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  1. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~sun High School (Discussion)

    Sure. Also yea idk how much im going to be replying right now as theres kind of been some stuff going on irl so im trying to deal with that first lol
  2. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~sun High School (Discussion)

    Lol i know... but ive had really bad sunburns and although its nothing life threatening it sure hurts like hell xD
  3. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~Sun High School (Roleplay)

    Ann The small vampire wasnt exactly sure where she was going.. she knew she had to find her brother...something bad had happened. Suddenly Ann stopped, a feeling a pure dread washing over her. The vampires from earlier... had they already gotten to him..? Looking around wildly as if she would...
  4. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~sun High School (Discussion)

    Happy Valentines y’all!! :love:
  5. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~sun High School (Discussion)

    Oohh!!! That makes sense!! Aww poor Aster XD my confusion resulted in no kiss thats so sad Alexa play despacito Edit: Now i have despacito stuck in my brain someone help :(
  6. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~Sun High School (Roleplay)

    Ann The redheaded vampire studied Aster’s face carefully again. There was another long pause after she had asked, and she was feeling a bit uncomfortable, so the only thing she had left to do was focus back on the Rakshasa’s expression to what had just happened. She wasnt quite sure what he was...
  7. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~sun High School (Discussion)

    Im dying, im done, ive just... that was so perfect and somehow when i wrote that it went right over my head X’D
  8. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~Sun High School (Roleplay)

    Smiling at the Rakshasa, she felt herself relax. She hadn't thought about it that way, and it certainly made sense to her! Finally nodding, she slid her grey eyes up to his, but quickly looked away as his gaze made her stomach feel funny. Why was she prolonging this? Why couldn't she just...tell...
  9. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~sun High School (Discussion)

    Haha XD I feel tho. Honestly I think I'm gonna have Ann give Aster that painting of the flowers as her "Confession of love" :nom: I don't know though I'm just throwing out ideas at this point lol
  10. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~sun High School (Discussion)

    It um.. It's during the same moment Ann and Aster are talking XD I'm not even sure if that answered your question BUT you can go ahead and do whichever you feel would be better! I'm ok with either!
  11. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~Sun High School (Roleplay)

    Asher Everything seemed to go by so fast. Literally and in his head. The pain made everything almost hazy for the redhead, but he was aware of being carried by a vampire. After a few seconds of running, they had stopped in a room that was very...white. It looked like a hospital.. He felt himself...
  12. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~Sun High School (Roleplay)

    Asher Asher felt himself being lifted, but he didnt check to see who or what it was. At this point he didnt care. His hand was throbbing, the pain searing up his arm. The sudden movement did not help. Fortunately he had caught his breath, but it was coming out uneven and ragged. Now he was just...
  13. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~Sun High School (Roleplay)

    Asher Victor shook his head slowly. “Who said anything about “being buddies”? I dont like you just as much as you clearly dont like me. Now listen, brat. I dont know why youre trying to be the hero for this half blood, but now really isnt a good time,” the vampire growled threateningly, “but if...
  14. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~Sun High School (Roleplay)

    Asher Asher managed a sigh of relief as he recognized the boy’s voice. He had come back! Feeling more confident than ever, especially now that all of the vampire’s gazes were turned back toward the boy, he began to reach up and behind him, searching out Victor’s face. Those flesh wounds had...
  15. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~Sun High School (Roleplay)

    Asher He desperately wanted to call the boy back. Asher wanted the newcomer to get him out of this situation. But he knew as long as he was under the watch of this vampire, there was no chance in calling him back. There was no chance in calling for help at all. This was something he was going to...
  16. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~Sun High School (Roleplay)

    Asher Another person asking about his sister? At this point it was getting ridiculous. What had his sister gotten herself into while he was in class? Although this guy seemed more... malicious than the last one. In fact, Aster hadnt seemed that mean at all. This was different. Asher immediately...
  17. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~Sun High School (Roleplay)

    Asher The half blood padded around the hallways, his bare feet hardly making sound against the cool tiles underneath. “ANN” he half whispered, half yelled. His voice sounded strange against the silence that the hallways held. Asher could feel anger and weariness begin to bubble up in him. He...
  18. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~sun High School (Discussion)

    Ok! So basically, E.K.A.N.S. character Rain is a human that has irresistible blood. all of the vampires, students and teachers alike, are very tempted by the smell of it. So one of my two characters, Ann, saved her from a vampire that cornered her in the hallway, and now some of the vampires in...