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Search results

  1. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Pokemon World: Shadows of the Past

    Mike got hit with the shadow ball in the chest. He said" That kinda hurt. Psy wave is an interesting move. It has random power. It could take anywhere between one more hit and ten depending on what Pokemon you are. Also we can just attack in random areas until we hit you. Also if an attack comes...
  2. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Pokemon World: Shadows of the Past

    Mike telekinetically caught the bucket of water. He said" Well considering I don't see you you are either a invisible ghost type or a psychic type manipulating stuff from a distance. Either this is two Pokemon helping our problem or you are in the ghastly line. Well no water poison types can...
  3. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Pokemon World: Shadows of the Past

    Illusive nodded and ran to fetch Mike and Anubis. Illusive poked Mike when he saw him. He said" We need your help dealing with a poison type." Mike ran to Venen. He said" You need my help?" Illusive then ran to fetch Anubis. He said" He has a friend."Anubis ran with Illusive back to Venen." Mike...
  4. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Pokemon World: Shadows of the Past

    Illusive ran out of the room. He asked" Is there any way to get the smog out of there? I cannot find him if that smog is in there." He growled at the door. He said" He has a friend to help him betray us now. If it is smog that means it is a poison type. Maybe you could convince Mike to hurt...
  5. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Rose Petal Village (Romance RP)

    Illusive got in the cart and started cuddling with Sino. He said" You have no idea how much you make me happy. I love you so much." He began to kiss her.
  6. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Cataclysmic Proportions

    I'm going to be a group of two Pokemon. Do wild Pokemon hAve nicknames or is that just something given by the trainer when caught.
  7. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Private/Closed Life in the City. (RP)

    Illusive walked into what would be his costume shop with his two children in his ponytail. Anubis was currently wearing his deerling costume. Illusive had on his work clothes. He said" Well this place is huge. There has to be some pokemon that want to dress up in costumes. And I am the only one...
  8. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Private/Closed Life in the City. (Sign-Ups)

    Ok here are his two adopted children Name: Anubis Gender: Male Pokemon: Fennekin Role child Personality: He normally wears costumes. He acts very differently depending on the costume. In reality it is all an act and he is very timid. Though he does a good job hiding his feelings. Appearance: The...
  9. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Rose Petal Village (Romance RP)

    Illusive said" Yes of course. Let's go to the Ferris wheel." He then kissed Sino and walked over to the Ferris wheel. He said" Can we cuddle while we are in the Ferris wheel. I really wanna cuddle. You are super soft and perfect for cuddling."
  10. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Private/Closed Life in the City. (Sign-Ups)

    You didn't answer my question. Can Illusive have adopted children?
  11. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Rose Petal Village (Romance RP)

    Illusive ran into the carnival with Sino. He looked around at all the options for entertainment. He asked" What should we do first?" He then nuzzled Sino back. He said" I'm glad I met you. I love you. You are so beautiful. I haven't seen anything more beautiful then you."
  12. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Pokemon World: Shadows of the Past

    Illusive said" What happened? All this smog makes it so I cannot smell him anymore. So he found someone to work with. He is going to use that Pokemon to hurt my family. I cannot let him do that. If I find him I'm going to kill him for betraying my trust. I might have let him live if it was just...
  13. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Rose Petal Village (Romance RP)

    Illusive gave Sino a kiss. He said" Thank you. Seeing you like this gives me bravery." He walked to the door and held it open for Sino. He said" After you beautiful. I would follow you anywhere. You lead and I will follow. I would willingly be your slave if you asked me to. You are perfect in...
  14. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Private/Closed Life in the City. (Sign-Ups)

    Name: Illusive Gender: male Crush: none yet Pokemon: Zoroark Role: Costume shop owner Personality: He loves children( not in a creepy way).He is very shy around most people, but he is very loving and playful with children. Appearance: At work he wears a red collared shirt with black pants. He...
  15. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Pokemon World: Shadows of the Past

    Illusive began to follow his nose towards the scent of Kestrel. Illusive said" I know he is here somewhere I smell him." Illusive enter the storage room. He said" The scent is stronger here. He is close by. You can hide from my eyes, but you cannot hide from my nose." He began to sniff some of...
  16. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Pokemon World: Shadows of the Past

    Anubis ,Mike, and Illusive each went to their respective areas. They searched for any sign of the adamant orb. Illusive smelled Kestrel's scent in the building. He ran to Venen and whispered in her ear" I smell the Pokemon you don't like somewhere in here."
  17. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Rose Petal Village (Romance RP)

    Illusive said" That is a great idea. its just that there will be so many Pokemon there. It kinda makes me nervous." He was still wearing his butterfree wings. He said" I have you though, so I will be ok. Can you wear butterfree wings like mine too? It will make me more comfortable going out like...
  18. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Rose Petal Village (Romance RP)

    Illusive rested his head into Sino. He said" I literally and figuratively fell for you. I'm just glad I have someone now. I would do anything for you. Well anything that doesn't involve hurting kids. I love you. You are going to be an amazing mother. I just know you will."
  19. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Rose Petal Village (Romance RP)

    Illusion said in Sino's voice" Well let's start getting the marriage ready." He then said in his normal voice" I impersonate people for a living. With the ability to mimick voices plus illusions I can be pretty convincing or funny if I choose to." He then hugged Sino tightly. He gazed into her eyes.
  20. Fluffy Zorua 123

    Ask to Join Rose Petal Village (Romance RP)

    Illusive shows her the ring. He asks" Do you like it?" He then put the necklace on her. He asked" So should we adopt a kid while we wait for our biological children to be here. That way our children have a big brother or sister to play with if we don't have twins." He mimicked Sino's voice and...