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  • This is probably just me, but did anyone else get randomly addicted to watching cooking videos recently???
    im finna cook your mum in bed ong
    Got my second COVID vaccine tomorrow, but it's gonna be annoying to go outside because this heat in the UK is KILLING me
    Hey I was wondering and im not going to bother you to much about it because that would be rude. But can I join " the adventure of kalos" role play i have my character set up already if you want me to you. I also have a basic understanding of whats going on.
    Again i wont bother you to much so i dont care to much if its a no.
    Just wanted to ask who the three he takes, since there four that fighting (it wa supposed to be five but ruby has stopped roleplaying)
    Magic Sparkle
    Magic Sparkle
    Is it okay to have 2 characters?

    If yes im going to play the grunt who fought max before, if your character got completely brainwashed they probably work together with some kind of a plan.
    Yeah you can have 2 characters if you want!
    Magic Sparkle
    Magic Sparkle
    Okay, i will add my character soon in the role play
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