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Search results

  1. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    Edward returned Carrie to her Ultra Ball and made his way to the line, where he stood for a while, waiting to reach the front. He gave his documents - trainer ID, invitation, badge case - to the woman at the desk, and received his card. Once he took a look at his card, however, Ed was confused...
  2. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire is active and looking for competitors! (Sign Ups/Discussion)

    I'm probably not going to make any changes to Ed's battling team, but I do want to have him training up a Dreepy.
  3. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire is active and looking for competitors! (Sign Ups/Discussion)

    Just as a note, my application for Mega Gallade got approved, so I'll add that to Ed's backstory/pokemon list when I have some more time.
  4. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join Dragon Ball : the Last route

    Oh dear. Perhaps I should leave before things get worse. Ocari was beginning to get worried as Toma and Arctico struggled to repel the ball of destruction. On the other hand, if I added my power to theirs, we could probably beat - wait. Never mind. They did it. He flew out from behind his rock...
  5. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    Ed smiled with a mixture of amusement and pride at the Gyarados' reaction to Carrie "While I've never had the fortune to battle a champion, I have defeated the Kanto-Johto and Hoenn Elite Fours and won a number of highly major tournaments. That apparently qualifies me as equal in skill to a Hall...
  6. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    Edward winced at Kari's mention of 'dragon trainers.' "Well... yes and no. A number of my Pokemon are dragons, including my starter, but I have just as many non-dragons on my team. As a kid, I was pretty obsessed with dragon-types, but I've since realized that all Pokemon have their own...
  7. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    Edward opened his mouth to reply to Kari, but was cut off by the Gyarados that appeared out of nowhere. "Sweet merciful Celebi! What the-" He whipped around, reaching for a Pokeball, but decided against retaliation when he realized that he hadn't actually been hit by the wave. Jolted back to the...
  8. TheWanderer

    The Movie Quote Game!

    "Look, you stupid bastard, you've got no arms left." - Monty Python and the Holy Grail, King Arthur (Am I allowed to say that?)
  9. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    Fortunately, Edward had been in Johto when he received the letter. Shimmer still had some difficulty carrying a human long-distance, and Kay's Teleport had limited range. However, he had been visiting some friends at the Battle Frontier when the Pidgeot (an impressive choice for a messenger, to...
  10. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire is active and looking for competitors! (Sign Ups/Discussion)

    I must admit that, even though I did my best to defend the games against the hate surrounding them before release, I was somewhat nervous about how they would turn out. However, I've been watching several playthroughs of it on YouTube (I, uh, don't actually own a Switch), and it looks really good!
  11. TheWanderer

    The whats in your house game

    My alarm clock sees a lot of use - as an early morning me can attest to. I have an impeccably organized set of drawers stuffed with a horrendously disorganized mountain of paper. Anyone else?
  12. TheWanderer

    The Banning Game

    @ThAtGuY101 You are banned for making it far too easy to come up with a reason to ban you.
  13. TheWanderer

    What is Your Mega Evolution Quote?

    *Indomitable Will (Thunder) from Fire Emblem: Three Houses starts playing* "Alright, Absol! This is our turning point! The strength that has allowed us to reach this far will propel us even further! Mega Evolve!" (Seriously though, I would definitely carry around a speaker with me just for...
  14. TheWanderer

    Looks like I'm late too, but many, many congratulations! *activates confetti cannons*

    Looks like I'm late too, but many, many congratulations! *activates confetti cannons*
  15. TheWanderer

    The Person Below Me

    Not really. Although, that discounted candy the day after... The person below me is a fan of TeamFourStar.
  16. TheWanderer

    The Vending Machine Game!

    Get a heavily censored document. Insert r/Pokemon.
  17. TheWanderer

    The Vending Machine Game!

    Gets nano fruit snacks. Inserts unexposed film.
  18. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire is active and looking for competitors! (Sign Ups/Discussion)

    Aside from battle competency, wouldn't it make sense for the Elite Four to carry some responsibilities other than staying in their rooms and fighting whatever schmucks challenge them? Gym leaders have been shown, even in the games, to hold a special position in their towns (Drayden is mayor...
  19. TheWanderer

    What is your favorite Game Over screen?

    I'm a personal fan of the Game Over screen from Fire Emblem: Awakening. It's nothing particularly special - just the words "Game Over" in front of a background - but the red tint over the background image of a book really gets across the message that your story has come to an end. Also, Oh no...
  20. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire is active and looking for competitors! (Sign Ups/Discussion)

    Position (Required): Participant Name: Edward 'Ed' Thistle Title(s) (Optional): Master Tactician, Blackthorn's Legacy Age (16+ recommended, remember a minimum of 1 League victory is required): 26 Gender: Male Height: 6'1" Weight: 197 lb Hair Color: Dark Brown, can appear Black depending...