the bunch or due to the smaller parts having little of interest.

A half-open hatch in the west wing of the station had the focus of a smaller subset of Sumeragi troops, multiple machines using it as an entry point to investigate further, some soldiers following close behind.

Two groups of enemies, each comprised of two Gunner soldiers and two Gatling Sentry Units, acted to patrol the crash site's perimeter. With the crash site and its contents drawing so much attention, however, the trio's arrival had so far gone unnoticed.​
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Previously Deathstalker62
Mr. Miracle
It really shouldn't have been a surprise to him that a Cheetah of all animals wasn't exactly the best choice in a race. Sure, they were fast runners.. but that didn't mean they were also long runners. Where he may have gotten a good headstart, Terry very quickly lagged behind his two fellow racers who sped past him. Dang these limited muscles! If only there was a way Miracle could have gone faster without putting so much exertion on his transformed to keep up with everyo-..

It was honestly a miracle how his idiotic stupor had gone on for this long. How could Hagen not have realised it earlier? As the Man-formed-Cheetah continued to sprint, his body once more was enveloped in the iconic prismatic, this time, it was not out of transmogrification. Rather, Miracle had utilized his flying technique with his sprint, firing off a trail of rainbow afterimages behind himself as his speed was simultaneously boosted just as his body was levitating with each step, hovering in the air to minimize how many times his padded feet had to step down once again with each step. It was almost remniscent of a certain Space Bounty Hunter's speed-boosted sprint, just with his own spin put on it.

Slowly, the miraculous big cat caught up to his two allies once more, making a head-to-head comeback that truly defined his name and brand. Unfortunately for the magician, it seemed in his journey to catch up with his other racers, his velocity had become a bit faster than he had anticipated.. which, luckily for him, meant it was the perfect setup into a gag. The amount of Sumeragi Troops gathered did make him hesitate for a moment, but clearly, they were much too focused on the crash site to pay attention to what would happen next. Or so it seemed to him, at the very least.

Acting as if he could not stop himself, Miracle had stemmed his feline feet into the ground in a vain attempt to stop himself while continuing to fly a mere inch above the ground, making it seem like he was sliding on ice - and right into an alley, sending cans toppling over and bags ripping open as they hit several crescendos, barreling through the air. Luckily, the roaring flames inside the crater were more than enough to drown out even this intentional accident, taking priority for anyone not in the immediate vicinity.

With his skit of an accident now over and done with, Terry's body was swiftly enveloped in his magic again before changing him back to his regular old human self. A flip and a slide later, the performer appeared out from the shadows of the alley again. Utilizing his magic fingers briefly to pick at the liquid soaking into his body and drain it out of his fabric to splash on the ground, Terry then just simply flicked off a banana peel off his shoulders and tipped his hat, pacing back to his two allies like nothing had happened.

"So, what's the plan?"

Apparently, naming your dog after a god was common in Frisk's world. Alright, that makes sense. The dogs reaction seemed interesting though. It didn't exactly matter, though- Frisk was presenting a map to V2. "You’ve been spending more time in the city than me. Know the quickest way there?"

The machine looked at the map. It was mostly accurate, but it missed one shortcut. "That wall on the map," he points to a line blocking access between 2 areas, "collapsed last week. We can move across it to save some time." There were a few other things, and so V2 pointed out a route, mentioning any inaccuracies along the way.

V2 spoke once it had finished identifying a route. "We can begin moving as soon as you are ready."


Previously mallard
RAVEN Captain
-Morning, City Slums-
As she continued to weave through debris, there was a whoosh of air- and suddenly the elemental was ahead of her. Beneath her mask, the officer clenched her jaw and sped up. Her turns got riskier, but manageable. With this, she was able to creep up on the hoverboard-riding racer. However, she was unable to overtake him, as they were coming up on the crash site.

And Sumeragi had gotten there first.

Akira swerved to follow Miracle into the alley, where she kicked down her kickstand and dismounted. She motioned over Cyclone, if he could see her, and pressed herself against the near wall. Cautiously, she peeked around the corner, assessing the threat and the landscape. She reached over her shoulder to grab the Legatus there. With a swing, the device activated, and she slapped the thing onto its wrist mount- all while continuing to watch the soldiers.

"ID code confirmed. Starting up."

The robotic voice declared this as the device transformed, revealing the angry red core of the Sword Legion. The machinery twitched as it contained the chimeric entity's power as an ethereal red chain drooled from the device. Akira slid back behind the wall, facing Miracle as he asked his question.

"We need to secure the area, especially anything that looks important. ...I think we should maintain the element of surprise for as long as possible so something like yesterday doesn't happen again. If we could knock out the people and deactivate the machines quietly, we could... uh... ahem- do this easily."

The uncertainty had crept into Akira's voice, but she quickly cleared her throat to rid herself of it. To avoid elaborating, she leaned back around the corner to continue watching the Sumeragi soldiers.


Previously Manu456Alola

Former warriors' hopes stored in zeroes and ones
Clues of the past draw in future saviors
Yet the empire's assassin forbids their escape

City Slums – Abandoned Data Center Approach

And ready they were.

Now a group of three, the human, machine, and wolf resumed their trek through the abandoned streets, headed for the location Frisk indicated on the map. About five minutes passed by before they moved off the beaten path, delving into a narrow alley between two ruined buildings. Just like V2 had noted, the wall once serving as a dead end had collapsed, leaving just a pile of rubble for them to walk over and into the next area – saving the hassle of going around some fallen buildings and walking through longer, empty streets.

The other side of the alley led them back onto a main street, right by the remains of a theater, which they proceeded to walk into. Structural decay had caused much of it to collapse on itself, leaving most of the interior inaccessible, including the higher floors. There was a slight opening amidst the accumulated rubble, bringing the three through a hole in the back of the building and down a slight incline, after which they took a right into an abandoned construction yard. Wading past support beams, stacks of rebar, and chunks of concrete, the group reached the other end...

Where their destination finally sat.

In the middle of a slight clearing was a decently sized two-story square structure, roughly twenty-five feet in height and slightly over a hundred in length and width. The corners of the data center were raised slightly at the top, almost like towers, while some sort of pillar stuck out of the center of the structure, the upper portion of it missing. The building had no real identifying features or markings on the exterior, and its grayish coloration had only darkened over time, decay and damage apparent throughout, albeit less than most of the buildings in the slums. The lack of any lights didn't help its image either.

The only signs of life the trio could spot from their position was a group of Sumeragi units on the eastern end of the structure, guarding what appeared to be the data center's entrance. Grenadiers stood on either side of the opening, each accompanied by a Sentry Unit – one wielding a chainsaw, while the other had a large blaster cannon for a right arm.

Fortunately for the extraction team, their search for a shortcut had prevented them from reaching the data center through one of the main streets, which the guards appeared more wary of.​
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Boboiboy - Cyclone

Miracle had kept up with them, doing an overly cartoonish landing which made him hard to hold back a laugh. Swerving into the alley the two got to, he noticed the signals Akira was giving. Their objective had been reached.

"Okay...revert after you get where you need to go..." Bo's words echoed in his head

And just like that, the fun time had come to an end. The excited grin on Cyclone's face disappeared, replaced with one of growing disappointment. So soon? He wanted to do more. But if he didn't do what he said originally, what are the odds he'd be selected again? There were six other viable options.


At least I got to have a race, right?

Slowing his board next to the two of them, he gave a small exhale, adjusting back to a smile before clicking a dial on his power watch, reverting back to Boboiboy proper. His boots clicked on the ground as the board disappeared, the teen walking over to Akira, his eye flicking to the active core that was revealed. That thing...it was used to bring out those red entities, wasn't it? It gave off a...concerning aura, but that was soothing to address at a later time.

As Akira naturally seemed adjusted to these stealth operations, Bo took value in their council. Nodding along, he put a finger on his chin.

"We need to take them out quietly without drawing attention?" He asked in hushed tones. "I can play overwatch, if you like. Yesterday wasn't my preferred approach either. Here, maybe it's best I let him explain it... Elemental Shift..."

Clicking his power watch so soon after his last transformation, a flash of blue light emitted a sigil of some kind before it dispersed, his appearance fully changed underneath it. A exhale came from the new figure, the breath cold enough to see in the air. His cap was worth facing forwards, underneath a thick blue hoodie of some kind. The vibe this new form gave off was a sense of calm, almost to the point of drowsiness? There was also a feeling of maturity in there and less naturally cordiality Boboiboy possessed. His deadpan expression gave away to no emotion, glazing slowly across the faces of the crew.

"...Ice. Pleasantries given." The new elemental 'Ice' introduced himself, holding up a single hand laxly to the pair in a mild wave. "Overwatch, yes. I do that. If this is a stealth mission, I won't make a sound."

Holding out his hand, which upon closer inspection was seemingly made entirely of ice, he began to manifest something. A construct formed from his hand, a curved instrument with an orange structure to it. After a few moments, it took form in its entirety in his grip - A bow. After looking at the bow for a moment, his eyes drifted slowly back up towards Akira.

"So. We good?"
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Tracy Rinehart​

"Kiwi." Tracy echoed as the Bard introduced themselves. She smiled. "It's a nice name. I like it."
“Between the three of us, Sumeragi won’t know what hit- I mean, what kicked- I mean- what… snuck around them strategically,” Terrence said. Tracy smiled, nodding to the others. She could do this. After all, it wasn't too different from sneaking around the raider's base, right?
"Well said!" A bold new voice spoke up. Tracy jumped at the sudden appearance of the Nobleman of Crossout, floating in the air just behind her. "These brutes will have no idea who hit them!"
Ah, yeah. Being able to see Duel Spirits here. Another thing Tracy couldn't forget about.

"Ah. Right. Just remember, this is suppose to be a stealth mission. Only fighting if we need to." Tracy said to the spirit. She looked to the rest of the group. "Um. This is the Nobleman of Crossout. He's one of my... well, he's not exactly a duel monster. A spirit, I guess."
"Correct!" Crossout said. "Kiwi! Terrence! Children! Any friends of Lady Tracy are friends of mine."

Everyone else had left the base, leaving just them and the kids.
"Right. I'm ready to go. Actually.." Tracy looked to Jin, and handed the boy her notebook. "Hold on to this, okay? I'd rather not risk losing it out in the field. And you wouldn't happen to know where any abandoned malls are, for clothes, would you...?"


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


They’d arrived, and their destination was a dilapidated disappointment guarded by an already-present Sumeragi team. There was no telling what units already lay inside, but considering they could spare two men and two mechs at the front entrance wasn’t boding well for a quick in-and-out operation.

Frisk let out a brief sigh as she and her team moved to the side, out of the line of sight for the moment. “Building’s probably full of these guys...” she muttered, glancing upward for a moment to take in their full surroundings. A diversion would be best for this situation, especially if they lacked the ability to rapidly dispatch the guards without drawing attention (highly unlikely given the mechs). However, would a diversion not only draw the attention of those within, but also potential patrols and sentries nearby?

The answer was uncertain, but action would be more valuable than inaction right now.

“Okay, game plan,” Frisk turned to Veetoo and Amaterasu. “No idea what to expect inside, so we can’t assume it’ll be a cakewalk. What we need is a diversion to draw as much of their attention away. At worst, we can get a better understanding of their force size...”

She paused, glancing back toward the guards who still hadn’t caught on to their presence. She had no idea how to properly utilize Veetoo and Ammy here, having only seen glimpses of their capabilities, though she had good reason to assume the robot was on equal footing with Mettaton on a lot of things given what little she’d so far seen. Amaterasu, on the other hand...

“Veetoo, can you be our diversion?” Frisk asked, looking back to the automaton. “You’re pretty fast and have the firepower to back you up. We just need to get as many of them away from the immediate area as we can.”


Previously Deathstalker62
Mr. Miracle
The miraculous magician stood idly by, swaying back and forth a little as his eyes took in the cop's strange technology take form, some kind of scarlet core presenting itself. Terry had no idea what it did but it was quite neat-looking regardless so that was cool! Then, his watch-wearing teammate shifted form once again and took on a more frigid personality, evidently so by the fact he was literally introducing himself as 'Ice'. Bet this guy would be a neat friend to have on a hot summer day, you could make a killing running a popsicle cart with him! No matter, these were business ideas for later.

Hmm.. several armed soldiers, armoured with really tacky-looking outfits and on alert by a crashsite.. what a pain, what a pain..

Hagen placed a gloved finger to his chin, having had several moments to himself to think and ponder about his next set of actions. A stealth mission? Sneaking wasn't exactly his motto, his preferred technique being loud and proud.. hmm, this might be a challenge for the performer to pull off-naaah, who was he kidding? A proper hero like him should always come prepared for all sorts of situations! Which is exactly why Miracle had clapped his hands together lightly before opening them once more, giving the illusion as if knocking something loose from inside his sleeve. And befitting of his moniker, several small, round orbs came rolling down to fill his palms, which he had then promptly held out as an offer to both his allies.

"We'll be needing these, then! Smoke Bombs, certified to make an entrance or an exit! I use them all the time for my dramatic flair, but if we're talking about being sneaky, we could use these to disorient those guys before going in for a takeout!"


Previously Manu456Alola
Underground Hideout
Two out of the three teams had left for their targets, leaving just Tracy, Terrence, and Kiwi at the hideout alongside the Mino children. Some last-minute introductions followed, capped off with Nobleman of Crossout's sudden appearance. Jin and Kohaku stared at the spirit in surprise as Tracy introduced him, with Crossout declaring his allegiance to 'Lady Tracy' and her friends.

"A spirit, huh? Wonder if there's more of those out there..." Kohaku said.

Right before heading out, Tracy gave her notebook to Jin for safekeeping, inquiring about the location of any places they could find other clothing in.

"Hm, let's see..." Jin muttered, tucking the girl's notebook under his arm. "If you're headed for that machine production factory, you should be able to find the ruins of a small shopping center a few blocks south of it. It won't be too much of a detour, I believe."

With that bit of information established, the last team finally headed out for their destination. The two children waved them goodbye as they left.

"See you soon, everyone! Good luck out there!"


Legion of metal, building steadfast
Silent as their overseeing guardian
Whilst opposition of flesh seeks to trespass

City Slums – Armament Factory Approach

The slums remained just as desolate as the day before.

A variety of decaying structures faded in and out of sight as the three moved through the ravaged streets. Office buildings, restaurants, museums, supermarkets, warehouses – even the ruins of a school passed them by. Broken-down cars and bikes littered the road, some of them charred by now-extinguished flames.

With the help of some directions and the map provided by the kids, the group came across the aforementioned shopping center after roughly thirty minutes. Scattered around a central parking lot was an assortment of different stores, twelve in total, albeit some of them were locked behind security gates or had their interior crushed by debris. Fortunately, among the lesser ruined ones was a clothing store, some of its stock still available, albeit rather dusty.

Following their pit stop, the stealth squad headed north, where their destination came into view.

Sumeragi's silver-colored factory stuck out like a sore thumb amidst the slums, standing nearly fifty feet tall, stretching out a bit over four hundred feet in length. Upon closer inspection, it appeared to be segmented into three buildings, each one having its own set of hydraulic doors for an entrance, as well as a series of industrial chimneys sticking out of the top of the structures, spewing out fumes at a constant rate. A nearly ten foot tall steel wall surrounded much of the location's perimeter, obscuring the lowest portion of the factory from a distance.

The sounds of vehicles moving around beyond the walls and machinery whirring within the facility were readily apparent. While still a slight distance from the team's location, they could see a series of Sumeragi trucks periodically head into and out of the site's walls, mainly coming from and leaving in the direction of the district wall in the distance.

Certainly, there was plenty of time and room to assess their course of action.​
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Previously mallard
-Morning, Crash Site-
The cheery cyclone seemed dismayed at having to switch out, and Akira felt a pang of pity for the elemental. However, she was grateful for it, as this task would require someone more focused. Focused is what she got, as Boboiboy represented the element of ice. He volunteered to watch her back, and the officer nodded, agreeing to the suggestion. At the same time, Hagen had conjured handfuls of smoke bombs for the cause. The RAVEN captain smiled beneath her helmet and grabbed her share- this was feeling very ninja-y. Akira thanked the superhero and dumped the pellets into a small, empty pouch on her belt.

"So. We good?"

"Yeah... we're good. While you cover us, I'll head in the front. Miracle, you see if you can find a better way in. If you run into trouble, get to a spot where we can see you. Got it? Alright, go!"

With her hushed exclamation, Howard rounded the corner and crouch-walked up to a nearby vehicle. She put her hand up to it for stability, and used her other hand to draw her X-Baton. The cop then peered around the vehicle, making sure the patrol was still a good distance away from her before she moved to crest the rim of the crater and slide down the slope. She immediately spotted two things: a nearby chunk of spaceship, and the main ship, which was clearly her target. Before any more progress, however, she ran towards the aforementioned chunk of ship that was nearest to her to use as cover while the others caught up.
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Boboiboy - Ice

Seemed they all had a coordinated plan. That was good, assuming no unforeseen factors were to rise. The existence of the soldiers near the crash site meant they more than likely either were looking for survivors inside already or were trying to salvage precious technology. In either case, that made it all the more imperative to stay on their A-game - something Ice had no problem doing. Grabbing a couple smoke bombs himself, he nodded to the pair.

"Mm. Sure."

Looking up the wall in the alley, he spotted a few stories up a series of windows. That would do. His shoes slicked across the ground as if it were moist, sliding across it with a foot until it connected with the wall, ice growing up around his shoes, anchoring his foot in place. Kicking up with his remaining foot, he glided upwards, skating across the wall as ice was manifested with every inch of movement, the rather spikey bits of ice aided him getting to where he needed to be. Despite this rather agile looking ability, Ice appeared bored of the process, his expression betraying no hint of emotion. When he reached the windowsill, he gave the smallest of hops inside, a hand in his pocket and the other on his bow.

It seemed to be a vacant office building, several boxes all littered inside like they were going under a renovation or some kind of decluttering. There were a few windows that faced the crash site, Ice settling on the middle one of three, settling himself next to a potted plant that was put right in front of it. Pushing the window up, he took his bow out, giving a yawn.

Sumeragi forces are like any other, they never look up.

Pulling his strings a white light manifested between his fingers, giving a chilling aura. He aimed for the Sumeragi guards that seemed to be out of line-of-sight of other guards so they wouldn't notice the others getting put out of commission. Pulling back the string, the only sound was his breathing as he gave a low exhale.


The faint sound of rushing wind was given off as the bow fired its projectiles. He was surprisingly fast with his pace, catching a bead on the enemies that he could see, aiming for each one's middle body for the most accurate hit. Upon hit, the arrow would freeze the target over with a thick sheet of ice. After each one would freeze, he'd flick his hands in various fashions, bending the new ice sculptures out of the open from the vision of other soldiers.
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Previously Deathstalker62
Mr. Miracle
With his team now spread out and in possession of their own fair batches of smoke bombs, it was time for Hagen to move out. Slinking back into the alley, the magician had stuck to the shadows to let his naturally dark uniform blend into the cover of darkness. Stood leaned against the cold bricks and concrete, he really had to dwelve into his mind and recollect his past episodes of acting in various shows and movies.. both in his own, and of those of relatives and friends. What was it again he was looking for that could be useful here.. hm, one idea DID come to his mind eventually. That one one-off he'd helped a compatriot shoot, what was it.. 'Storms along the Seafront', last he recalled. Some kind of movie set on the open sea.. a pirate theme, if memory served. And like a thunderbolt crackling in his thoughts, Miracle silently snapped his fingers upon dawning realisation.

One hand reached behind his back, dipping between the space left under his billowing cape. Terry's memories had finally caught up to him, as he remembered having asked to be made a proper spyglass made for him to be used as a prop. The perfectionist he was, Hagen was not above plastic props, sure, but he would only ever resort to those when necessary. In his hand now was the same prop used in that movie way back when, an extra he had stashed for his own purpose with his hobby of heroics. A keen eye was placed upon the viewing lens as the miraculous magician scoped out the scene, quickly determining which path he should take that would rise both the least suspicion and allow him to approach as quickl as he could.

Having soon discovered Ice to provide ample distraction, Miracle decided to take his chances. The moment the Spyglass slid down his sleeve and had disappeared entirely, the man's body was enveloped in prismatic energy yet again. Bones cracked and magic sizzled quietly as his shape shifted and transmogrified upon completion into that of a simple Magpie, the whites and blacks of his uniform perfectly adapting into the natural patterns of this avian species. And with a flap of the wings, Terry had soon taken off to fly a path through the sky towards the crash site to act out as just an unsuspecting bird come to scour for feed on the ground and investigate its own curiosity of the strange environment.
Tracy Rinehart

A quick stop at the ruined mall Jin had told her about was enough to change her outfit into something more comfortable sneaking about. Tracy's school uniform had been switched out. The duelist now wore a denim jacket and cargo pants. Her hair was kept out of her face by a black bandana tied around her forehead. Tracy had wanted to find some elbow pads and knee pads (if they were going to be fighting and sneaking a little extra protection would have been nice), but she didn't want to waste any more of the others time then she had too.

But finally, the group made it to the factory. Tracy looked out from the ruined building they had snuck into, watching the trucks go in and out of the factory.
"Whoa..." Tracy muttered. She scanned the area and activated her duel disk, drawing some cards. She thought for a moment.
"It doesn't look like there's any cameras on the walls." Tracy said. "I'm not seeing any foot patrols on the outside either. Hm. We could try going over the walls to get inside? Or maybe we could try to, uh...."
Tracy hesitated, thinking of a more outlandish idea. But they were in an outlandish situation, so...

"Or we could try to, uh, get a truck? Like, jump them before they get to the facility, take the guard's uniforms, and drive it in like we are supposed to be there? It seems like everyone wears helmets all the time, and I still have that guy's ID card." Tracy said. It was an idea straight out of those Kozmo Wars movies, but it could work. "I don't know how to drive though... Kiwi, do you know how to drive?"
The Bard

"A-ah, not at all...? I didn't even know what a truck was until today, sorry.." Kiwi's answer to Tracy's question was a little sheepish, accompanied by a little shake of the head. "And besides that, we shouldn't be hurting anyone if we can help it... Well, I think it would be better, anyway."

The surroundings, and the factory itself...it was suffocating. Not in a literal sense of course (Unless someone was in the sky, Kiwi mused), but rather mentally. It was...a little depressing to look at. The smog spouted by the chimneys, the sheer size, the sleek-design...It was too much like the factory in Chismest before it was shut down.

"Um...I have sort of sneaked into a factory before, but that place was taking in people to work off the streets and I used that to get in, I don't think that helps here..."
Right, with that one, we were just shutting it down, so I got people around town to agree to help me, we took jobs there so we were inside, and then made enough music to make a disturbance so we'd have to talk to-
"Oh! What if we make a distraction!" The idea hit Kiwi, quite frankly, like a truck, even before they realised elaboration would probably be good. "I mean, like have one of us make a bunch of noise to attract attention at one side, letting the others sneak in unnoticed on the other!" Clearly, they hadn't got all the details in the brain, like how much noise would needed, or if anyone would even notice, and so forth.


Previously Manu456Alola
Crash Site
The group began to make their way into the crash site, avoiding the enemy's attention in the ways they knew best. Akira took a more traditional approach, moving between pieces of debris as she waited for Sumeragi's troops to move past, making a good distance down the crater's interior. The nearest of the patrol squads continued along the perimeter, moving out of line of sight of the larger group of enemies around the main ship.


Both Akira and Miracle could see a series of blue lights shoot out from a nearby office building, slugging into the Gunners and Sentry Units that made up the first patrol group. Ice quickly encased each of them upon impact, before they were quickly moved away from the crater through Ice's control over his element, dropping off the subdued enemies behind some large piles of rubble. The other patrol group had just entered the larger group's field of view, circling around the crash site and heading rather close to the RAVEN captain's position.

Meanwhile, Hagen had soared across the area to investigate up close, taking the form of a magpie as to avoid suspicion. Circling around the large form of the main station, he found that this side of the ship, while very similar in design to the opposite side, had taken greater damage from the crash. Lots of rubble had been kicked up and lodged into the hull, obstructing access to the structure from this end. Upon closer inspection, it appeared that a hatch was bent inward and buried amidst the debris – a much larger hatch than the other one Sumeragi's troops were entering through. Given its size, this one may have been meant for importing and exporting some large shipment, as opposed to the other's simpler personnel access.

If that mountain of rubble could be moved out of the way, it could potentially serve as an alternative entrance.

A series of beeps sounded off nearby Miracle. Searching for its source revealed it was a small drone with round green attachments and a purple headlight, a single plasma cannon mounted on its bottom. It stared blankly toward the bird-transformed magician for a moment, though it did not fire.

Instead, a small panel opened on the front of the drone, and a cone of green light began to emit from it, expanding out toward Miracle. While there was no telling if this light would have any effect on the superhero, being caught by it would surely be bad news.​

They had managed to sneak up behind the guards, who were watching a main street. Excellent. “Veetoo, can you be our diversion?” Frisk asked, looking back to the automaton. “You’re pretty fast and have the firepower to back you up. We just need to get as many of them away from the immediate area as we can.”

"Of course, it will be trivial to lead them away. I can set off immediately, so that you can begin your infiltration." V2 paused. "If the situation becomes dire, am I permitted to... neutralize their more dangerous members?"


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


Frisk pursed her lips, glancing toward Amaterasu. The radiance of the wolf felt compelling.

“Prioritize your survival over theirs if it comes down to it,” Frisk assured the robot, feeling a little strange granting permission like that. Veetoo had expressed autonomy before meeting them, right? She wasn’t remembering that wrong, was she? So had he lost that? Or... was he trying to play the nice guy and work with those opposed to the Sumeragi on their level?

His words last night had made Frisk’s suggestions for his inclusion null as he tried to appease Officer Howard, who had reluctantly agreed to the robot’s proposal.

“And uh,” Frisk added. “You don’t... need to ask me for permission about stuff like that. Doing what you can to stay alive should go without question. Officer Howard just has a lot of... trauma about robots, so... she was a little overzealous. I’m not going to try and control you. I actually, uh, had a really good robot friend back home, so I know you can’t all be bad.”

They didn’t really have time to get into specifics, such as ‘well actually the robot was just a chassis possessed by a ghost’ and ‘also the robot was originally designed to eradicate humans too but preferred dancing.’


Previously mallard
Akira, Akira
-Morning, Nova Crater-
As she made progress, Akira checked in with her IRIS to clue her in on anything she was missing. With its help, she saw the outline of the perimiter patrol closing in on her. Well, that was one way to coerce her into action. With a deep breath, the officer readied her and-

Akira was a blur of matte black as she rounded the rubble and broke into a beeline sprint. Her goal was the centerpiece, and she was in clear view. However, before the soldiers and robots could react, the officer slung a smoke pellet that she had already taken between her thumb and forefinger. The smokebomb erupted into smoke and enveloped the Sumeragi.

Akira Howard had used this offensively, as due to her IRIS implant, she could see her foes' outlines clear as day. That was when the Sword Legion finally burst from its computerized prison, and both Legion and Legionnare charged into the cloud side-by-side. Before attacking, the Legion swept up as many bogeys as it could in the Astral Chain loop, prioritizing the Grenadiers. Again, it would completely knock out the soldiers, but it could only temporarily stun and restrain the robots. As soon as the loop was completed, both Akira and the leashed Chimera would leap into action attacking the Sentries- the cop wanted to push their advantage to its fullest.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Boboiboy - Ice

And now they are resorting to frontline combat...not stealthy. At the least they popped a smoke bomb.

Perhaps salvageable, Ice turned his attention towards Akira, whose fight was now difficult to assist at his current angle. Sighing at the minor inconvenience, he pushed up the window of the office building, putting a foot on the windowsill. With his elemental abilities, Ice sent himself diagonally through the air by pushing off the window with his foot, creating an ice structure from his soles to fling him forwards.

In the air in a controlled fashion, but not high enough to be spotted by the large group, he was able to see the battle from a temporary clearer view. Seeing the sizable patrol unit around Akira and their...red friend, he needed to make sure they wouldn't let out cries of pain or calm for backup. Firing several arrows condensed in this distracted unit's focus, he aimed to shut them up by shutting them down, center body scattershots of arrows, at least the ones further away from the red stand like thing Akira had.

After this, he'd land nearby the smoke, ice stretching out from the ground to catch him, breaking his fall naturally.


Previously Blatant Mokery
Terrence Boom, AKA Mister Stealth Deluxe
The Nobleman of Crossout’s appearance was sudden, and surprising, but not necessarily earth-shattering to Terrence. There were cases of spirits being attached to people back home, ones probably a lot different from the armored Duel Spirit, but the concept wasn’t COMPLETELY foreign. He was more surprised that he was able to actually see (shut up) it, than anything- and he had to admit, pretty cool.

“Ah, it’s nice to meet you, Nobleman. The more the merrier!” he grinned, though that was literally just objectively almost always untrue in a stealth mission. The Nobleman being a spirit was the saving grace.

With formal introductions and initial teambuilding out of the way, that left them with one thing- the mission in front of them. Jin gave them a rundown of their destination, and the trio was waved goodbye.

When they stopped at the mall and Tracy traded out her clothes, Terrence briefly considered doing the same, but it felt like too much of a hassle to him. He liked his current outfit, especially since it strategically covered all of his lasting wounds from the past few days.

When they arrived at the factory, it didn’t take eyesight to know they were in the presence of something truly glum.

“How come you didn’t ask me to drive?” he (jokingly) asked Tracy as they discussed their method of approach, scratching at his blindfold. “I think Kiwi has the right idea, if we can figure this out with stealth alone, then we ought to. It’s easier on us that way, anyhow… if something goes south, that’s another story. There is something to that ID card idea, though...” he folded his arms. “Maybe if we could just… hm, but that’s tough if we’re wanting to not beat someone up and take their uniform though,” he huffed.

Then, Kiwi pitched the distraction idea. While it could work, Terrence noticed one flaw.

“The person making the distraction would be putting themselves in danger- especially if it means the other two entering the factory at the same time. So I think it needs to be either me or Tracy- I’d feel awful if you were the distraction and couldn’t defend yourself if they managed to reach you,” he told the non-combatant Kiwi. “That is to say, I’m willing to volunteer. I can be pretty loud.”


Previously Deathstalker62
Mr. Miracle
The magpie-formed-magician continued to circle around, trying to think quickly on how to best take care of this drone without drawing much attention. Then, an idea popped up into his little, transmogrified bird brain. Sure, he could just attack it like his allies are currently handling their own fair share of opponents right now. But, there was just one little problem with this strategy; his magic was loud and proud. It fizzled, it popped, it sparked and it flashed in all kinds of colors like chromatic fireworks display. It wasn't the kind of thing that would be necessarily useful in terms of stealth, but it wasn't his only option of taking this drone out.

Taking a split-second decision, Miracle made a divebomb straight downwards, briefly imbueing his own body in rainbow energy for a speed boost out of the drone's headlight. Like a bullet, his downwards path darted forward and underneath the drone, aiming to goad it into following him. If it was trying to scan him, then it should reasonably be programmed to follow along until it could succeed its very duty it was set on doing. And the Magpie decided to take the path of utmost resistance - that is, weaving between Akira's targets. This way, Hagen was trying to bait the drone right into the path of the Chimera - ironically taking out two birds with stone stone - before he intended to loop back around mid-air and return to his original position before turning back to his regular form and investigating that hatch he spotted earlier with proper hands and feet, and not his current feathers and talons.

Frisk had granted them permission to kill. Excellent. V2 was about to leave, when they continued speaking. “You don’t... need to ask me for permission about stuff like that. Doing what you can to stay alive should go without question. Officer Howard just has a lot of... trauma about robots, so... she was a little overzealous. I’m not going to try and control you. I actually, uh, had a really good robot friend back home, so I know you can’t all be bad.”

V2 paused for a moment, unsure how to process this. "...Thank you," they said after a few seconds, and slid away to try and distract the hostiles. As they moved, they thought. Officer Howard having negative experiences with machines explains much of their behavior. Additionally, Frisk had interacted with machines before, and on friendly terms- which was strange. Wouldn't they have also...?

Perhaps not. When considering alternate universes, the laws of physics are not necessarily the same. Perhaps alternative fuel sources are capable of providing the same measure of sapience as blood, in Frisk's world. If that were the case, would V2 be able to acquire this alternative source? It would be very nice to not have t- The targets were up ahead.

V2 could identify 4 total hostiles, 2 of which were non-sapient robots. V2 tossed a single coin as they approached, which arced over one of the machines. Once the timing was right, V2 shot a single pistol round at the sentry, which continued after it hit, ricocheting off the coin and hitting the other. The damage wasn't enough to kill, but they would definitely notice.

V2 swapped to their shotgun and continued to slide, making sure that they would pass in front of the grenadiers and be noticed. They launched a core at the spot of wall above the door, in such a way that it wouldn't kill the grenadiers, but would disorient them and knock them back a bit. V2 was definitely noticed.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


—Morning, Data Center—

He didn’t say much, just a simple thank you, but Frisk felt that it carried more weight than the words could entail. With that, Veetoo was off, and Frisk drew in a deep breath, glancing to Amaterasu beside her. “Our turn.”

Moving quickly, the teenager quickly moved toward the south side of the building as the robot got to work with his distraction. He didn’t waste any time, either, the sounds of battle already beginning to ring out. The actual entrance itself would be too hot to approach, so they’d just make their own entrance.

Frisk procured a katana and drove it into the wall. It sank in like butter, and she sliced downward, then drove it in to make a parallel line before cutting open the top. Quieter than trying to use explosive-style magic. Tearing apart the katana into two, Frisk transformed them into thin drills and drove them into the middle of the wall to latch them in before proceeding to drag the cut-out wall portion to the exterior. “You in first,” she grunted to Amaterasu. “Make sure we’ve got a clear, ngh, coast...”

Tracy Rinehart​

Kiwi's answer was disappointing, but also intrigued Tracy. The place he was from didn't have trucks, but had factories? Upon thinking about it, it wasn't too odd. After all, technically factories were around a little before cars were. At least, in her own world. Who knew how different these worlds were?

At Terrence's comment, Tracy blushed in embarrassment for just a moment before she realized the teen was joking with her. She considered the idea that the Bard put forwards.
"Maybe." Tracy said, rubbing her chin. "Well. If we wanted a distraction, I could summon a few monsters and have them cause it. That way all three of us could go into the factory together."
The fight at the Wall, and Frisk's mission inside it, had shown Tracy that the range of her duel monster cards were pretty far. Metal Reflect Slime had been able to fight and protect Frisk, even though Tracy had been quite a long distance away pretty much the whole time. Her other monsters would probably be able to do the same.

Tracy shook her head.
"Even so, that doesn't solve the bigger problem of using a distraction. Whether it's my monsters or one of us, it still tips off the enemy that something's happening. It could be enough to put the inside of the factory on alert, making it more difficult to sneak around." Tracy said. "I think either getting disguises or straight up sneaking over the wall would be the best choices. The less our opponents know about the movement of any of us, the better."

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