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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros. Ultimate - The Sumeragi Campaign


Previously Manu456Alola
Crash Site
With her hiding spot nearly compromised, Akira sprung into action, dashing out of cover and directly toward the group of Sumeragi units gathered around the spaceship. The patrol group nearby the officer spotted her as she moved, but were too slow to warn their allies as Akira tossed a smoke bomb at their feet.

"What the–"

A cloud of smoke went up, the RAVEN captain and her Type-R Legion moving in perfect synchrony to exploit the surprise attack on the group. The Astral Chain made a wide loop around the enemies, knocking out three Grenadiers at the center and stunning four robots – two of them drones like the one headed after Miracle, the other two being Sentry Units wielding blaster cannons, which were quickly smashed and slashed apart by the duo. This did leave two gatling sentries toward the outer portion of the smoke cloud, each one opening fire toward Akira and her Legion with decent precision, seemingly possessing some form of enhanced vision akin to the woman's.

Besides the remaining patrol group, which had begun to run after the officer, two squads of soldiers came from around the other side of the ship, each consisting of a Grenadier and a Homing Launcher. They all looked towards the chaos erupting at the smoke cloud's position, unsure of how to approach the situation given their allies were also in there, and when one of the Grenadiers finally prepared to lob a grenade towards the attacker...

A bolt of ice slugged into his chest, rapidly freezing him over.

Several more followed, encasing the Launcher soldier nearby him, while the remaining Launcher and Grenadier managed to duck back behind cover, avoiding Ice's fire. The approaching patrol group was also targeted by the elemental, freezing over the two Gunners and one Sentry Unit, leaving the other machine to unleash a barrage of plasma bolts in the boy's direction as he made his landing, while the Launcher soldier peeked out of hiding to fire a homing missile towards Ice.

The Grenadier beside him moved out of cover for a moment, pulling out a grenade and lobbing it high as to land between Ice and the smoke cloud – when it suddenly became lodged into the side of a rogue flying drone, which had been chasing after the magpie-turned Miracle. The drone stopped short of the smoke cloud to fire its plasma cannon toward Ice, before it was quickly blown apart by the grenade, scattering chunks of metal everywhere.

Raising his energy shield, the Grenadier protected himself and his ally from the blast, and as Miracle returned to human form nearby the rubble-covered cargo hatch, the Launcher took notice of the magician.

"Hey, over there! Stop him!"

Unfortunately, his weapon was still in the process of loading another missile.​

Data Center
To the guards at the data center, it was as though V2 came out of nowhere. The machine slid across the front of the entrance, launching three different projectiles in quick succession: a coin, then a bullet to ricochet from one sentry to the coin to the other sentry, and finally a shotgun core that burst overhead the group.

Cracks formed on the heads of each Sentry Unit as the bullet struck them, though they remained operational. The Grenadiers were rattled a bit by the core explosion above them, one of them quickly regaining focus as he raised a hand to the side of his helmet, chasing after V2.

"Key hostile engaged at the center entrance! Requesting reinforcements!"

The other Grenadier and both sentries began to move after the war robot as well, the two machines significantly slower than the humans. One soldier chucked a grenade towards V2, while each Sentry Unit soon fired out what appeared to be a straight-up fireball in his direction. Numerous footsteps began to echo from the interior of the data center, moving closer to the entrance – though the backup didn't arrive quite immediately.

Meanwhile, Frisk and Amaterasu used their ally's distraction to sneak to the south side of the structure, the SOUL-user carving into the wall to make an entrance of their own into the building. When she finally succeeded in dragging the wall section out for Ammy to enter, it appeared the interior of the data center was rather dimly lit by some form of backup lighting. Regardless, at the human's request, the wolf cautiously made her way inside.

When she emerged on the other end of the opening, Ammy was greeted by a moderately-sized square room, filled with an assortment of metal crates scattered about. Most of them had their lids off, and while the goddess was too short to look into them, she could see a few parts, components, and chips littering the floor. A camera was placed on the ceiling, as were a couple of screens – though judging by the lack of lights coming from any of them, they were all inactive.

The only sign of life in the room came from a robot on the opposite end, situated nearby a hallway leading north into the data center. It was a little over four feet tall, consisting of a spherical head with a singular red eye, situated atop a silver-colored limbless body, which was moved around by a single wheel on the bottom. It seemed to be coming back into the room to investigate the new opening, a cone of infrared light projecting out a few feet in front of the eye, clearly denoting its range of vision.

It moved quite slowly as it searched, though there was fortunately plenty of cover to use against the Patrol Bot.​


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


—Day 2 Morning, Data Center Parts Storage—

The radiant pooch slid through the gap Frisk had opened, and the teen dispersed her magic with a disgruntled sniff, feeling a very slight strain in her wrist. One of the remnants of her battle against Blade in her assault on the tower. Probably best if she didn’t push it on the still-sensitive parts that hadn’t fully healed yet.

No immediate sounds reached Frisk’s ears as she ducked into the gap she’d created, swiftly stepping into the dimly-lit room beyond. Almost immediately she came to a stop, catching the obvious cone of light attracting her attention. Quickly, the girl ducked behind a row of crates.

She didn’t hear anything immediate, like an alarm or a shout. The cone of red illuminated a scan about the room as Frisk’s eyes adjusted. When the cone was moved far enough to the side, Frisk peered about the crates to catch a proper glimpse, finding a machine that looked like something from... oh, she knew this one... Dr. Who, was that it? Those ‘EXTERMINATE’ guys.

Honestly, she didn’t want to rule out the possibility it really WAS a Dr. Who robot—this was the multiverse she was dealing with, after all.

“It’s not a dalek,” Chara said.

Frisk ducked back away. The machine was a patroller, a scout of some kind. As the distant sounds of soldiers rushed for the exits, drawn by Veetoo’s distraction, patrollers like these seemed to remain. How to deal with it... sneaking around was a likely option, that cone of light seemed to be its line of sight... probably. She was kinda making strokes in the dark here. Chara had yet to snidely correct her, so she couldn’t be that far off.

Destroying it would probably draw attention. The noise of the act could attract more eyes in the vicinity, and there was no guarantee it didn’t have some kind of signal that signified it was active. That shutting off wouldn’t go unnoticed.

Before it could draw too close, Frisk decided to test its awareness and reached into the crate as stealthily as she could, grabbing some kind of weird box-shaped plastic... thing. A component to something, probably. She hurled it to the other side of the room to make a ruckus in the corner. If the robot had audio sensors, like she was betting on, then it’d prove a distraction and she could slip around the room to reach the exit into the hall.


Previously mallard
-Morning, Crash Site Crater-
Legion and Legionnaire tore through steel with their otherworldly weapons, leaving only two sentries left on either side of the cloud. Problem was, they saw her too. At the last moment, the Type-R Legion flew upwards, tugging its master into the air with it to narrowly avoid the first volleys- which would leave the robots accidentally firing at each other instead! The two launched up and out of the cloud and immediately went for the counterattack.

The Legion dove for one of the robots, immediately breaking the sound barrier as it sought to impale the robot with its bladed forearms. Meanwhile, as Akira reached the zenith of her momentum, she opened fire on the other robot. She aimed at the robot's big, glowing "eye", hoping to disrupt whatever it was using to target her. A grenade exploded nearby, a piece of metal scrap clanging off her armor as she quickly double-checked to make sure nobody was hurt before descending back into the smoke cloud.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Boboiboy - Ice

So much for the stealth approach.

They were in the thick of it now, the silent takedowns replaced with the clattering of a full on brawl. It was a bit mentally exhausting for the elemental to deal with. He'd prefer to just can the whole thing, but he knew he'd regret that once he he had reverted back.

Plasma fired off toward the iceclad teen, the elemental grunting, as he hit the deck, transforming his bow he presented into an ornate snowflake themed shield. As the plasma struck is melted parts of the shield as steam erupted from the dripping fortification. Out of the corner of his eye, he found the barrel of a gun. A moment later, a missile was sent down the barrel hurdling towards him! Out of instinct, he hurled his shield towards it, causing it to explode prematurely, forcing him skidding back instead of combusting.

How bothersome. Tch, If we already lost the stealth approach... Time to go big or go home.

Ducking to the side behind over, he began to make a series of hand motions, the frozen soldiers being bended towards him. Pressing is icy hands onto the blocks, his fingers curled, gripping into them. Then, he tightened his grip and pulled, bringing forth a new icy weapon made from of the existing frozen water in them.

It was crystallized cylinder with three barrels at the end of it, ice spikes protruding from the back of the gun rather unsafely. Grab it it with both hands, ice froze his hands up to his wrist, fastening his grip on it.

Arctic Cannon, fully primed.

Keeping the cannon at hip level, the weapon spun up, firing a hailstorm of ice shards! The ice shards were jagged and sharp, flying at speeds similar to bullets. They peppered the area like a Spanish cuisine, puffs of steam mixed with smoke erupting all around the concrete jungle floor as he aimed to trim down as many enemies as he could.


Previously Gamingfan2
Amaterasu slipped through the gap, looking back uneasily as the red machine vanished from view. She felt rather uncomfortable with leaving V2 to his own devices-pun not intended-but at the same time, Frisk was her responsibility.
Frisk would enter the room to the sight of the sun goddess lazily lying behind a crate, out of view of the robot sentry. She sniffed the parts around her, puzzled by their strange scent. These things were unlike anything she had seen in her world. The only thing that could remotely compare was Yami. Not at all a good sign.
She looked behind herself to see Frisk pulling something from a crate, and rear her arm back. Recognizing her movements, Amaterasu stood up. The instant Frisk let the plastic component fly, the wolf was on the move, quickly snaking through the crates. With grace, the sun goddess leapt up, snatching the piece with her mouth in midair, before she landed behind another crate with a quiet thump.
Amaterasu had no idea why Frisk wanted to play fetch now of all times, but she wasn't one to argue.


Previously Deathstalker62
Mr. Miracle
Well, so much for that stealth mission. Now that everything had hit the fan and his two allies were kept busy taking down the enemy soldiers, Hagen had his own work cut out for him as he tried to think of a way to clear the debris quickly. That is, until he had heard one shout out in his direction, which made the magician realise that maybe his shift back had not gone as unnoticed as he'd hoped it would. A brief glance, and he saw his opportunity rise.

The one that pointed him out was kept busy, and Terry had a pile of junk and rubble to carve through, so why not kill these two metaphorical birds with one stone? Pacing around the covered hatch, he had aligned his position so that between himself and the group including the Grenadier that shouted him out, there was now all that rubble. While it may seem at first that Miracle was taking cover behind this pile to figure out a plan, that was not at all the case.

Both gloved hands of the stage performer came up, placed tightly against one another to form a triangular shape in the open center between his fingers. Hagen could feel the tingling magic of his power run through his shoulders, along his arms and channel into his palms, ready to be fired out. And while the soldiers were still distracted and that particular Grenadier still had his shield out in one direction, that is exactly what he did - a loud boom sounded up from in front of Miracle's palms, a flash of prismatic radiance shone up briefly as it left lingering sparks that fizzled and popped - and all the debris in front of him flew out like a shotgun blast. The path it took flying? Why, right towards the enemies, of course!


Previously Manu456Alola
Crash Site
Akira and her Legion soared into the air, letting the Sentry Units' plasma fire slug into each other, the damage mostly mitigated by the large shields they carried. These didn't help as much against the officer's follow up attack, however, the Sword Legion tearing through one robot and smashing it to the ground, while the other sentry found itself on the receiving end of a blaster shot. Akira's aim was practically dead-on, the machine's head nearly cracking open from the blow, staggering backward as it brought its gatling to bear, heavility damaged but not defeated. With a mechanical whirr, it revved up another barrage of plasma––

When Ice once again intruded, multiple ice shards striking the side of the robot before a luckier shot pierced through its weakened head, and the machine ceased to function just before it could fire at Akira. Ice continued sweeping across the area, racking up major damage on the shield of the last Sentry Unit, which still stood closer to the outside of the crater. Hunkering down behind its cover, the robot began to spew out plasma from the gatling gun on its other arm, primarily aimed towards the Ice, the closest of the targets.

Several more ice bullets had also struck the shield of the Grenadier by the spaceship, which seemed to hold remarkably well under the barrage, possibly due to its part-energy composition as opposed to the sentries' metallic ones. He was rooted to his spot as he protected himself, however, while the Launcher beside him had just finished loading another missile – right as Miracle gathered rainbow energy at his palms. Seeing this, the soldier in yellow dejectedly lowered his weapon.

"Aw, crap."

The blast of energy surged out, sending a literal pile of debris flying at the two soldiers like a rockslide. Both men were heavily pelted by the attack, reeling backward through the air and away from the spaceship, collapsing in a heap as they were nearly buried beneath the blasted debris.

That left the alternate hatch uncovered and ready to open, though the last Sentry Unit still remained to pester the group.​

Data Center – Parts Storage
Canine instincts took over Amaterasu as she moved across the room, snatching the component Frisk had thrown out of the air.

While the wolf's sudden move was stealthy nonetheless, not quite entering the Patrol Bot's cone of vision, the machine still seemed to take notice of the disruption. It wasn't entirely clear whether it had been the movement or the slight sound made by Ammy, but the robot turned away from Frisk's position, slowly strolling over to the side of the room the goddess had ended up on, narrowing its focus down to the very crate she stood behind, red light washing over the container.

No alarm was raised yet, though it continued to stare toward Amaterasu's hiding spot, clearly quite patient as it made to move around the crate and search the back.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


—Day 2 Morning, Data Center Parts Storage—

The component sailed through the air and-

“I like that dog,” Chara snickered behind Frisk’s ear as the teenager felt her stomach drop when Amaterasu leaped through the air after the item. Frisk had seen her share of funny dog videos, as any teen would, so she was surprised that the canine didn’t outright barrel through everything in her way as expected.

The noise and/or movement was enough to pull away the sentry’s attention, and it gave its full attention to the crate Ammy had landed behind.

Could be worse, Frisk thought to herself decidedly as she began to slink her way around the opposite side of the room, inching toward the exit as she kept her eye on the machine. It began to move around one side of the crates. Expecting Amaterasu to continue with stealth and smartly move around the other side of the crates (as the dog had been consistent with higher-level thinking outside of an accidental game of catch), Frisk waved her over as she reached the exit.

“Chara, can you make the distraction this time?” Frisk whispered.

“Why me?”

“Because I’m not throwing another thing,” the teen hissed.

Chara leaned against the doorframe and crossed her arms. “I don’t feel incentivized.”

“You don’t—” Frisk shook her head in mild irritation. “Please?”

“Ehh...” Chara groaned.

Frisk was on her own with that right now. She had to hope the machine’s attention would remain over there while she and Amaterasu slipped out of the door and into the rest of the center. The distant booms of battle signified Veetoo was holding up on his end, though Frisk wasn’t sure how long that could take, and she didn’t want to leave him to fend for himself for too long, even if he seemed capable of it.

One of the grenadiers called out to his friends in the center, shouting "Key hostile engaged at the center entrance! Requesting reinforcements!" The other launched a grenade at V2, and the sentries launched balls of flame at the machine. The robot slid, kicking the grenade back while dodging away from the fireballs, using their low height to just barely dodge under the edge of one as they slid to the right.

The machine continued to slide, counting on drawing the soldiers out before engaging more fully. Determining that the sentries were non-sapient, due to lack of- wait, no, it doesn't work like that here. Whatever, they didn't seem sapient, and were very dangerous. The war machine curved as they slid, moving to intersect with one of the sentry units and cut at it's gun arm with the Excalibur arm.

While likely not completely severing it, the blade would damage the gun, reducing the effectiveness of it's shots. Turning even as they cut, the Machine put a simple pistol shot directly into the sentry's eye, jumping up as they did so. The machine charged a shot and fired it at the head of the other sentry, then dashed to avoid the inevitable fire from the grenadiers.

The machine slid once they hit the ground, aiming to bait the grenadiers away from their posts- and as such, bring the reinforcements they called in away as well.


Previously mallard
Akira Howard
-Morning, Crash Site-
As the other sentry revved up its weapon, the Legion instinctively tugged on the chain once again, swinging its captain onto the ground next to it. Luckily, the robot was quickly dealt with. Akira's eyes swept across the battlefield. Miracle had the other soldiers covered... that just left a single sentry down the way, and it had set up to return fire upon Ice.

Akira quickly leveled her blaster and began firing upon it as well. However, her Legion, without any other options at this range, dissolved its armblades and grabbed the bulky corpse of the robot. With great strength and surprising accuracy, the Sword Legion hurled the hunk of metal at the remaining sentry unit. Akira hoped that this would serve to absorb some of the enemy's fire and/or knock it off-balance.
The Bard

Well, it wasn't like Kiwi could really disagree with the points laid out against the distraction plan to get into the Factory, with both the danger and the fact that it would alert Sumeragi... Though her nod made clear that what Terrence said was considered by her too.

"Mmmm..." Kiwi thought about it, at least trying to take into account it all, though they certainly found it a little difficult. "Right! I guess it does make more sense to avoid them knowing something's up..." But they really didn't want to hurt anyway, the voice still conveying that with a small hum of music. "But I still want to avoid hurting others, so as tough as it could be I guess climbing the wall is probably the best choice?" They gave their changed perspective with their hands at his side, shaking them up and down a little.

...Despite the circumstances, this was exciting, sorta.


Previously Blatant Mokery
Terrence Boom
“Yeah, I hear ya. Best to put all our focus into actually getting in there ourselves for now- the less attention we draw, be it to ourselves or with a distraction, the better, right?” Terrence nodded, pursing his lips slightly as he soaked in the points that his teammates had to offer. Ultimately, it seemed like they could come to the agreement that getting over the walls and leaving any extra theatrics behind was probably the best bet, for now.

“That being said, if we do screw up at some point in there, that’s when distractions could really come in handy. Say we make a little too much noise- those funky card monsters would be real good for giving us an out.”

That left them with one last part of the plan to figure out- how were they going to go about the walls? The two options proposed by Tracy made sense to him, either getting disguised, or just being generally sneaky, it was either that or a combination of the two. The former would require them to look like they’d belong there for it to be helpful, and that… would probably involve stealing some gear, which would probably involve violence. Or more stealth.

“You said there weren’t any patrols or cameras, right? Maybe we don’t need anything fancy- just some good old fashioned… being careful, and avoiding those trucks. If we’re going to try the ‘getting loaded up with Sumeragi helmets’ approach… we’ll probably only be able to get that stuff once we’re past there anyway. You can both climb, right? If not, I could throw you over! Or… something less dangerous, I guess.”

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Boboiboy - Ice

One left.

A tango of rapid fire munitions, that is, until Howard came in with the assist, thrusting the hunk of a robot in the way of the attacks, absorbing a brief amount of fire. Using the opportunity, Ice pivoted from where the sensors of the sentry last registered his location, focusing the Arctic Cannon on the lone robot. He returned fire spattering ordnance in and around the remaining sentry. That alongside Akira's weapons lit up the machine, holes rattling the tin man until it was more hole than machine. It crumpled to the ground, not as much as a sound uttering from it. Ice gave an exasperated sigh, glancing at Akira from the corner of his eye.

"Not how I thought this would go. Looks like we are going for the hothead approach." He spoke in deadpan. "Now about the magic man..."

Ice rounded the corned prepared to go guns-a-blazing, stopping himself from firing when suddenly an avalanche buried the remaining two soldiers. Eyeing Mr.Miracle still glittering with the radiance he projected like a shotgun blast. Dropping the Arctic cannon and letting it smash into snow on the ground he walked over to the magician.

"...looks like you handled things around here."


Previously mallard
Akira Howard
-Morning, Crash Site-
...And with their combined strength, they made swiss cheese of the military-class death machine. Akira smiled, retracted her Legion, and was about to congratulate the team when Ice made his own comment.

"Not how I thought this would go. Looks like we are going for the hothead approach."

...Hothead? Hothead?? The policewoman's face scrunched up in confusion, and she had to remove her helmet to ensure that her hearing wasn't impaired. How was that hotheaded? Sure, they had agreed on stealth beforehand, but in this place of scarce hiding spots, she was on the verge of being discovered. Ice had her covered, but he wouldn't have been able to help in the same way with the large group in the center. The way she saw it, her preemptive strike was the coup de grâce to secure the crash site. They had dispatched the threat within seconds of revealing themselves, which was much better than the alternative: a confrontation on the enemy's terms.

Yet, she wasn't about to argue with a child- or perhaps she was too stunned by the criticism to reply. The decision she had made was by-the-book, exactly what she had been trained to do for police raids. They had advantageous positioning and the element of surprise, and it had worked like a charm. Did some of Boboiboy's personalities still just not like her? At least it didn't seem to hamper this one's effectiveness in combat, so that didn't need to be addressed right now. The snark would bother her, but this was a teenager she was dealing with, so she'd have to get used to it.

Clearing her head of the matter, the Legionnaire followed the cryokinetic to go check on Mr. Miracle. Turns out, he was just fine- just as she expected. It was some power he had... the ability to manipulate reality itself, as she gleaned. It seemed to have some limitations, but none too great to hamper the ability from being wildly useful, apparently. She nodded in acknowledgement and moved towards the newly-exposed hatch.


Previously Deathstalker62
Mr. Miracle
With the rubble both cleared all the way from the hatch and the soldier squad in question now buried beneath, Miracle could not help but feel a twinge bad for the armed men. Maybe he'd gone a little bit too much into blasting out his magical energy.. though, then again, it wasn't like they were going to let him go. Terry had just the slightest of hunches that since his experience in witnessing Sumeragi, mercy wasn't exactly a term these guys were taught the meaning of. Sitting back mid-air, the showman had gone on to levitate right up off the ground while he lazed about, watching the rest of his team wipe out what remained of their foes. Though Miracle pondered for but a few moments of silence he had to himself, he had come to a realisation. It was them that should be a shining example to the Sumeragi on what true Justice means, not whatever skewed, genocidal nonsense they were on.

It was when the frosty archer and the construct-wielding policewoman had come to his location to check out the hatch when Miracle himself hatched a decision. A nod of acknowledgment was sent to the way of the two, before his yellow eyes under that black mask covering the upper portion of his face like a typical comic book hero's had gone on to where the soldiers had been buried. His right arm had gone out and extended itself, thumb held upwards like the hammer of a gun while his middle finger and index finger formed into the fitting barrel of a handcannon. One spark and a gathering of fizzling rainbow energy later, and a blast of magic had been fired out from Hagen's fingertips to clear out the remainders of the debris and give the guys underneath a fighting chance to escape. Whenever they awoke from presumably being knocked out, that is.

Having that clear out the remaining doubts in his mind, a newfound wave of determination surged through the miraculous mister's mind. Now that the outside perimeter had been cleared out, it was time to slip inside of this hatch in the ground and find out what lay hidden beneath in the labyrinth of the unknown. Terry had figured that words were meaningless right now, no reply to be deemed necessary for what needed to happen next. Having lowered himself close, the magical man briefly scanned over the frame of the damaged entryway before from his left sleeve, a crowbar had slid out, courtecy of his ability to teleport things that were out of sight. As soon as the metallic tool had completely been exposed to the air below, Miracle's gloved hands grabbed it firm with the intent of jamming it right in that inward bend of the hatch and force it open to the best of his physical abilities.. which wasn't saying much, but hey, if his muscles couldn't do the talking, maybe the failsafe idea of channeling his magic through the metal to burst the door open would be a better Plan B to rely on.


Previously Gamingfan2
The wolf froze in place was red washed over her surroundings. She heard the faint whirring of the Patrol bot as it approached, informing her that her movements weren't quite stealthy enough. The red light slowly covered Amaterasu's side of the crate as the Patrol Bot moved around it. Amaterasu moved equally slowly, carefully slinking around the other way around the box so she would not be sighted. Once she saw an opportunity, the wolf would again snake through the crates as to meet Frisk at the exit.
Assuming she wasn't spotted, she would take the opportunity to quietly place the plastic component on the floor in front the human. Strange as it was, Amaterasu quite enjoyed the impromptu game of fetch, though she was hoping Frisk wouldn't throw it again right now, given the circumstances.


Previously Manu456Alola
Crash Site
With the last of the enemies dealt with (plus some clearing of the debris trapping two soldiers), the group moved on to the large exposed cargo hatch on the opposite side of the ship. The damage from the crash had generated enough of a bend and opening for Miracle to jam his crowbar into, and despite the size of the hatch he was trying to move, the tool's leverage enabled him to slowly but surely crack it open.

A loud metallic groan rang out as the hatch swung open, giving the three a proper look inside. Contrasting the structure's all-white exterior were the floors and walls of the ship, which were predominantly scarlet and gray in color respectively, slightly illuminated by a series of emergency lights overhead. Fans and metal pipes and ran along many of the walls, quite a few split open, while a few large energy capsules of some sort were embedded into a couple of the walls, though none of them seemed to be functional. Broken chunks of large containers littered the ground, most certainly smashed apart by the impact.

The area they'd walked into was rectangular in shape, most notably featuring a platform at the center, flush with the rest of the room. A set of rails connected it all the way to the hatch the group had come through, and given the scattered remains of containers and the size of the room, it was likely this section was indeed meant for sending out and receiving cargo.

No soldiers were present as the three moved into the ship, though there were a few heavily damaged, bulky robots strewn about the room, all of them offline. They didn't seem Sumeragi in origin, however, being colored mainly white, blue, and green, and appearing generally sleeker, even if they were missing a majority of their parts.

A lone open door sat on the opposite end of the room, and with no Sumeragi forces present here at the moment, the only real obstacle in their way was the slight sideways incline of the structure, since the ship hadn't landed quite so level.​

Data Center
V2's distraction at the entrance continued, the robot kicking a grenade back at its sender, though it exploded in midair before it could get too close to anyone. His swoop in for a slash was significantly more effective, nearly cutting through the Sentry Unit's limb, before the following pistol shot blasted its head open, deactivating it.

"Report update: the hostile appears to be alone," one of the Grenadiers called. "Target ID'd as war model V2!"

The robot's charge shot upon the other Sentry Unit was able to eliminate it in one hit, the robot falling back from the blow as its lights powered off. A grunt of frustration came from one of the soldiers as he and his partner continued to sprint after V2, each pulling out another grenade that they then tossed at the war machine.

Then, the reinforcements arrived.

Four soldiers donning yellow, slightly bulkier armor were the first to emerge, each carrying a missile launcher in their arms, which they all proceeded to fire toward V2 one after another. Right after the soldiers came two more Sentry Units, this time equipped with shields and gatling guns, revving their guns as streams of plasma soon fired out at the robot, the sentries positioning themselves in front of the Homing Launchers.

Finally, two flying robots zoomed out of the data center. One was a Bomber like the ones encountered at the district wall, which proceeded to soar over the area, waiting for an opportunity to drop a series of bombs on V2's position. The other robot was a new one – it was oval in shape and blue in color, with a disc-like opening at its front. A series of jets propelled it in front of the newly arrived group of enemies, before it spawned a green barrier in front of itself.

Dark clouds began to gather in the distance, slowly rolling in towards the surrounding slums.

Meanwhile, both Frisk and Amaterasu had managed to avoid detection by the Patrol Bot, the two soon moving into the hallway once they had made distance with the surveillance machine, leaving it to simply circle around the storage room fruitlessly.

The hallway stretched on for a couple dozen feet, holding relatively little of note. The surfaces around the two had certainly fallen to a bit of decay, small pieces of the walls or ceiling having fallen apart. A faded square pattern on the walls became apparent as they moved, serving more than just an aesthetic purpose – once they got closer to the end of the hall, many of the squares were taken up by what looked like file cabinets, though they didn't have any handles or something of the sort to pull them out and look into their contents.

Before long, Frisk and Amaterasu reached what appeared to be a circular central room, three other hallways intersecting with this area from the north, east, and west, making for four hallways total in each cardinal direction. The most notable thing in the room was an elevator shaft right in the center, stretching into the ceiling and to the second floor.

Four screens were placed on each wall of the central room, these ones actually lit, all flashing the same message.
The sounds of battle continued to ring out to the east – though there still appeared to be some Sumeragi units scattered throughout the building, as a pair of voices soon echoed from the western hall, accompanied by a set of quickly approaching footsteps.

"C'mon, there's no time to waste!" a female voice called. "The hostile is one of yesterday's intruders!"

"Ooh, we're gonna make some real dough once we catch that guy!"​
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Boboiboy - Ice

Now inside the structure, one would think that they would be inquisitive and investigating what lie inside. I've however had little interest. It seemed he had little drive in general, his eyes still half lidded, his face hadn't budged since he'd shown up. He appeared as if his eyes would shut and he'd fall asleep on the spot.

...I'm not doing this. Get someone else.

Ice clicked a setting on his power watch, a shimmer of orange light drowning out his blues and cyans. Ice did a French goodbye, leaving Boboiboy in his place. Blinking conscious, Bo's eyes darted around the room, looking left and right at everything around him.

"Wow, this place is extensive! High tech level as well, take a look at those robots over there for instance. Who knows what purpose they could have served, they definitely aren't Sumeragi."

Going up to one of the damaged robots, he investigated one of them, noting the head piece was severely crippled, barley hanging onto the body by a thread. With one hand, he grabbed hold of the head, yanking it free of it's tether, bringing it with them as they walked. rummaging in his pocket, he plucked out a handle with seemingly nothing attached.

Clicking a button on the handle, it lit up with a dim blue light, projecting a blue screwdriver head. This was a multi tool, a useful device for any kind of starship maintenance. He clicked the button a few times, shifting into a narrow pin shaped instrument - a circuit spanner. He'd attempt to fix up a few of the damaged of it's connectors so he could try and access any logs or visual recordings it may possess.
Tracy Rinehart

It seemed like Terrence and Kiwi were amiable to the plans she outlined. Beating up some guards to steal their uniforms was out, at least for right now. So that left going over the wall.
"I like the idea of leaving some of my monsters out here to cause a distraction in case we get into trouble. The problem is, I have no idea if that will work. The rules of how they work are so different here. But I'll try it." Tracy said. She scanned the Armament Factory again.

"I don't know how climbable these walls are. They're pretty sheer." Tracy admitted to Terrence. "You were able to climb up that big city wall, no problem though. If you got to the top of this wall, I've got a monster here that could give me and Kiwi a boost up the wall. You could pull us over the top, and we drop down the other side easy-peasy."

Tracy placed a card on her duel disk. In a flash of light, a monster appeared. It was a well dressed kid in well worn beige and grey clothes, with a blue and yellow polka-dotted bowtie. Their skin was blue and pale, and seemed to be patched together. Strangely enough, their blue hair seemed to be patched together as well. There was an ax stuck in their head, and their left eye was completely black. The young boy carried a book, and their right hand was just bones. Zombino blinked and slowly looked over Terrence and Kiwi, before looking to Tracy blankly. The monster had a faint scent of stale air and mothballs.

"Hello, Zombino." Tracy said to the monster. "This is Kiwi and Terrence. They're friends. Kiwi, Terrence. This is Zombino."
Zombino gave the pair a small nod, and Tracy pointed to the wall.
"Could you give me and Kiwi a boost up the wall?" Tracy asked the monster. The boy nodded.

A truck entered the facility, and for a moment there was quiet. The Steelworks Squad made their move. The squad of four figures dashed to the wall that surrounded the weapons facility. Terrence was first, his abilities allowing him to easily climb to the top of the wall. Kiwi was next. Zombino easily lifted the bard, as if the man weighed nothing at all. Terrance was able to pull Kiwi up the rest of the way, and the Bard dropped to the inside of the facility. Tracy was last, Zombino easily lifting the duelist, and Terrence pulling her to the top of the wall. Tracy paused at the top, looking back at her monster.

"Thanks." Tracy said. "Now, uh... hide nearby, okay? If alarms start going off, try to break in and cause a distraction to cover for us." Tracy instructed. Zombino blinked again, before nodding, and Tracy dropped to the inside of the facility.

Zombino stared at the wall for a moment, then turned and walked back to the ruined building the Steelworks squad had been hiding in. He sat down on a broken chair, opened the book it had, and began reading.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


—Day 2 Morning, Data Center Interior—

She and Ammy made it out of the room without any further struggle. Frisk was starting to feel pretty good at her stealth and infiltration skills, she’d been pretty top tier at it all so far. Imagine what she could do with the proper training and experience.

“Pay attention...” Chara’s voice spurred Frisk back to her environment and out of her fantasizing about being the next Tom Cruise.

A circular room, four branching hallways, a center elevator, and over a dozen screens flashing an error message.


So only the emergency power seemed to be active, considering the screens were on at all. Faced with three whole other directions to go, and a whole other floor (or more) to explore, she didn’t like the thought of scouring the whole place for the backup generators—and what she’d do when she reached them. She was no tech expert or engineer, so turning on the generators could prove troublesome. Did they just need fuel?

...Did they even take fuel?

Frisk glanced to her left, happening to find Chara standing by the wall with her arms crossed. “Don’t look at me, I was raised before there was even a ‘Germany,’ remember?”

A poor excuse, considering how Chara could know things, but Frisk was left to assume it was more due to a lack of unwillingness to help, for whatever reason.

Just then, voices could be heard. They were bouncing around, but Frisk was pretty sure she could tell where they were coming from and she quickly moved to the elevator shaft, using it to conceal herself from where she assumed the enemies would be emerging from. They were talking about... getting paid for catching Veetoo? What, like a bonus incentive? Or... was it that the speakers weren’t Sumeragi soldiers, but instead connected in some other way?

Making sure Amaterasu had followed, Frisk would move herself around the shaft to stay out of sight if/when the hostiles emerged as she thought about what to do for the generators when she found them. Was it too much of a stretch to assume Ammy could activate a generator?

Eh, probably. Veetoo could help, but he was a little occupied... so... maybe Frisk could find the generator, learn anything else she could, then go help him out then all of them could get the place running.

Sure. Seemed foolproof.


Previously Deathstalker62
Mr. Miracle
Well, wasn't this all so exciting? Here, his mighty brawn had worked out for the better and allowed the magician to slip the crowbar back down his sleeve and presto, open says he! It appears that what lie behind this hatch truly was some kind of loading bay, or at least one to stock incoming and outgoing supply. Hmm, actually, now that he's one to think about it.. those guys back there, they said they were low on supplies, didn't they? And if Terry was one to know about what is probably going to happen in the future, then him, Ben 10 and Robocop over there are going to clean house here, Sumeragi-wise.

Actually, there was that one thing. The gal said something earlier to the crew.. what was it? About her radio and the frequency or what else it may be? Miracle already knew that back at base, the lads and lasses probably did have the technology to pick up on unique frequencies. So.. hey, why not set a marker down for them while they were still here? It would probably help the guys and girls back home immensely, if they knew that the signal Terry was about to set down meant that there was something worth investigating here - and most importantly, that it was going to be safe after him and his crew were done sweeping up.

So, while he hung behind the other two and floated idly in the air, Hagen had reached one hand behind his suit jacket. His hand pretended to search for a particular gadget, but truly, he had just been using the cover to teleport it within his grasp. There, the miraculous magician had pulled out a calling card of his very own likeness. Though, for a card, it did certainly seem a bit thicker than cards typically were. That, of course, was for a very simple reason - with a press of the nose of his two-dimensional self, the very same silver-capped wand held in his laminated replica's hand lit up with a subtle, everchanging glow. Terry then nonchalantly tossed it to the side, letting the card slide under one of the many containers. While this was typically a tactic of him to notify nearby police stations post-crimefighting, in this instance, it would instead serve as a beacon to be eventually picked up by those back at HQ.


Previously mallard
Taking Point
-Morning, Nova Wreckage-
The Legionnaire watched in amusement as Miracle procured a crowbar and wedged it into the heavy hatch. The ship's frame had to be compromised from the crash, there was no way this thing wasn't jamm-


With a small "huh" of surprise, Akira yet again mentally remarked on how this man was full of surprises. She re-donned her helmet and went inside. Unlike the others, Akira was not concerned about this room nor anything in it, and so she took intentful steps towards the door, careful to avoid rolling an ankle or falling over.

Upon reaching the door, Akira pressed a button on her radio, and the small device displayed a secondary functionality as it emitted a beam of bright light out in front of her. She also pressed a button on her X-Baton. The weapon shifted back into its original shape: that of a baton. Fitting for the (assumedly) upcoming tight hallways and cramped rooms. Then, considering herself prepared, she opened the door and pressed ahead. There was no telling how long it would be before Sumeragi noticed they had lost control of the crash site, so they had to be quick in their search.


Previously Gamingfan2
The sun goddess looked at the massive hole in the ground, then at the glowing rectangles surrounding them.


None of those words in that sequence were familiar to Amaterasu. If they needed power, she could provide, but everything here was very unfamiliar to the goddess. She would hardly know where to begin.
Ammy's ear flickered at the sound of approaching footsteps. She followed Frisk around the elevator shaft, although all this sneaking around was starting to wear on her. The impatient goddess would rather they move fast and bless this land already.
The sun goddess swore she could faintly hear Issun chiding her.


Previously Manu456Alola
Crash Site – NORA Station Interior
Akira wasted no time in heading for the door, readying herself for a search as she did so.

Heading into the area beyond, the officer found herself in a small connecting hallway, which immediately turned to the right and led into a square room, quite a bit smaller than the last. It contained a cargo elevator along the back wall, stretching into an opening in the ceiling that the platform could head through – in the past, at least, as the steel platform had been snapped from its rails during impact, now sitting sadly on the scarlet floor. Some of the boxes it once carried were now dented scattered on the floor, mainly containing technological parts, though there were a few simply labeled "Rations".

A proper personnel access consisting of a simple ladder was located in the left corner right by the officer, the rungs rising into a smaller opening, only made slightly bothersome by some debris, scattered parts, and the remains of an unfamiliar robot below it. The wall opposite from the ladder contained a singular screen with a few cables and ports sticking out of the side, the screen itself displaying an error message with some slight static.

While there was little noise coming from the space station's equipment, metallic sounds could now be heard echoing throughout the structure, clearly coming from an upper level. Some of the sounds were periodic, closer to footsteps, others constant and akin to whirring machinery. One in particular was louder and shriller than the rest, almost like something was scraping against the floor throughout the station. Of course, there was no telling exactly what the source was.

Meanwhile, Boboiboy tinkered with the head with one of the robots using his circuit spanner. Sparks flew from a few of the connectors as he went, and soon enough, the visor-like feature on its 'face' lit up slightly. However, it didn't appear to have a way to display any information it did hold on its own.​

Data Center – Central Elevator
Slinking around the central elevator shaft, Frisk and Amaterasu watched as two more soldiers rushed out of the western hall, sprinting across the room and into the eastern hall that led to the proper entrance of the building. Their attire was slightly different from previous soldiers – they wore slightly bulkier, almost insulated-looking violet armor. While the two had seen that Psi-Users also wore violet, these two had no robes to speak of, had blasters at their hips, and their visors were red instead of silver.

"Man, I know we heard those guys would probably show up here," the younger-sounding of the two, a male, remarked. "But I didn't think it'd be so soon!"

"Eh, I'm all for it either way..." the older female said with a sigh. "Some combat sure beats lookin' at old bikes and stuff back in there."

The two passed by the elevator without even glancing in its direction, running straight toward V2's position. At least they seemed to clear up what one of the unexplored hallways held.​

Armament Factory
With Zombino's aid, the trio dropped down beyond the walls surrounding the factory.

They landed in the space between the wall and a small building by one of the gates, likely a security checkpoint. While the eastern wall they'd landed by was blank, the southern one had a window, a quick look inside revealing a single soldier lazily sorting through camera feeds on a computer beside him.

The space beyond the walls was mostly comprised of an open courtyard-like area, trucks periodically moving in and out of the factory situated to the north, headed toward the gates to the west, east, and south. Besides the security buildings by each gate, the only human presence out here was right by the hydraulic doors at each segment of the factory, where a couple small groups of Sumeragi soldiers were stationed to help in loading the incoming and outgoing trucks with cargo and machines.

Tracy, Terrence, and Kiwi's position was only a couple dozen feet away from the rightmost building of the factory, a slight alleyway between it and the outer wall serving as a good hiding spot and potential entryway to get to. Security wasn't as heavy outside as it would probably be inside, with just three cameras monitoring the open air around here, red lights on each switching between on and off as the guard inside absentmindedly toggled between them and a few others situated elsewhere in the facility.

At that moment, a Sumeragi truck rolled into the nearby gate to check in with security.​


Previously mallard
Akira Howard
-Morning, Nova Wreckage-
The hallway was laid out in front of her, and, better yet, it did not fork or split. Simple. Akira followed the hallway on high alert. She hadn't sensed anything yet, but...

She rounded the corner, and realized that she had thought too soon. Muffled echoes of mechanical sounds were now audible as she approached the room. The officer entered, made sure nothing was hiding in any of the corners, and then relaxed a bit. The room was a mess, but manageable enough to move around in. She looked to her right. Screens mentioning a "Sophia Force". She wondered who Sophia was... but the Sophia Force probably was some sort of space organization. She glanced down at the ports, an opportunity she was ill-equipped to take advantage of, as she had no USBs to speak of. She saw Boboiboy fiddling with some of the robotics in an earlier room, maybe he could make use of it?

Either way, she needed to scout the next room ahead, just to be sure. The policewoman definitely heard activity now, which she needed to check out. Turning back to the ladder, she released her Legion as quietly as possible, which unfortunately still created a small THOOM that shook the room. Akira cursed under her breath at the sound. The Type-R itself floated patiently as it slowly faded from view, becoming entirely invisible. Then, it calmly floated adjacent to the ladder and upwards, aiming to peek into the next room. Akira, meanwhile, closed her eyes and focused to see what the Legion saw.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Looks like it's restored...maybe. I should have been paying more attention when Ying explained how to do this. If I did this right, it should be serviceable, but the only way to know would be to link it to some kind of display device. Wish it worked liked those Nubot machines that displayed their information on their visors.

Looking around as they progressed, they came across a ladder, another broken robot, and now a screen. A screen? Well that turned out perfect, almost too perfect.

"Hey, I think I got this thing working, watch my back while I try to hook this up."

Hunching down to connect the cables to the robot head he acquired, he looked back and forth before grabbing hold of them and carefully scanning the mechanical headpiece, attempting to inject the cable into the side, holding it closed with his hand so it wouldn't loosen the connection.


Previously Deathstalker62
Mr. Miracle
Having settled in a steady pace of floating idly, Hagen found himself enjoying this break away from fighting Sumeragi Troops. Though, if he had to admit to himself, it was also a bit boring. With his peacemaker ally settling into using her weird robot.. thingamajig to scout ahead and the boy armed with the strange watch tinkering further, it now was time for the miraculous magician to find something to keep himself busy. That is, when his topaz-tinted eyes settled upon the cargo elevator and the opening.

Evidently, it was out of order, that much was clear to the magician. But that hole there.. now that was something he could venture out towards! And that he had done so, for Terry spared only a few last looks behind himself to memorize the layabout of this current location as a mental waypoint, before his floating form ascended up the elevator shaft to discover just where this platform would have reached if it were operational still. It's not like he was abandoning his team, Miracle was just.. scouting ahead! Yes, that's it, and he was absolutely not intending on roaming randomly like a lost toddler exploring a place he's never been to before!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


—Day 2 Morning, Data Center Central Elevator—

Those people were different from what had been seen so far, but in what way fundamentally? Their attitude was pretty casual, considering the destruction yesterday not to mention Veetoo’s reputation... either they could back that up or were grossly underestimating the situation they were so happily running toward. There was probably reason to presume the former, so this would have to be quick.

At least one hallway had been answered. ‘Old bikes and stuff’ were down the hall those two had come from, which left only two other unknown halls. Forward and right, from the perspective of the hall she and Ammy had initially emerged from.

“Okay, let’s split up for a second,” Frisk turned to the dog. “You go down that one, look for anything that looks important and takes power, it should boot up this room and give us access to the data here.”

How much of this could the dog understand? Frisk was just banking on the hope that there wasn’t a two-way language barrier going on here.

“I’ll head down this one and look for the same thing, then we meet up back here.”

“Hehehe, you’re talking to a dog,” Chara snorted.

Tracy Rinehart​

They had made over the wall. Tracy took a moment to check her duel disk. Zombino's card was still on it, and everything still seemed normal. Staying crouched, she quickly scanned the nearby area. Cameras, a guard in the security post, and a few soldiers outside, helping unload trucks. What was their goal here? Intelligence and sabotage? One of these buildings probably had an office inside. That was what they needed to find for some intel.

"Still pretty light on security out here. Some cameras, but you can tell when someone's looking through them." Tracy whispered. "Pretty bad design..."
The duelist watched as a truck entered the compound. An opening they could use.
"While the soldiers are unloading the truck, we just have to time our run to that slight alleyway between the building and the wall so the guard on camera duty isn't looking there." Tracy said. "It looks like that alleyway is a blindspot, and might lead to a back entrance to the factory building or something."

Waiting for the soldiers to be busy unloading the truck, and the security guard not watching through that particular camera, once the timing was right Tracy would try to move quickly and quietly across the space towards the alleyway!


Previously Gamingfan2
The soldiers passed by them without even a glance, thought Amaterasu was thankful for that. As they vanished from view, Frisk turned towards the wolf goddess, who perked up at being spoken to. Amaterasu's face was blank as Frisk ran through her plan, though she understood the general plan, with the exception of "booting up" and "data". Amaterasu felt concern about leaving the human girl by herself, but reminded herself that she didn't appear to be an ordinary girl. Plus, that the faster they wrap this up, the less time they'd have to spend here
So with an acknowledging huff, Amaterasu turned and ran into the right hallway.


Previously Manu456Alola
Crash Site – NORA Station Interior
The Sword Legion ascended through the opening in its invisible state, Akira using her link with the chimera to peer into the room beyond.

When the officer opened her eyes through the Legion, she found herself staring into a large hallway, about thirty feet wide and stretching throughout nearly the entire structure. Its design remained similar to the rest of the structure, though the details and objects along each surface were larger-scale – the fans and pipes from before now took up even more space on the walls, some hidden behind metal grates, while a greater amount of energy capsules mere mostly arranged along the lower walls and ceiling. Some of the walls contained a series of control panels and other devices, though with the low power the station seemed to have, they probably wouldn't do much.

Looking up the tilted hall, which featured two sets of nonfunctional conveyor belts running along either side of the floor, Akira could see one offshoot on each side about halfway down the hall, leading to parts unknown. What most drew the captain's attention, however, was the group of Sumeragi forces approaching the other end of the hall, which contained a set of closed steel doors. Nearby it was a control panel, though chunks of the device had been damaged or broken apart by the crash.

The group of enemies consisted of four Sentry Units (two wielding chainsaws, two with gatling guns and shields), two Patrol Bots, two Homing Launcher soldiers, and one more soldier donning violet armor and a red visor. He seemed to be leading the bunch, seeking to examine the broken-down panel nearby them.

Notably, the source of the prolonged scraping noise wasn't with them, instead echoing from elsewhere in the structure.

Miracle's flight into the cargo shaft led him into a comparatively cramped space, the tunnel-like structure around him translucent in nature, allowing him a glimpse into the hallway Akira's Legion was investigating before continuing upward. The scraping mechanical noise that rung throughout the station was significantly louder here, enough to cause some discomfort, and as the magician continued to float throughout the shaft, the path winding to the right, then to the left, then right again, the interior grew darker and darker, the shaft now concealed within the structure instead of out in the open.

He eventually got another look at a small room underneath him, mostly occupied by a cylindrical device with a sphere at the top, partially reminiscent of a Tesla pylon. While it seemed to be in one piece, a closer look revealed a series of stress fractures all over it, as though it could fall apart at any moment. A few crates were scattered across the room, possibly containing parts and the like related to this machine or other technology around the ship.

The shaft Miracle was in continued in towards an opening on the side of this new room, though there was a bifurcation slightly further in that led into a dark area a bit higher up in the ship. Metallic noises continued to echo throughout the shaft, with some of them evidently coming from the hallway he'd spotted earlier.

Still by the cargo elevator, Boboiboy aimed to connect the robot's head to the screen beside him. Some of the connectors weren't a perfect fit, though it seemed to work well enough, the display flashing for a moment before several strings of text appeared on the screen.

SF UNIT G-04-155



Data Center – Interior
And so the two decided to split. Frisk continued into the northern hall, while Amaterasu headed to the east, keeping her distance from the two soldiers that had just ran past the central elevator.

Frisk's path led her down a practically identical hall to the previous one, and as she approached the next room, a set of lights came into view, though pointed away from her position. The hall opened up into another square room, rusty cabinets, shelves, and racks lining the walls, a couple of weapons scattered across some of them – mainly rifles and pistols, though noticeably older in design than the types of weapons Sumeragi used, instead a bit more contemporary to the teen's own time period. A lone green sniper rifle stood out among the weapons, sitting atop a stand toward the back wall, a bit more advanced-looking than the other firearms.

A rectangular table and a couple chairs were placed toward each wall of the room, the one to Frisk's right occupied by a Patrol Bot and a soldier, the latter donning armor like the pair she had just seen. Lights installed into the soldier's helmet shone into the wall in front of him, which had a piece of it torn off and set at the table, exposing a device inside the structure. From where the teen stood, however, it was difficult to make out what it was.

While the Patrol Bot stood beside him, occasionally shining its light elsewhere to keep an eye on any intrusion (though fortunately not far out enough to reach the entrance), the soldier reached into a pouch on his belt, pulling out a small yet fairly intricate device.

"It's no EN Pack, but it'll have to do..." he muttered, reaching into the opening and fiddling with the object within.

Meanwhile, Amaterasu's own hallway came to an end a little sooner than the others, opening up into a large room that stretched a slight ways forward, two rows of server racks positioned from one end of the room to the other, dividing the area into three halls. Several figures, human and machine alike, were gathered toward the other end of the room, which had some light streaming in – the eastern entrance to the data center was nearby.

The soldiers from before had met up with a Grenadier about halfway through the room, the soldier in green looking toward the others as the sounds of battle rang out behind him.

"Come to join us, huh?" he said. "The machine's alone. We've got numbers on him – he may have made a hell of a mess yesterday, but we're bound to overwhelm him soon. If your Septimas can be helpful here, use them."

"Oh, I better get the chance to do cool stuff," the brasher of the purple-suited soldiers affirmed, already walking closer to the conflict. "With that Kestrel assassin around, that robot just might get packed up real quick."

Aside from the server racks near Ammy, there were doors on either side of her, windows next to each one. The room on the right appeared to be a small office-like space, while the one to her left seemed to hold a series of boxes not too dissimilar to the ones found in the storage room from earlier. Either could hold something of use for the mission, though the question remained of just how many enemies were headed V2's way – or how dangerous they could be.​
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Facility dislodged? Dimensional rupture...so this thing is likely not a ship at all, but a part of a space station of some kind? I heard about dimensional rifts taking people, but this is definitely larger scale...what is causing all of this? The rifts that seemed targeted on people were specific, this instance seems...raw, unintended even. Unless... someone's caused all of this.

"Interesting. This whole place was a station affected by this dimensional shift that you guys said you experienced. But somethings not adding up. I think it's hinting at something...or someone having caused this."

Turning around after explaining this to the team, he stopped, his eyes looking left and right. They were suddenly down one.

"...Where did Miracle go?"
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SELECTED TARGETS: 4x Missile Soldier, 2x Grenadier, 1x Bomber Drone, 1x Shield Drone PRIORITIZING... PRIORITIZING TARGET: BOMBER DRONE
The missiles were dangerous, but nothing that V2 couldn't handle. The Grenadiers were already proven to be non-issues. The Bomber and Shield drones, however, could damage him greatly. V2 jumped up and moved against a wall, before slamming- and jumping off. A curious quirk of the laws of physics meant that, on hitting the ground, the machine was able to launch themself enormously far up.

The war model prioritized the bomber drone, tossing 3-coins upward and firing a Marksman shot at them the moment they hit the peak. The electromagnetically accelerated shard of metal accelerated forward at great speed, bouncing from coin to coin, before slamming into one of the drone's engines.

The shield drone would prove a greater issue, as the energy field would likely absorb the energy from several of V2's attacks. Taking advantage of the remaining coin, V2 tossed it over the sentry's head as they fell, then fired a charge shot from another pistol, aiming to hit the sentry from behind. V2 turned to the ground targets next.

4 ones with tough armor, 2 without. All organic, all sapient... all off-limits, remember that! But it was so infuriating! They were RIGHT THERE! and- well, it was necessary. Go on a killing spree, and the war machine would lose it's only allies. Thinking quick, the machine decided that knocking them over would be a fun, effective, and most importantly, non-lethal way to stall them.

V2's launched another Core Eject as they approached the ground, and swapped to the Malicious Railcannon, putting the shotgun in one wing and grabbing the railcannon from another. Equations pre-done, the machine waited for a timer to countdown, and fired- coincidentally, almost at the exact same time as they landed The shot travelled at the speed of light, instantly hitting the Core Eject shot and causing a massive explosion.

However, having timed it right, the fireball and shrapnel would never hit the soldiers, but the shockwave would. Hitting them like a truck, it would have enough force to knock many of them back and slightly up, if they weren't ready for the force. V2 rushed forward as they landed, aiming to scare the hostiles into calling in yet more reinforcements.


Previously mallard
-Morning, NORA Wreckage-
Miracle flew up the elevator shaft without a moment's hesitation, and a grimace flickered across Akira's lips. He could obviously handle himself, but some communication would be nice so they could coordinate...

"...Where did Miracle go?"

The information about the dimensional shift was something, but nothing that helped them much at this moment. To answer Boboiboy's question, the policewoman nodded to the elevator shaft.


Instead of dwelling on what others were doing, she refocused on the task at hand. The Legionnaire spotted a group of hostiles through the eyes of her Legion. She watched them for a moment.

"Big room up ahead. There's a group of Sumeragi, all on one side. Four combat robots, three soldiers, and two... new kinds of robots. They don't look dangerous... but I wouldn't bet my life on it. I'm going to ambush them like I did last time. Are you able to back me up?"

No matter the answer, Akira moved towards the ladder. She hopped over the debris in the way, and then began calmly ascending the ladder. The Type-R remained at the entrance of the hallway, keeping eyes on the enemies.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Miracle couldn't sit still it seemed, he was quite the free spirit. Oh well, nothing he could do about it now but try and run into him again. Akira didn't seem too bothered by his disappearance either...so it should be alright? After being requested to back her up from a possible enemy incursion, Bo nodded.

"We can't be too careful, we only got one life." He held his power watch up, clicking on a new setting. "Elemental shift..."

A symbol appeared over Boboiboy, brown light shining from him. The visage of two mountain like icons appeared before they shattered, Boboiboy becoming another elemental. This one had their hat backwards with the same symbol now on the back of the hat. Their personality seemed very close to that of regular, but their colors were now donned in yellow-oranges and blacks, two dark purple gauntlets of stone with pulsing veins of orange were equipped over his arms.

"-Quake." He finished his previous line, exhaling calmly. "I have your back."

Pushing the debris in the way to the side, he followed Akira, making sure to watch out for anything going awry.


Previously Blatant Mokery
Terrence Boom
“Ooh! That’s- fancy.” Terrence complimented Zombino as the monster was summoned by Tracy. He was being polite, but it was actually a little creepy- sort of like… a puppet, almost? It was definitely undead, something Terrence didn’t really have familiarity with… he wondered if he needed to be worried about getting chomped suddenly, actually. It didn’t help that it smelled like a grandma’s attic, just sort of stale and old… shaking those rude thoughts from his head, he just smiled. “Alright, sounds like a plan,” Terrence beamed.

The triad (momentarily a quartet, technically) didn’t have much of any trouble getting over the wall, Terrence latching on with his deeply-orange Bravery magic. He was up first, and with Zombino’s freakish and deceptive amount of physical strength, Kiwi and Tracy didn’t encounter any issues climbing, where Terrence could then get them to the top without incident. Smartly, Zombino was left to potentially cause a distraction in the future. Hopefully it wouldn’t come to that, but it was nice to have someone- er, somecardmonster? Out here and on their side, especially since Zombino was spookily tough in his own right.

“Hm… not too bad… those cameras are tricky, as long as there’s someone watching them, but yeah… bad design, good for us,” Terrence clicked his tongue. They had a brief bit of breathing room here, more than anyone could expect or ask for when behind enemy lines, but it was going to be worse the further in they got. “Man, if we could brick that goof’s computer, we’d really be in business right now. Anyone here got any mad hacking skills?”

Really, that was the only hole he could punch in Tracy’s plan- that guard in there could switch to the wrong camera at any moment, and they’d be done for- but if she were to take off, he’d follow anyway, not willing to leave her to go at it on her own.


Previously Deathstalker62
Mr. Miracle
Well now, wasn't this one hell of a pickle he was in? Here the man was, all wrapped up in walls of steel like one of his merchandise items, ready to be packed up and sent out. And what's worse, this claustrophic tunnel didn't even have just one exit, and not even a well-lit one at that! Honestly, the poor level of maintenance on this station.. does nobody know how to repair a crash site anymore these days?? Nothing to dwell about though, Terry had places to be!

Although that darker path up ahead looked enticing to explore, he had something to accomplish here first. A little distraction for his allies to let them go down their own routes more easily. That mechanical cylinder, looking like it was about one breeze away from crashing loudly to the ground. That will do, now won't it? Miracle had placed a hand forward, before his palm and fingers shaped themselves into a classic finger gun, tip of his index finger pointed at the fractured pylon.

There, with a quiet fizzle and a pop, a small burst of prismatic magic fired off the magician's finger like a bullet. Hopefully, its oncoming impact with the tesla coil will have the entire device crack and shatter like an egg, and make one hell of a mess of ear-deafening noises with all that metal clattering to the floor. Not that Hagen was going to stick around to find out, oh no, sir. He had already flown up further into the bifurcation with a haste in his levitation, another rainbow flick of energy at his upheld fingertip. This time, however, as a gleaming radiance with ever-changing hues as the man utilized his magical ability to illuminate the darkened area that led further up this cramped shaft.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


—Day 2 Morning, Data Center North—

The girl slowed down when she reached the next room, taking in the new environment in stride. It almost seemed like an old armory of sorts... the few weapons she could see were representative of her time period. What exactly was this data center, anyway? What data center needed an armory...?

A green sniper rifle was placed on a stand at the back wall, and strangely seemed to draw attention to itself, enough that Frisk was momentarily focused on it. It was newer; more up-to-date with Sumeragi tech compared to everything else.

She didn’t really have a use for something like that, though.

Two individuals occupied the room. Another of the new soldier type, and another patrol bot. Its scanners didn’t seem to go very far, because Frisk tensed when it faced her direction—then continued on. She wasn’t spurred into action. Not yet, anyway. The man was messing with a hole in the wall, talking about EN Packs (whatever that was). This place didn’t seem to be what she was looking for, nor did it bear anything of value.

She turned and made her way back to the center room, maintaining her quietude.


Previously mallard
Akira Howard
-Morning, NORA Wreckage-
The policewoman turned her head to watch the new transformation. She nodded in acknowledgement.

"Nice to meet you, Quake."

Then, she continued up the ladder. As she neared the top rungs, the Type-R Legion drifted forwards and upwards, still invisible. It neared the ceiling, staring right at the group as if prepared to pounce. Akira took a deep breath.

Then, the RAVEN captain heaved herself from the ladder and into the open. At the same time, her Legion tugged on the Astral Chain, causing the Legionnaire to launch in a large arc towards the Sumeragi force. This action caused the Legion to reveal itself. Akira spun through the air and conjured the second of the smokebombs Mr. Miracle had gifted her. She quickly flung the tiny object in the center of the group of enemies, before she and her Legion dove in to wreck some robots.

Their first targets were the two shield-bearing sentries, hoping to destroy them before their shields were properly set. Whether or not the Legionnaire and Legion were successful, the captive Chimera would quickly follow up by looping around as many enemies as it could to bind and neutralize them in the Astral Chain.


Previously Manu456Alola
Crash Site – NORA Station Interior
Having scouted ahead with the Sword Legion, Akira and Quake headed up the ladder and into the large hall beyond. The group of Sumeragi troops had moved forward a little, with the leading soldier in purple placing a hand on the shattered console by the shut doors. Wasting little time in seizing her opportunity, Akira flung herself into the fray, weapon at the ready––


A loud shattering of metal and glass rung out from a nearby room on the right, Miracle's distraction attempt causing some of the enemies to turn around just in time to witness the officer and her Legion closing in. The purple-armored soldier's body began to glow with a pinkish energy, and he uttered a quick command to his allies.


He vanished into an orb of light immediately afterwards, merging with the console beside him – while the two Homing Launcher soldiers leapt away from the rest of the group right as the smoke bomb popped and the RAVEN duo struck. Even with prior warning from the nearby crash, the Sentry Units were a tad too slow in turning and bringing their defenses up, the legion's blades and the officer's X-Baton piercing and slashing into them, tearing apart one sentry in moments while leaving the other greatly damaged and without its gatling gun.

The Astral Chain looped around the area, catching the remaining Sentry Unit and both Patrol Bots. One Patrol Bot was positioned slightly closer to the two, the cone of red coming from its eye intersecting with Akira even through the smoke – and a film of red energy seemed to immediately envelop its small body, the segment of the chain around it glowing less brightly. The Patrol Bot began to fire out lasers at Akira and her Legion, albeit at a moderate rate due to its partially neutralized status.

As conflict broke out, a stream of energy around the console quickly gathered broken off pieces and scattered components into itself, quickly repairing its prior damage in a mismatched manner. Should Akira look in its direction through her IRIS, she would find that it was now supplying some energy of its own into some nearby power lines, soon causing the doors to slide open with a loud groan.

The two Homing Launchers soon rushed through the opening, rushing up a set of stairs that led to another closed door, which was in the process of opening up as well. As they fled deeper into the station, each soldier fired off a missile behind them, locking onto Akira's signature to follow her movements and detonate on contact.

Meanwhile, Miracle's route after his distraction led him into a similarly cramped shaft, though this one stretched on for a bit longer than the previous ones. His magical light, though allowing him to see where he was headed, didn't give the magician much of a view of the station as he was passing through the inner framework of the structure, with only red and gray steel meeting him directly outside of the shaft's confines.

Before long, the shaft finally exited into a large room, mostly occupied by relatively well-arranged containers, structural pillars and the remains of a few robots similar to the ones by the entrance. Compared to previous areas, the number of containers and machines around here was significantly greater, and coupled with a few more cargo shafts littered toward other ends of the room– it seemed Miracle had reached the main storage unit of the facility.

The loud noise from before had grown in volume as Miracle moved through the shaft, and having reached the storage unit, it was now certainly at its loudest, echoing from just about every direction in this enclosed space. However, just as the noise became almost too grating to tolerate – it suddenly stopped, a crash coming from one end of the room, accompanied by the sound of metal and debris crumbling apart.

A singular yellow eye stared at Miracle from beyond the range of his light.​

Data Center – Exterior
V2's bullet ricocheted from one coin to the next, striking the Bomber's left engine right before it could attack – causing the robot to spin out of control and toward the ground, scattering its bombs everywhere as it fell, an array of explosions going off in quick succession, albeit a safe distance from both V2 and his enemies. The following shot toward the Sentry Unit wasn't as effective, as the Interceptor drone sped around to block the projectile with its barrier, the green film of energy darkening in shade slightly.

However, the defensive robot couldn't do much to prevent the Core Eject and Malicious Railcannon combo from going off.


Heat, flame, and shrapnel all burst outward from the midair explosion, blowing the soldiers backwards a decent distance and causing the two Sentry Units to skid back from the blast slightly. The Interceptor had swiftly flown away from the blast, and it was quick to move back in to block V2's path as the war machine made to dash closer to its opposition. The barrier robot kept a slight distance between itself and V2 at all times, enough to avoid physical contact while still annoying him and obstructing his view.

With the soldiers still recovering from the rattling explosion, the Sentry Units were the only ones able to counterattack, hunkering behind their shields as they both unleashed another storm of plasma bullets in V2's direction, with the Interceptor swerving away from the fire just before impact, aiming to give V2 very little time to react by visual means.

The dark clouds from before had grown closer over time, a drizzle beginning to fall throughout this part of the slums, including the data center itself.​

Armament Factory – Exterior
Not long after Tracy voiced her plan, the soldiers by the factory doors began to unload the contents of the newly-arrived truck. The camera pointing to the open area between the group and the alleyway shut off soon afterward, and the group quickly moved to the alleyway one after another. No one seemed to be spotted as they squeezed into the space, a lack of cameras on either wall confirming the duelist's suspicion that the gap was a blindspot for security.

Advancing toward the other end of the factory, the group came out into a decently sized open space, featuring a fourth northern gate in the large wall nearby them, while the factory buildings themselves each held a door flush with the floor, a security panel with a screen beside each one simply reading 'LOCKED'.

The only other notable feature of this back access were six vents laid out higher on the wall about fifteen feet up, with two vents per building.