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Ask to Join Luna~Sun High School (Roleplay)

Aster released a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Ann has a mental fortitude that rendered his little display pleasing rather than creepily uncanny. Matching Ann's grin with one of his own, Aster slowly backed up while he returned to his original appearance. "Well, I'm a Rakshasa, an eastern Vampire who specializes in shapeshifting and Illusion Magic. I think it's safe to say you're pleased with my little performance~?" Ann's joy was infectious, and aggressively so. Before he'd even realized Aster was grinning. However, seconds later he wiped the grin from his face, replacing it was an expression of grim solemnity. He took some distance, his eyes scrutinizing. Several moments passed before the Rakshasa nodded, apparently satisfied. Creating an illusory mirror, he placed it before Ann, allowing her to see her reflection. "See? Much cuter."

What proceeded afterward was as Aster had expected, a return to the monochrome droll of classes. It wasn't quite as bad as the morning sessions of classes as Aster at least had something -or someone- to look forward to after school. He hadn't decided on a club quite yet, but that was an opportunity. Or perhaps an excuse. With no club obligations, he was perfectly justified in loitering the halls under the pretense of finding a club. In truth, he was keeping his eyes peeled for a red-headed fairy garbed in green.
Meanwhile, Asher’s day had passed slowly, and for the most part he had been distracted. His thoughts were filled with the human girl he had met earlier that day. Of course they were. What was wrong with him? Why was he so obssessed with his classmate? He knew the answer, but he didnt want to admit it to anyone, much less himself. He was determined to keep himself detached from everyone, except his sister of course. Even if he wanted to, he wouldnt be able to shake her. He knew ever since Ann ran off to go find the frightened Rain that his sister would try to prevent him from talking to her again. Knowing her, she would probably make up excuses to continue to get him out of his psychology class, which was unfortunate as that also seemed to be his favorite, not just because of the blond girl but because he genuinely was interested in the subject. Asher sighed as he realized that not only did he and his sister have the same last hour together, but they also had art club together as well. As he walked with her to clubs, he was waiting for her to ask about him and Rain, but was surprised to find her preoccupied in her own mind.

Ann’s smile grew as she kept playing the events earlier that day over and over in her head. She usually wasnt one to get caught up on situations, her mind always racing from one moment to the next, but Aster’s attempt to cheer her up seemed to have an effect on her for the rest of the day. Her classes seemed a lot more enjoyable, and even the events with Rain and the attacker seemed to drift away from her thoughts. After she had assured the Rakshasa that his performance was, in fact, pleasing, she had decided that she liked her smile. Something she had never really thought about or really cared much for.
“What’s up with you?” A dark voice said beside her. She jumped, realizing she hadnt said a word to Asher.
“What do you mean? Nothing’s wrong?” She said the last part more of a question, as if to get his approval that nothing was wrong at all. She glanced up at him as they made their way to their club and shrugged. “I made a new...friend.” She paused. Were they friends? She knew they werent anything more, but did friends make roses appear out of thin air to make them feel better? Roses were a symbol of love, werent they? Maybe she was just overthinking it. Asher snorted.
“So you found yourself a boyfriend.” He teased her, but secretly was curious. If she was really so hung up on someone else, she would stay out of his business. Ann stopped in the middle of the hall, causing some people behind her to give her dirty looks.
“Shut up Asher. We are just friends. Seriously. It’s not like you have any room to talk, what with you and the human.” She hissed at him, and she knew she had gone too far. Before she could say anything else, Asher gave her a cold glare and stomped away. All she could do was sigh and follow.
It was a small greenhouse, but "gardening club" was still a modest description. Rain moved on from the catchflies and tended to the different plots: peppers, carrots, lettuce, cucumbers, and spinach, among others. It was only her first day, so she hadn't grown these. She'd inherited them from Luna~Sun, which shared this space with local farmers during long breaks. That was Ms. Heavengates's way of building close ties with the community and establishing the vampire school as a welcome institution. Once their season ended, the growers left any immature crop to the club, which could then cultivate whatever it wanted. But some plots were reserved for botany class labs, whose impressive plants often overlooked Rain's.

She knew all of this because Ms. Heavengates sensed she'd have trouble fitting in, paid her special attention, and kindly answered all her questions. The basics of gardening she learned from her father, who'd worked various gritty jobs throughout her life. It had always been Rain and her dad, so she was used to being alone. But with each passing minute of solitude, sweet relaxation became insipid boredom. Part of her lamented the fact that neither the faculty advisor nor a single other member had shown up, when the campus had a full-fledged indoor farm. She'd heard that membership skyrocketed in the spring, so maybe it was too early in the year. Rain wondered these things only because, while she appreciated the absence of vampires, she longed for the presence of other humans.

"I could ask Otis if she wants to join," the girl thought aloud. "I don't mind caring for the plants all on my own, and I'm almost done, but it would be nice if-"

It would be nice if she had friends. It would be nice if she could share the beauty of these flowers with others. A proud principal, Ms. Heavengates told her all about how the gardening club frequently provided to the art and cooking clubs, forging "a lasting partnership that enriches our individual experiences!" For a moment Rain believed that she could do the same. Apparently flowers were some of the art club's favorite subjects.

So the blue-eyed girl rose and finished, picking the prettiest plants she spotted and leaving her glass haven with slightly more confidence in her step. But her throat still retreated in a swallow as she navigated the halls to the art room.

"Oh, what beautiful blooms! You must be from the gardening club. We'd love to draw them, so come right in!"

Rain cherished every whit of warmth in the welcome she received at the door. Without it, the nervous girl wouldn't have set down her flowers, much less entered.
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He wasnt much for art. In fact, he would prefer some homework in math over this. At least that actually taught you something (if he ever payed attention). He ignored his sister to the fullest extent, even going as far as sitting on the opposite end of the room. If there had been any other students present, maybe it wouldnt have been as awkward for all of them, but Asher dismissed the uncomfortable distance by toying with the end of the splintered red paint brush. He refused to do any sort of art, even when prompted repeatedly by an ever growing weary teacher. If he could have his way, he wouldnt be here now. The first day of school, Ann was a total wreck, as she usually was. He knew she wanted to join the art club. It was really the only thing she had been looking foward to besides making friends, and Asher decided that, in case she didnt have friends by the time she joined this club, he would join with her to make her less nervous. He snorted. This is what i get for trying to be a good brother. He snuck a glance at Ann, who kept her head down and her hands busy with an art piece. She had always been good at art. It amused him that something as terrifying and as monstrous as vampires were supposed to be, they were doing things like homework and art. Suddenly Asher saw Ann tense up, and knew there was a human nearby. Growing up with her, he was unconciously trained to see things like that. He wasnt prepared for having his own reaction though. It felt stronger than the last time. His eyes dilated and focused on the doorway, where he now noticed the blond girl was standing, looking as innocent as ever. Everything around him seemed to fade out except for her and an extremely loud beating coming from the girl’s heart. His nose was flooded with Rain’s scent, and he quickly got up from his seat. His stare was predetory. He tried to keep himself civil, but it was overpowering. He wasnt aware that his sister had already left the room. Holding his breath, he tried to calm down. Tried to make it pass, just like it had before. And it did. Closing his eyes and letting the feeling fade, he glanced back up at the timid girl, a small smile flashing on his face. He walked over and, still without a handshake, he said, “Hey. Rain, right? We have psychology together i believe... Can we talk? I would like to..um... start over.” He hoped she understood. He certainly didnt. He wasnt sure what he wanted now. This girl made him very confused...

Ann barely had time to process who had walked in the door before she had to get up, taking her unfinished artwork with her. As she passed by Rain, she glanced at her, giving her a smile and a nod, and walked on by. She knew how timid the blond girl could be, so she made sure not to show any fang. As she entered the hall, the air seemed to get a bit cooler, which she was grateful for. Walking a few halls over, she leaned against one of the walls and slid down, coming to rest on her knees. She picked up her unfinished painting and admired it a bit. The roses were finished, but she still needed a few of the blood droplets on them. She had been doing art since she was little. Even before she had turned. She knew she was good at it, but she never really did it much anymore. Ann decided she would pick it back up again.
“Th-thank you! For earlier.”

Rain didn't know how to act as Ann passed, but she managed a hurried thanks when the latter smiled reassuringly. The red-haired girl hadn't bared her fangs. No, she'd hidden her vampire side entirely, leaving her in the room with Asher, who made no such effort. As he stared her down predatorily, her heart knocked faster against the door of her chest, demanding to be let out. Suddenly he relaxed his eyes, returned a faint smile, and approached. She instinctively drew back.

“Hey. Rain, right? We have psychology together I believe... Can we talk? I would like to... um... start over.”

Curiosity, rather than ease, kept the girl where she was. What did he mean by “start over?” Asher had studied her coldly throughout psychology class, portending a friendless school year. If his warm smile meant that Rain was wrong, that he was in fact trying to be friends, then she was still conflicted. After a male hemovore’s attempted assault, she feared bloodsuckers more and trusted Otis less. Yet it was also a vampire who had saved her... the red-haired girl, who must have been the exception to the rule. She and Asher looked alike, and were surely acquainted. If they were related, then maybe he wasn’t so bad.

“U-um, sure. We can talk,” answered Rain, though she uttered the words with as many regular pauses as the drops after which she was named. Complying but not knowing where to start, she added awkwardly. “I brought you s-some flowers... Asher.”
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His eyes widened as Rain handed over the plants. What the hell am i supposed to do with these? He wondered a bit panicked, but still accepted the gift. He had never taken care of anything living before. No pets, no plants, nothing. He brought a genuine smile to his lips at the gesture despite the fact. Nobody had ever wanted to give him a gift before except Ann, but that didnt count. “Uhmm.. thanks.” Was all he could muster. He wasnt sure what to say. He would never be able to communicate how much it meant to him. He promptly turned to the teacher. “Please excuse us, im going to walk her back to her club. As you could tell uh...she is very popular with vampires. Just making sure she gets back safe.” The teacher nodded absentmindedly. She already had to deal with Asher’s stubbornness, and she knew she couldnt pursuade him into staying. Asher gently pressed a hand to Rain’s back and walked her out into the hallway. “We can go back to your club if you’d like, or stay out here. I just wanted to say that i’m...uh...hmm.” He laughed nervously. He had never been good at things like this. “I wanted to say s-sorry..you know. For earlier in class or whatever..”. He continued to hold the beautiful flowers close to his chest, now subconciously scratching at the pot the plan was placed in. He couldnt remember the last time he had felt this nervous. It was a bit ridiculous. She was just a human... although so was he, really. For now at least.
Asher's gentle touch reminded Rain that he was only a half-vampire, a fact that his sharp red stare had purged from her mind. His eyes then shed every ounce of hostility and left her talking to a human, the same one who had apologized to her upon leaving the classroom and was doing so now. He even promised Rain that he'd walk her back to the gardening club safely. So she answered him, with slightly less awkwardness in her voice.

"I-It's okay," she faltered, recovering quickly. "...It's really okay. It's just, I'm a little on edge after something that happened to me earlier. So I get scared anytime someone looks at me the same way. Maybe it's classical conditioning..."

She dismissed her fear of Asher as her mind playing tricks, since she'd decided to give him a chance. The flowers she offered symbolized that, yet he still looked mildly confused upon receiving them.

"I love the gardening club," continued Rain after a long pause. "I left because it gets lonely in there after a bit. Ms. Heavengates told me about interclub activities, so I thought I could take my flowers to the art room instead. But, you didn't want to draw them, so I guess I brought the wrong ones..."

She hadn't noticed the teacher's lack of patience with Asher. He was in the club, so as far as Rain knew he enjoyed doing art and his indifference to the blooms was entirely her fault.
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"Maybe...I should've asked for more than just her name..."

Wandering aimlessly, meandering through the labyrinth of corridors, and extensive foreground upon which the school occupied, Aster found himself at a loss. He didn't quite know where Ann was to be, and although a good old fashion search was possible, it certainly wasn't ideal. As he thrummed his fingers rhythmically across his chin, steeped in thought, he managed to wander into the Science Club. His nose crinkled with distaste almost immediately. The club had been playing with fire, both literally and figuratively, as they had a bunsen burner running with a liquid boiling and heating a test tube immersed inside of it. From the looks of the situation, they seemed to be working with an Aldehyde, though the specific chemical wasn't something Aster could distinguish through sight alone. That would require more in-depth tests, specifically, a test with Brady's Reagent or 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine. However, judging by the silver mirror forming as the chemical was heated, it was most certainly in the Aldehyde functional group of the hydrocarbons. Around the room, other flasks and beakers could be seen containing various chemicals colored with every shade in the rainbow, most likely from various indicators that had been added to them.

Although the tests going on seemed intriguing, they weren't what Aster was looking for. He saw no brilliant red hair, no verdant green dresses, and clearly, no Ann. He would move on.
As they walked slowly in the hallways of the school, Asher kept his gaze on the shadows cast by the dim lighting the school provided. He held the potted flower closer still, as the more Rain talked the more flustered he felt. Although somehow, simultaneously, it soothed him. Im a little on edge after something that happened to me earlier. At this, he snuck a quick glance at her face. The word pretty flashed through his mind before he could register what she couldve meant by that.. but before he could ask, he noticed her face fall as she mentioned the flowers. She must be refering to the way i acted... he wasnt sure whether to question her or soothe her. He decided on the latter.
“What are you talking about,” he smirked at her, “i love the flowers. Theyre um...theyre nice.” He waved a hand in the air as if shooing away a fly. “The whole thing with art...i dunno. Its not really my thing i guess. Really the only reason i joined is because of my sister.” At this he glanced down again. They hadnt been on very good terms recently, and not just from the fight they had. No, that had stemmed from the bigger problem at hand. Whatever that may be. They just werent close anymore. Shaking his head, he finally gazed at her. “So..whats your story? What did you mean when you said something had happened to you earlier? Why do all of these vampires here seem like theyre... drawn to you? How did you make me feel the way i felt? Bringing out my vampire side i mean... nobo-“ he stopped as he realized she could only answer so much at a time. Clearing his throat, he shifted his gaze back to the shadows. What was wrong with him? “I mean...what happened to you earlier?”

Ann sighed as she got up again. Her head had cleared finally, but she felt a bit stiff from sitting so long. Clubs had to be over soon, so she decided not to return back to the classroom. As she headed down the hallway, she saw Rain and her brother pass in front of her, but both of them seemed deep in conversation with each other. She smiled. She had been doing that a lot more recently. Ann was happy for her brother. He really seemed to enjoy the humans company. They reminded her of herself and Aster earlier that day. She had felt so intrigued the the Rakshasa that everything else seemed to fade around her except their conversation. She couldnt help but wonder what he was doing right about now. I wonder if he has any clubs... she gazed at her unfinished roses on her canvas. Secretly, and Ann wasnt even aware of it, she wanted to give this picture to Aster. He had helped her feel better, and she wanted to do something in return. But instead she decided to bring her artwork back to her dorm, where only she could see it. She didnt like people looking at her art. As she was headed back, she heard someone call to her.
“Hey, Red. Come here.” She looked up to see a tall male vampire she had never seen before up leaning casually up against a wall. She took a few steps toward him, but then stayed put.
“Um..yes?” She asked. She could tell this wasnt going to be good.
“I heard from a friend of mine that youre the one who saved some human girl from becoming lunch. Is that right?” She glared at him. She didnt want this to start again. She hadnt really thought about it, but it made sense that she would get crap from other vampires about this. She didnt want to think about what would happen to her brother when others started noticing his relationship with Rain.
“I dont see how thats any of your business.” She retorted. The boy shrugged lazily, then gave her a cold stare.
“If you go messing around like that, youre going to have to be put in your place Red.” She bared her fangs at the threat, but said nothing. She was too tired for this. But instead of a fight, he just left it at that and walked away. She exhaled a sigh of relief and exasperation. This was going to be difficult.
"...A vampire pressed me against a locker and tried to assault me, but it must have been your sister who saved me," Rain confessed. Answering his last question alone was overwhelming enough. "He said I had sweet-smelling blood."

They descended the stairs and headed into the science section, passing biology classrooms and nearing the gardening club.

"That could be why they're drawn to me. I try to stay away, and if it weren't for Otis and Aster, I would've eaten lunch by myself."

Or was it a self-fulfilling prophecy? Perhaps vampires were less likely to see her as prey if she carried herself with more confidence. But the naturally shy Rain didn't put herself out there, instead retreating to the greenhouse where living things took her water and spared her blood. It was exactly how she'd left it, the plants well fed and the soil neatly rowed.

"That's what I've tried to do. After all, she who lives in a glass house shouldn't talk. I think that's how it goes," Rain muttered, offering Asher a weak smile. But she felt significantly less threatened by him now. His earlier mention of a vampire side confirmed that he was only part bloodsucker, so maybe he'd settled into his human side. From the way Asher spoke, he was equally nervous, and this was a boy who was trying to understand, just as Rain was, why he was so drawn to her. It was barely noticeable, but she untensed with each passing minute. Enough to speak up and make a bold suggestion.

"If you like flowers, and art isn't your thing, then you could always join the gardening club," she said, before realizing how insensitive she sounded. "I-I mean, I understand you want to be with your sister."

A few hours ago Rain wouldn't have expected such a thing to even come out of her mouth. But her perception of Asher as a cold-blooded vampire was weakening, and she found herself entertaining the idea that they might have something in common.
"I believe the words you're looking for are; 'She who lives in a glass house shouldn't throw stones!'", 3 for 3 for rudely interrupting people during their conversations, Aster smoothly inserted himself and made the duo a trio as he rounded the corner only to see Rain and what appeared to be a vampire. He took pause at that last part, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

Offering a correct, or at least what he thought was the idiom she was searching for, Aster leveraged his newfound position in the conversation. Nodding amicably at Rain and offering casual greetings, he turned to Asher, his eyes locking onto the younger boy. "I...don't suppose your sister's name is...Ann..? If it is, would you mind telling me where she is?" Based on his eavesdroppings of their conversation Aster was 70% sure that this boy was Ann's brother. He wasn't how many Vampires had been out pressing human girls against lockers, so he figured he could assume Rain was the girl, and Ann was the 'sister' that had saved her. It seemed logical enough.

Crinkling his nose, Aster focused his attention on Asher, but...something was off. Rain...smelled different. Appetizing even. Too tantalizing. It was odd. He'd met her at lunchtime but hadn't caught the faintest whiff of this strange aroma that now wafted from her body and filled the air. Something had changed. Perhaps Awakened?

They say Vampires preferred the blood of young virgins, had Rain somehow become...extra virgin? Was such a thing even possible? Nonsensical as it might've sounded Aster's best conjecture was that between lunchtime and her next class Rain had rubbed herself down with some extra virgin olive oil. The oil was just about the only extra virgin thing he knew of, so it seemed a reasonable assumption.

Whatever it was, it grated against Aster's will. Still, the boy kept his eyes locked onto Asher, even as his gaze sharpened and his blood boiled in his veins. The girl's effect on him was powerful but diminished. Smack in the middle of the science section of the school Rain wasn't the only thing effusing a strong scent. The mixture of pungent odors in the air from the various experiments being performed acted as a slight mask to Rain's own scent. If they'd been in a different area, somewhere less choked full of chemicals, Rain's odor would've had a clear shot at the vampire's senses. But right now, that wasn't the case. It wasn't to say that Aster wasn't tempted, but he was a prideful one, and wouldn't lower himself to assaulting a girl with the base instincts of a beast. Though if she offered her blood to him that would be an entirely different scenario.
He listened to Rain’s frightening recount of her assault with intense interest. To his surprise, he felt a bit angry at the attacker. Usually he wouldnt have minded such an ordeal as that. If it didnt partain to him, that was someone else’s business. But the thought of someone threatening Rain... especially someone 200 times stronger than her.. it made him shake with anger. Still he kept quiet, letting the blond girl get out all of her answers. He was angry, but his curiosity about her outweighed it. For now. As she continued, he just became more confused. He wasnt sure how someone’s blood could be so different that it drove vampire’s insane with hunger and lust. He didnt even know who Otis and Aster were except that they were lunch buddies with Rain. At least she had people to protect her... Suddenly Rain seemed to become more confident. Or maybe just more relaxed at Asher’s newfound gentleness. He was taken aback as she asked him to join the gardening club with her. He glanced down at the potted plant, then back at her. “Uh..” he was about to ask her for some time to think when a male vampire casually slipped his way into their conversation. Asher glared at him, his intense focus on their conversation being broken. It felt like he had woken up from being in a trance, even though he was aware he had been fully awake. His irritation quickly turned to surprise as the newcomer asked about his sister. This question made him feel more irritated somehow.
“Why do you need to know? Even if i kne- oh.” Asher’s grey eyes grew wide as it seemed to click for him. “Youre the one who has started to occupy her mind huh? What, are you guys a thing?” He smirked. He was vaguely aware that Aster was taller than him (just by a little he might point out), and much, much stronger and faster. Picking a fight with this guy wouldnt be the smartest thing, but something about him irked Asher. He shrugged and gave Aster a cold glare. “I wouldnt tell you where she is even if i did know. You need to back off of her anyway.” He didnt offer an explanation as to why he wanted him away from his sister. It was half brotherly protection, half something else. His unexplained hatred to the vampire rose as he held his gaze. He could read the vampire’s eyes. They looked hungry. Asher knew Rain’s mysterious blood had taken effect. He subconciously stood a little closer to his new friend, his fists clenching and unclenching with nerves and anger. The vibe had grown incredibely tense incredibely quickly.

As Ann finally returned to her dorm, she immediately put her painting on the dark mahogeny bedside table. She wanted to go find Aster, but truthfully she was a bit nervous to go back into the empty hallways. The threat that the vampire had made to her hadnt left her mind the whole way back. Her unwavering confidence she had the first time had left her, replaced by her usual nervousness. She sighed and sat daintily on the edge of her bed. She wrung her hands together as she tried to come up with a solution as to not get jumped. Ann knew she was being a bit ridiculous, but the thoughts of her getting beaten by a burly gang of vamps wouldnt go away. The threat kept playing over and over in her mind as well.. Suddenly, and to Ann’s great surprise, Rain popped into her head. The human went around this damned school every day, albeit nervously. Even though she got predatory looks and random attacks in the hallway, she still managed to salvage what courage she had and go about as normal. If a human could do it, so could she... She got up a little too fast and aggresive from her bed and walked into the hallway once more.
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Previously OtisRolePlays
Otis quickly ran into the Cooking Club room, sweating slightly as she was probably late. “Sorry... I was trying to run as fast as I could...” She kept on huffing as she spoke. Otis took a seat at at table. “Does anyone know where the owner of this club is? I would like to join!” She asked as she wiped herself clean of sweat with a small towel she had. Otis knew she wasn’t a very fast runner, and was someone who really didn’t like to exercise.
When she'd last seen Aster, Rain was a nervous wreck. If he'd inserted himself into this conversation abruptly, she'd ended their earlier one the same way. From what she recalled, the bloodsucker before her was civil and harmless, and she'd simply overreacted.

"He's Aster," Rain told the half-vampire, placing a gentle hand on his back. "We met at lunch."

Somehow, even with the plants regularly supplying fresh oxygen, the air became tense. Somehow, in this peaceful, abundant place, the conversation turned to a dusty standoff. The full-blood's eyes were trained on Asher, the half-blood's fists were clenched at Aster, and the sweet-blood's heart was beating faster. What was going on? Was this sudden display of vampiric hostility her doing? Rain wasn't one to fling rocks in her glass house, but they were a stone's throw away from a physical altercation and she had to intervene.

In her nonviolent way, she did. Plucking a lovely bloom from her garden, an undeterred girl approached Aster. Rain was completely oblivious to the fact that she was in his thoughts, since his hard stare was on someone else.

"I don't know where Ann is," she answered truthfully, respecting Asher's wishes that she not reveal his sister's whereabouts. Yet in the absence of a thrown stone came a dropped hint, and she compromised. "I last saw her in the hallway outside the art club, but I'm not sure. If you see her, though, you can give her this flower. As my thanks, or something more. They always seem to solve problems between people."

Finally, she smiled her soft, fangless smile, in an attempt to defuse the situation.
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Aster's eyebrow twitched. He hadn't been expecting such an...unwelcoming reception. His body remained stock still, a mask of silent contemplation on his face. Gaze frosty and fists clenching, this boy -Ann's brother- was getting a bit too worked up...but why? His thoughts were put on pause as the boy switched out, Rain taking his place as the duo's representative in conversation. Attitudes in diametric contrast,where Asher was aggressive, Rain was pacifying. Well, she tried to be.

Aster's heart thrummed in his chest, the girl's approach strengthening her effect on him. While he was able to resist the sensual whispers of temptation before -and quite easily at that- that temptation grew exponentially as he was exposed to Rain's scent at closer proximity and for longer periods of time. He blinked.

When his eyes reopened, the world was different -no- Rain was different. Now that he had a close look at her, the girl was beautiful. Sunny blond locks adorned her head, wispy golden threads weaving together into a curtain of hair that framed her face in its brilliance. Her hair seemed to be mostly in order, but the few rebellious strands threw themselves across her face. Almost invisible against the canvas of Rain's fair skin, they pasted themselves against her face held by the faint sheen of perspiration. Aster's gaze followed the yellow road, watching it meander down her cheeks, bending and twisting until it found itself trapped between soft, pink lips. Lips that quivered as she spoke. Lips glowing with a tender hue that dyed them pink, brimming with the sweet temptation of blood. Aster could tell, perhaps as all Vampires could, that what flowed within those lips, giving them their translucent pink color, was a succulent ambrosia just waiting to be seized. They were perhaps Rain's second most attractive feature. (Aster had never been a fan of Blondes, so her hair, while immaculate, would not be scoring her many points in his book.)

Most attractive of all, most irresistibly luscious and enticingly inviting, was her neck. The sight of it would've made Aster salivate had his throat not -unbeknownst to him- become so parched. He tried to gulp, but it was like searching for water beneath sandy dunes. Instead of wetting his throat, it only agitated him more. Covered by only the thin layer of Rain's skin, in its jade-like beauty, Rain's neck was without doubt a seductively dressed meal all but offered up for whoever was bold enough to claim it. It would only take a moment. Within seconds the girl could be overpowered, and in seconds more his lips would meet her neck as his fangs punctured her skin, sweet scarlet nectar would wash across his mouth and quench his thirst. It would be easy. Simple. Enjoyable -for him at least.

All it would take was a li~ttle- *BITE*

Blood filled Aster's mouth as he bit down, not on Rain's neck -regrettable as that might've been- but instead on his own tongue. Pain flashed across his expression, but he masked it almost immediately. He gulped several times, mouthfuls of his own blood washing down his throat bringing slight, but much needed relief to his primal desires. He staggered backward a few steps, and a cold sweat drenched his back. 'This girl...too dangerous...' He'd almost lost himself for a moment there, his vampiric cravings unrelenting in their call for a taste of the girl's blood.

Having opened up a bit of space between himself and Rain, Aster was able to regain some of his composure. A forced smile stretched across his lips and he gingerly took the flower from Rain's hands. "I'll make sure it gets to her, don't worry." By now, his bleeding tongue had mostly healed, leaving only a throbbing pain in the fleshy appendage. It was bearable, and helped him maintain focus. Now that he'd experienced first hand the intensity of Rain's blood, his eyes returned quizzically to land on the half-blood boy. Was his human side allowing him to resist her? From the way he'd defensively shielded her, Aster figured something was up. Perhaps his vampiric cravings and human tendencies had blended together in some odd, unheard of way. Rather than a compulsion towards the girl, because what he felt was simply a powerful attraction. He was smitten. Or so Aster conjectured.

With that thought in mind, Asher's earlier actions seemed more reasonable. For one as young as him, it was understandable to be rather defensive of the one you'd...set your eye on. At least, that's what Aster had read. It was a human thing, one that had to do with 'puberty', whatever that was. He'd only ever heard of the mythical human state. His specific type of Vampire weren't all that close to humans. Living ones that is. He was more of an...undead. Not quite alive, but not quite deceased. He matured as a human would, but they ran on different time lines, after all, he was an undying sanguine lord. It would be hundreds of years before he fully matured and reached his prime.

His previously forced smile melted into a knowing smirk as his gaze shifted between Asher and Rain. Settling his vision on Asher, he chuckled, "Don't worry, I'm not your competition. I'm sure we'll be seeing each other again soon enough, but for now I'll take my leave." Skirting around the pair, Aster paced off down the hallways. There were many other ways to find Ann, especially for a shapeshifter like himself. He could sniff her out after transforming his nose, but he needed to be far away from Rain before he dared to amplify his sense of smell. Her blood was compelling enough, if he were to get hit with that while his sense of smell was amplified... Perish the thought.
The half blood felt Rain’s hand on his back. Although it didnt make him less tense, it did give him a sense of...safety. Suddenly she pulled away just as fast as she had put it there, and his safety was gone again. He took his eyes off Aster when he noticed Rain pick a flower and head over to the vampire. His blood boiled and he suddenly felt extremely nervous. It wasnt a good combination. It made him antsy. He watched the Rakshasa’s eyes. Thats where he could get the most information. As Rain approached, seemingly unaware of how much danger she was in, Asher saw Aster’s eyes shift. They became..well the best word to describe it was hungry. Starving maybe. Asher watched as the vampire eyed Rain momentarily. He looked predatory. It both disgusted Asher and fascinated him. He wanted to be a vampire so bad, and suddenly he remembered why he was talking to rain in the first place. But it was different for him now. He knew he liked Rain. More than a friend. And he certainly didnt want to use her. But just like that it was over. Just as his safety had been. It had happened so fast... Aster stepped back from the human, took the flower graciously though a bit tensely, then eyed Asher. He crossed his arms, waiting for some snarky remark.
Dont worry, im not your compitition. The red head wondered what he had meant, but suddenly realized that Aster now knew of his attraction towards Rain as well. Damn. Then finally.. FINALLY Aster took his leave, not without first informing him that they would see each other again. He sighed as he realized that might be true. He turned back to Rain, giving her an apologetic look. He hoped this didnt ruin anything...

Meanwhile Ann had made her way safely through the hallways. She still felt a bit paranoid, her grey eyes darting every so often behind her, but for the most part she was focused on finding Aster again. She didnt know why she wanted to find him. She wasnt even sure what she was going to say when they found each other. She just knew she liked the company. HIS company specifically. As she rounded a corner she suddenly knocked into someone- or something- quite forcefully. Her fight or flight kicked in (as she was already on alert for the ones who were supposedly supposed to “put her in her place”) and she hissed, jumping back and baring her fangs. But she quickly let her gaurd down when she realized it was the vampire she had actually WANTED to see.
“Aster?” She said, surprised to have found him so quickly. He looked terrible. He seemed highly on edge about something. She hoped he wasnt getting harassed by other vamps for being associated with her, as the vampire who had attacked Rain had seen him as well... she gazed at him with concern, but it didnt seem like he wanted to be smothered right now. In fact, it looked like he needed some air. So she stepped back a little and waited.
Hurrying through the grand entrance of the building, Xaciline took a second to pause and admire the scale of everything. Late as she was, she'd grown up among the trees and rocks; a place like this was nothing short of dreamlike, and something she had to stop to take in

Focused once again, she continued her sprint onwards through the halls. She didn't want to be too late, but all she knew was that the journey had been treacherous, and held her back considerably. Of course, the trip itself was dangerous, but Xa was more worried about the impression she would make. What if everyone had already settled in, leaving her out? What if she didn't know how to settle in: after all, her situation was relatively unique, and she hadn't met that many people. Nor had she made any 'friends', so to speak.

But that was going to change! She'd meet people, and find somebody she could relate to, an-
Her train of thought was abruptly cut off after running into another person, whom Xa quickly recognized as no human, but one of her kind. They were standing at around an arm's length away from a different vampire, one in a green dress. In contrast, the person that she'd made contact with was a fair bit taller than her, adorned in a black turtleneck.

Shooting them both a defensive glare, she took a few steps back but didn't leave, these being the only people she'd run into so far. Backtracking would only take her back to the entrance, so she stood where she was, hoping to ask one of them for help whenever she got the chance
Rain liked to think that the tension subsided when Aster accepted her flower. Though the vampire had ended on a cryptic note, nothing suggested otherwise. She couldn’t wrap her head around these subtle interactions between hemovores, but as long as they didn’t wrap their fangs around hers, she could rest easy.

She no longer feared that Asher would. With apologetic eyes, the half-blood whose presence she'd tolerated now looked completely harmless.

"It's okay, Asher," she assured him. "The situation got really uncomfortable for a moment, but I don't hold it against you. I'm a human, so I might not understand how things work between vampires."

Rain wandered to the edge of the greenhouse, where a black sheet was pulled over the roof and racks of planted mushrooms occupied the dark space.

"But I heard they like darkness, so you and these mushrooms might have something in common," she giggled. "Or half of something? If you joined the gardening club, we'd know for sure."


"Bella came in this morning, but I don't know where she is at the moment," a male vampire said in response to Otis. "I'm her second-in-command, so to speak, and I say you can definitely join!"

There was a sly twist to his face and a venomous pitch to his voice, as if today's concoction was a scheme. Like an old-fashioned bloodsucker and his cape, however, he did these things behind a pleasant introduction.

"Since it's only the first day, we're starting with something simple—pizza. Everyone's got dough to work with, so we're shaping the pies and spreading them with toppings before we pop them into the oven. Oh, and don't worry about running late. You'll sweat plenty in the kitchen."

His white teeth must have hid unscrupulous intentions. But the hemovore continued warmly, not a hint of boiling blood in his veins.

"We'll work with more complex recipes leading up to competitions, where we show other schools what we're made of," he assured the human. "And in preparation for the Luna~Sun Club Fair, of course."
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Previously OtisRolePlays
Otis saw a male vampire walk over to her, and then he started to speak to her. “Ooooh! Okay then. Thanks!” She then ran into the kitchen, not taking notice of the way the vampire acted. Otis wanted to make up for being late, so she started immediately. She pressed out the dough in a pie-like shape, and then grabbed some pepperoni to spread on the dough before she stopped herself. Otis then turned towards the male vampire, “Hmm, do you know where the pizza sauce is?’”
If only Otis had asked that a second sooner. If only the male vampire hadn't already pressed his fingers into the dough. Then he'd have a clean hand to facepalm with.

"It's right next to you," the bloodsucker answered with a twitching smile. This girl was oblivious not only to time but to space also, he internally chastised. Of course, humans like her were simple-minded. But that made them pliable, easy to take advantage of and mold into whatever shape he wanted, like the dough that he was quietly kneading.

"You can call me Braden..." he added awkwardly, doubting that Otis would remember it.
"Well, well, well, speak of the devil-", Vampires were devils...kinda, sorta, almost, close enough, "I was just looking for you." Tactfully choosing to omit any mention of his near confrontation with Ann's brother, Aster flashed a casual, if not slightly bedraggled smile. He'd staggered slightly when she'd bumped into him, but her small stature meant the collision didn't result in much impact on his side, and he'd stabilized his footing within a matter of steps. Her instinctive hisses were also something Aster was mostly unphased by if anyone, it was once again influenced by her diminutive size and as far as Aster saw it, she was like a little kitten. A cute little kitten, and equally harmless. While the statement itself might've been a stretch from the truth, the Rakshasa was hardly one to nitpick on such minor details. The only downside to his collision with Ann was that he'd almost dropped her plant -the very same flower he'd a scant few moments prior.

Speaking of the flower- "I believe this belongs to you, a gift from Rain, and I think it would look beautiful riiiiiight-" Leaning forward swiftly, Aster closed the distance Ann had opened up in her concerned retreat, his fingers fitting the flower nicely between a few locks of red hair. "-here!"

Dressing backward, he admired his handiwork. He had a real eye for fashion if he did say so himself, and with a flourish of the wrist, he created a 'mirror' reflecting Ann's image back to her. While the girl's attention was -hopefully- on the mirror, he would gain those few precious seconds to compose himself and look presentable again. It was -after all- unbecoming of a Noble to be so disheveled.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
(Lol I don't know why but I really want Marcel to be like Alucard and refuse blood.)
Marcel was hurrying into the school even though he's was super late. "Why did this have to happen to me?" Marcel pondered as he rushed in to the school. He didn't care for the scale he just wanted to be there "Stupid Alucard setting my alarms forward in hours on my phone!" Marcel frustratedly said as he made his way to the cooking club where a majority of the students were. Causally Marcel walked in not knowing what he was getting himself into. "Well, I'm here I guess..." Marcel said awkwardly then he noticed a figure standing near the back. "Tch, Alucard... why are you here?!" Marcel questioned to Alucard
The half blood relaxed at Rain’s comforting words. He was relieved she hadnt gotten upset at what had just happened. In fact, he was still a bit confused himself. Liking Rain? Check. Becoming defensive of her? Check. Wanting her for his vampire side, or for something more..? Could it be both perhaps? Was that even allowed? Would she be angry at him for thinking he wanted to use her? He huffed angrily. All of these questions charged into his mind like tiny, angry wasps and he couldnt keep anything straight... his sister would know what to do. It was too bad they had fallen out. He turned to Rain tentively, debating on whether or not he should ask what was on his mind, but thankfully was spared the awkwardness and potential loss of friendship as she playfully teased him about the gardening club again. He smiled at her, his mind still distracted.
“Ill think about it! It does sound very... comforting.” He offered sincerely. “If youll excuse me, i have to go back to my dorm. But i hope to see you tomorrow?” Asher asked, a little more hopeful than intended.

Ann was surprised as Aster took almost no time at all to recover. She supposed it made sense. He seemed like someone who liked to keep up appearances. Oddly enough, the tight, anxious knot that had been building up inside her had vanished when he said he had been looking for her. His smile and the way he looked at her made everything seem better. The redhead’s eyes widened when he brought her attention to a beautiful flower he had been holding that somehow she had missed.
I believe this belongs to you, a gift from Rain... Ann began to reach for it, but suddenly Aster moved to put it in her hair. She giggled as she touched the delicate flower lightly, looking in the mirror he had conjured up.
“Its funny, because i was looking for you as well..” she smiled, and then frowned as she remembered, “actually i have to warn you about someth-“ Suddenly her attention turned to another redhead that had seemed to come from nowhere. The girl stepped back from them, eyeing them with distrust.
“Oh! Um..hello. Are..you ok?”
"Sure," agreed Rain, returning a pleasant smile to his absent one. "See you tomorrow."

In truth, she was just as confused as he was. What had just happened, she reflected, as soon as he left the room. She'd ventured into the hallways because alone had quickly turned into lonely, or because avoiding vampiric encounters meant forgoing human interactions, or because of some advice Ms. Heavengates had given her a long time ago, or on a whim altogether. But as a result of that decision, Rain might've just made a friend, and surprisingly, in a half-vampire named Asher.

"He's really nice. And there's Otis, too," she happily mused. "Maybe I won't be alone after all..."


"So how was your first day?"

"I had a lot of ups and downs," confessed Rain, wiping her brow after a round of orders. "But I think it ended on a high note."

"Well, you better be ready for a lot of back and forths, because it's packed tonight."

"I saw," she sighed, overwhelmed. "But I'll keep going."

The café where Rain worked was the greenhouse's complete antithesis. There were usually a few people quietly sipping tea at this hour, but the restaurant had experienced an unexpected dinner rush. Running plates in the dining room, running numbers at the register, running a stressed hand through her blonde hair, she managed whatever her job required. Vampires seldom frequented her workplace, since it didn't serve blood and was a distance away from Luna~Sun. On the rare occasion that they did, Rain was either too busy to stop for a meaningful conversation, or deferred to a coworker to take their order instead. Otherwise, the shy girl who'd been homeschooled her whole life developed her social skills plenty since starting here. If she hadn't, the mere thought that Asher was a half-blood, however controlled his impulses, might've scared her away from being his friend. Rain had a real reason to fear bloodsuckers, besides the stories she'd read, besides the fact that her father despised them...

But the days of Snow Helion the Saccharine had long passed. Now, he worked hard to put his daughter through school, and she part-timed at a café to ease the financial burden.
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"Oh ho ho, is that so~?", Smug glee thick in his voice, Aster projected a more confident smirk as Ann stated she'd been looking for him. Maybe he was overthinking it, but if she was looking for him, then she wanted to see him -and that could only be a good sign in Aster's book. Quite pleased with the recent turn of events, Aster locked eyes with Ann -only for her to turn away as she directed her gaze to another red-haired humanoid- a Vampire who'd shown up as sudden as a gust of wind. Reorienting his attention, Aster arched an eyebrow. The newcomer seemed defensive, profoundly so as she eyed the duo with hesitation. Since Ann had gotten the jump on him, he left the conversation to her. For as much as it counted, the girl would be far less intimidating than he, and she was much better suited for the job of mediator.
Braden blinked at another tardy member of the cooking club, but he had no time to quip or chastise the late arrival as he went right to questioning Alucard.

"Hey, I don’t know what the problem is, but settle it over pizza," the vampire offered, setting his finished pie onto a table near them. He hadn’t checked on Otis since the first time, instead baking his own to perfection. He didn’t get tired of it, moving on to different ingredients, nearly hypnotized by his own round, blood red, swirling creation as a rotating spoon covered its entire blank face with sauce.

He stayed in the club room until the night itself cooled like pizza and the sunless horizon flattened like dough. What Braden didn't finish on his own he'd shared with others, including the hopeless Otis, to gain their trust. Why? Because, under his leadership and not Bella's, Luna~Sun's cooking club would finally win something. If its members were firmly in the palm of his hands, all it would take was some delicious human blood.

He was smelling it already... in the hallway. With every second the scent became stronger, nearly driving him out of the club room to confront its source. But Braden froze as she passed, thoroughly mesmerized by her beauty, locked in place by those blonde locks. When he finally processed what had happened, he ran out into the hall, staring the direction she'd gone. He didn’t creep after her, but a smirk slowly crept to his face.

"That girl's scent is absolutely titillating..." Braden drooled with desire. "I'll find out who she is. I'll find out exactly who she is and use her up before I suck her dry."


At the end of Rain's tiring shift, a coworker had been kind enough to drive her back to school. She returned to her dorm without any problems, ready to hit the hay. Finally, she stuck her key in the door and pushed it open, expecting to see her roommate again.

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Previously OtisRolePlays
Otis looked towards where the sauce was, “Oh silly me! Thanks for telling me!” She quickly grabbed it without haste with her left hand, and her other hand grabbed a small wooden spoon. Otis dipped her wooden spoon in the rich red sauce, and then pulled it out carefully. She put the sauce on her circular dough, spreading it around to almost make a thin cover on it, leaving some room for the crust. She smiled and placed the spoon down, and then grabbed some cheese. Otis sprinkled the cheese on, getting excited as she did so. And finally, she put some slices of pepperoni on it. Otis looked towards Braden, or where he last was. “Hmm... maybe he had to do something.” She simply shrugged, being as oblivious as ever. So instead she put her pizza oven, waiting as it started to cook. Man, this is hard work. But as least it was fun! I’m really liking this club.

She was trudging back to her dorm, feeling a bit tired yet still excited from the Cooking Club. Otis saw Rain at the door of their dorm, and she smiled while waving at her. She instantly ran over to her, “Hello! I was at Cooking Club, my pizza took awhile to cook.” Otis quickly entered the dorm, signaling for Rain to come in as well.
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"O-oh, hi! You scared me for a second. I thought you were already in," greeted a surprised Rain. "I guess humans can scare me too sometimes."

The sweet-blood entered the room, shed her clothes and her worries. She slipped off her leggings, donned a silky white tank top and sat on the bed.

"Anyways, how was your first day? Did it go as well as you imagined?"
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Previously OtisRolePlays
Otis sighed, though it was not a sigh of unhappiness, it was the opposite in fact. “My day was as good as it could get. Cooking Club was a little bit hard, but in the end it was very fun.” She glanced over to Rain, smiling a bit. “So how was your day? Was it good? Tiring? Horrible? Awesome?” Otis spoke quickly as she was very interested to learn about someone’s day.
“I've been getting dirty looks all day, and a vampire cornered me in the hallway,” answered Rain, casting her eyes down and reflecting on the assault.

“A girl with red hair saved me, and everything calmed down after that. A little too much, because it got lonely in the gardening club,” she continued. “Then I met a really nice boy named Asher. He’s a half-vampire, but he’s different. So... I guess today was a good day. I made a friend, and... I really want to see him again.”

That was more than she’d ever tell her father. He couldn’t know that a hemovore had harassed her, that Asher was one of them. Rain would call him before bed and conveniently leave that out, tell him that she had a good friend in Otis, that the entire day had been smooth sailing. Slightly fearing she’d end up on a vampire’s plate but not wanting to add another worry to her dad’s, Rain had to convince him everything was fine. Besides, she didn’t know what he’d do if he learned the truth.
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Previously OtisRolePlays
“A vampire cornered you? You were lucky that someone saved you, or else I wouldn’t be able to talk or do fun exciting things with you.” Indeed a vampire cornering Rain did worry Otis a bit, but she knew that Rain could get through anything with the help of a friend. “And you met someone named Asher? At least all of your day wasn’t bad or boring, because making a new friend can help make everything better.” Otis smiled as she glanced at Rain. “Welp, good night. I’ll let you have your rest since you seem tired.” Otis then lay in her bed, listening as Rain talked to her father. She then slowly drifted to sleep, smiling as she did so.
The redhead sighed wearily. Today was...crazy. Thats the best he could think of it. It was late, and he had been in his dorm for a while. He couldnt help but wonder what Rain was up to... if he was certain about anything, it was that he wouldnt be able to get her out of his head. He needed to find his sister... Asher was willing to take the high road this once.

For Rain. He thought to himself, trying to convince his brain that as long as it was for someone he felt he truly cared about other than his sister, that it was ok to set aside his differences.. suddenly he sat up and got out of his bed. Walking to his door and opening it as quietly as he could, he went to go look for Ann. He needed to ask her for some advice on Rain...

Ann was happy to help the worried vampire find her way to her class. That was the second person she had helped that day, but despite her good deeds, she still felt uneasy. The fact that she was the one who had saved that human... now the others were out to “fix” the vampires to tried to defend or protect the blond girl and anyone who was friends with a vampire who would do something so unspeakable... Ann felt very responsible about what would happen to Aster and her brother. She even felt a bit protective of Rain, and she wasnt particularly fond of the human.

Finally she decided to tell the tall vampire about what had happened in the hallway.

“Aster...listen. I have to tell you something very important,” she wasnt sure why she felt so desperate to tell him. She knew she felt responsible, but with her new friend it was different. She felt protective of him as well, and he was a vampire who looked to Ann as if he was very capable of holding his own. Still she went on, “there are vampires around here who really dont like that i saved Rain. Um...” Ann paused. She didnt want to sound weak, but she wasnt sure how else to warn Aster, “this guy stopped me in the hallway earlier today. He told me he was going to “put me in my place” if i didnt learn where vampires stood with humans. Its not that im worried about myself, but if theyre angry at me, theyll be going after you and my brother as well...”
Ear's perking up, Aster's mind wandered at the suggestive nature of Ann's word and actions. The hints of happiness and flakes of desperation that swirled in her expression, when combined with the phrase 'something very important', had Aster's heart aflutter. He'd almost beamed out into a smuggishly stupid grin, but had managed to restrain himself through sheer force of will. Even so, he wasn't able to conceal the enthusiasm and jubilant expectations that now colored his demeanor. His eyes were glued to Ann's face, processing every word carefully, fearful as to miss -or worst, misinterpret- a single one.

However, the words she spoke next...didn't seem quite right. Her new tenseness didn't quite fall into the bubbly, romantic fluff he'd envisioned. The further on Ann went the more reality's cruel vices betrayed the Rakshasi. The situation was no longer romantic, not in the slightest. Aster's expression darkened, and by the time Ann had finished, his eyes screamed bloody murder. "Ohhhh~ put you in your place will they?"

Chuckling, he continued; "Some people will simply never learn until they're burned. I can handle myself, but...will you and your brother be okay?"
The half blood padded around the hallways, his bare feet hardly making sound against the cool tiles underneath.

“ANN” he half whispered, half yelled. His voice sounded strange against the silence that the hallways held. Asher could feel anger and weariness begin to bubble up in him. He just needed to find his sister. Of course he had already checked her dorm. And of course she wasnt there. Thankfully nobody had been awake to catch him near the girls dorms. He was tempted to find Rain, but didnt want to wake her....

While in his own thoughts, he failed to notice a strange figure leaning against one of the lockers until he was beckoned.

“Hey. You.” Was all the voice said. It was dark and a bit raspy, and Asher looked up and came face to face with a full blooded vampire. The first thing Asher noticed were the boy’s eyes. They were fierce. They seemed filled with anger. The second thing he noticed was his face. It looked like he had gotten into a fight with a racoon and lost. Overall, his whole person was extremely intimidating, especially to a half blood in an empty, dark hallway.

“Wh-who are you?” He asked, his voice already shaking. He tried to hide it, but failed. The male vampire just shrugged and casually paced towards him, standing only a few feet away.

“Doesnt matter,” He drawled. His hands were hidden in his pockets, which made the redhead more on edge, “what matters is your sister,” he spat the word, “we have a few things to catch up on. Unfortunately, it seems I cant find her... you have any idea where she might be..?”


She wished she could tell the vampire how she felt about him now. Maybe then he would understand... the simple I can handle myself statement was something Ann had expected the vampire to say, but it still made her worry. Maybe even a bit angry. She didnt want to be angry at him, but if he got himself hurt because of his pride... but she didnt let him know what she was thinking. Her face only showed pure concern. Sighing, she gave a slight nod.

“Yes... I suppose youre right. But I still want you to be careful!” She didnt mean to say that last part so aggresively, but she needed him to understand. She hadnt known the vampire that had threatened her. She hadnt known the vampire that cornered Rain in the hallway. But something about those two didnt sit right with her. They seemed...bad. The redhead would go so far as to say they looked evil. If they truly believed what they believed in, then she was sure nothing would stop them until they got what they wanted. She didnt know how she knew. Maybe she didnt know. It was certainly something.

“As for my brother and I,” she gave a small grin, trying to shove her worry aside, “we will be just fine! I can take care of us both.”

‘I can take care of you as well’ she thought to herself. She knew she was being hypocritical when she said this, but she didnt mind. Besides, Ann would let Aster deal with whoever and whatever came at him. However, the moment it seemed too much for him, she would be there. Thats just how she was. She was always watchful over the people she cared for. Especially those she loved.
Another person asking about his sister? At this point it was getting ridiculous. What had his sister gotten herself into while he was in class? Although this guy seemed more... malicious than the last one. In fact, Aster hadnt seemed that mean at all. This was different. Asher immediately felt defensive. He was sure this guy wanted to do something bad.

“How should I know,” the redhead began cautiously. His voice still shook, but it was growing with confidence, “I havent seen her basically all night after clubs...”

This seemed to anger the vampire, and he took a threatening step towards Asher until someone spoke up. They both glanced at the newcomer who seemed very unaware of what was going down here.

“Ah, hello-“ Asher began, thankful for the interruption, but was quickly silenced by a vicious snarl from the vamp.

“Scram you little brat, I have some business with this one. I dont need you getting in the way.” The vampire was much taller than both of them, and it must have fed his ego. Asher wasnt sure exactly what either of them were capable of, so he backed up a bit but stopped dead with a cold glare from the predator.
In the comfort of her own room, Rain was completely oblivious to what was going on in the boys' wing. All that interrupted her pleasant reflection was a yawn. There was no point daydreaming in the night, she concluded, resting her head and ringing her father. Snow didn't need to remind her, or insist on it with the same burning passion that characterized his hatred for vampires. Being the only person she had, he was constantly in her thoughts.

"Rain! How was your first day of school?"

He spoke first as if he'd been waiting for her call since morning, barking her name like a drill sergeant. But the alarm in his voice was real. Had any hemovore harmed her? Did the teachers treat her fairly? Were her studies going well? Did she have friends? Was she happy? He feared the worst.

"My first day of school was great," Rain answered, grateful that Otis had asked her the same question earlier and given her time to think things through. She knew, however, that it would take more than a simple "great" to convince her dad. "It really was. I made a friend named Otis, who's also my roommate. She's smiling in her sleep, so maybe she can hear the nice things I'm saying about her. And-"

That would've been the perfect note to end on, a joke followed by a giggle, but Rain had to let that last word slip.

"Yes?" prompted an expectant Snow.

"And- and-" she continued, briefly scrambling for conversational purchase before recovering. "And the gardening club was a magical place. I use everything you taught me there, and in class, too. I participated a lot today, and... even if I've studied at home my entire life, and I'm not fully used to the school environment, I think I did okay."

"So," her father questioned, "did the bloodsuckers prey on you?"

"No, not at all," Rain responded, preying on herself instead, the feeling of lying eating away at her from the inside. "They don't bother me. I just imagine that they aren't vampires! As long as I think of that when I see one of them, I'm usually not afraid."

At a loss for words, she repeated the advice that Otis had given her in the cafeteria robotically. Her fingers crossed, she hoped that she'd given a satisfactory answer.

"Don't let your guard down," Snow cautioned, leaving her uncertain. Since getting to know Asher, the idea was floating in her head that she didn't have to keep vampires at a distance. What she feared was her father's distant reception. So she didn't speak the boy's name, or mention the fact that he was a half-blood.

"Well, I'm glad you like it there."

"Thanks, Dad. I'll do my best, at work and at Luna~Sun."

"That starts with a good night's sleep. You should get some."

"I will. Good night, Dad. Love you."

"I love you too, sweetheart."

When Rain hung up, she was no longer in a state of suspense. The girl's head sank into the pillow and her chest, with relief.
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He desperately wanted to call the boy back. Asher wanted the newcomer to get him out of this situation. But he knew as long as he was under the watch of this vampire, there was no chance in calling him back. There was no chance in calling for help at all. This was something he was going to have to figure out on his own.

Turning back towards the predetor, Asher tried bravely looking him in his eyes, only to look down once more. He knew it made him look weak, but he had never been good at looking people in the eyes before, and it definitely wasnt going to start now.

“Alright listen... I truthfully have no idea where my sister is right now... um. I can go and look for her though?” He said this as a question, which earned him a skeptical look. Suddenly Asher felt another presence behind him. Maybe it was the boy! Maybe he had come back to-

But when he turned, it was only two more vampires, who looked equally as malicious. A boy and a girl. He realized this was a gang up. His heart dropped to his stomach and his hands began to shake.

“Hm.. look Victor, the boy’s shaking. I can hear his blood rushing.” The girl taunted.

“Smell it too.” Answered the boy, giving him an evil grin. At this point Asher was out of options. It was either run and be caught with no chance of escape, or yell, taking the chance that someone could hear him.

“HELP!” Asher screamed, but Victor managed to get to him, pressing his palm against his mouth and his head against the vampires chest. He scrambled to get some kind of leverage. He wanted Rain here more than ever. Just to lend him that magic ability she had with him to give him his vampire nature... but on the other hand, he was SO grateful that she was safe, back in her dorm.