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  1. H47E

    Open Pokémon: Interstellar - Discussion Thread

    Nope! There will be four major events that kick off the main story each happening in its own region; Kanto, Unova, Kalos, and Sinnoh. Each is large enough that word of it will have an effect on other regions such as Galar, Johto, Hoenn, etc. So you can start anywhere.
  2. H47E

    Ask to Join Pokémon Discussion Thread

    Sounds good, they will likely stumble into each other soon then.
  3. H47E

    Ask to Join Pokémon Discussion Thread

    They've just reached the Wild Area and left the train station. They'll likely wander for a bit before stumbling into your characters. If you want them to stumble upon the abomasnow encounter to help can, but if you'd like them to wait until after that works out too.
  4. H47E

    Ask to Join Pokémon: Role Play Thread

    Kai and Maia, Heads of the Medashi Family; Unranked//Unranked. Route 5, Galar. July 25th. "Kai, are we lost? You have no idea where we're going, do you?" Maia's soft voice rolled through the air, crashing into her elder brothers earddrums in much harsher fashion than they'd been intended for...
  5. H47E

    Ask to Join Pokémon Discussion Thread

    I'd be more than interested in tying in their backstories. It wouldn't be farfetched to believe the connection there and it makes perfect sense. The Medashi's parents are dead now and their business is shut down, but Kai would likely be more than interested in anyone who had connection to his...
  6. H47E

    Open Pokémon: Interstellar - Discussion Thread

    Heck yeah, can't wait to see what you come up with!
  7. H47E

    Ask to Join Pokémon: Role Play Thread

    Kai and Maia, Heads of the Medashi Family; Unranked//Unranked. The Ocean, somewhere between The Isle of Armor and Hulbury, Galar. July 25th. "I think I'm gonna be s-sick..." a young male voice groaned from the side of a large ship. The Mighty Beast was a magnificent boat and the cheapest luxury...
  8. H47E

    Ask to Join Pokémon Discussion Thread

    Let's goo! I'll post an intro soon. I'm going to start them likely in Galar because it's the region I'm most unfamiliar with and if I make any mistakes in navigation or geography it would make sense for them to be wrong, plus I want to have them begin in a place where they may have to rely on...
  9. H47E

    Open Pokémon: Interstellar - Discussion Thread

    Hello, reader! Thanks for stopping in to check out this rp idea. I'm recently returning from a multi-year hiatus on writing, and I dearly missed sharing the experience of crafting a story with others, so I'm hopeful I can get a few of you to join me on this adventure in rekindling my writing...
  10. H47E

    Ask to Join Pokémon Discussion Thread

    Here goes nothin'!
  11. H47E

    Ask to Join Pokémon Discussion Thread

    I have two ideas, one of them is a pair of siblings. If multiple characters are allowed, I'd love to play them but if not I will drop a single character sheet.
  12. H47E

    Ask to Join Pokémon Discussion Thread

    Hello, fellow writers! I hope the intrusion isn't minded but I've recently come back to the site after a looooong lack of activity (and a multi year hiatus from role-playing in general). I've been reading up on this rp both here and in the active thread, as it's one of the largest and most...
  13. H47E

    Ask to Join The broken world(discussion)

    Can I get a location update, as to where in the region everyone is located? Dont want to start my character in Wedgehurst when everyone is near Hammerlocke. Just a general area of where people are at?
  14. H47E

    Ask to Join The broken world(discussion)

    Got lost in time for a bit- Alright if I hop into the rp once I catch up on reading? I can find a way to introduce my character that flows with the plot, no need to interrupt anything going on.
  15. H47E

    Ask to Join The broken world(discussion)

    I'd like a spot. I can post a character sheet whenever, let me know!
  16. H47E

    Open Growing Up Early RP Discussion

    Majorly intrigued as to where this RP may go. Anybody mind if I drop a character sheet?