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  1. InTheForest

    The Person Below Me

    I don't necessarily hate it The person below me want Google Glasses
  2. InTheForest

    Nuotykiu Sinnoh

    "I don't think this is a good suggestion, but if one of us were to stay outside and be a distraction, maybe a lot of grunts will leave the base to focus on the threat, leaving less grunts to have to paralyze." Marleigh, while she was the one who suggested it, didn't like her idea at all. 'But...
  3. InTheForest

    Hoenn Scavenger Hunt (Open)

    Lizzie glanced down at the map she was holding. It included areas she couldn't readily reach with just her Pokemon on hand, and it wouldn't hurt to have company. "Like I said before, me and Sceptile easily forgive others." Lizzie paused, glancing at Sceptile, who nodded in agreement, before...
  4. InTheForest

    Pokemon ABCs Game

  5. InTheForest

    The Vending Machine Game!

    Gets Roselia Inserts Pinsir
  6. InTheForest

    Word Association

  7. InTheForest

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    Ethan looked around, slightly impressed. "This isn't the worst park I've been to." Ethan thought out loud, beside him Explo agreeing. Reaching for his Pokeballs, releasing Ark the Arcanine, Laura the Rapidash, and Blaize the Ninetales.
  8. InTheForest

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    "Your trainer's either a collector or you just don't know the others personally, or both." Explo conluded, taking it.
  9. InTheForest

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    "Our team consists of Ethan, the trainer, me, Explo, the leader, Laura, the Rapidash and my main partner, Ark the Arcanine and his partner Blaize the Ninetales." Explo announced his team to Charizard with pride, as he thought of all of there combinations that were rarely beaten.
  10. InTheForest

    Pokemon ABCs Game

  11. InTheForest

    The Person Below Me

    Yup, to be specific, three The person below has a Pikachu Amiibo
  12. InTheForest

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    "I can agree, though considering my trainer has fire types period, it doesn't mean much since I'm usually always with one." Explo replied, trying to make small talk. Like his trainer Ethan, he wasn't the best at it, but he's usually more civil with fire types. "So, I'm guessing your from the...
  13. InTheForest

    Pokemon ABCs Game

  14. InTheForest

    Pokemon ABCs Game

  15. InTheForest

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    Ethan looked between all of them. "Oh, I was wonderin' because Laura knows a move that can infatuate the opposite of her gender. Figured if they were to lovey-dovey they wouldn't do nothing." Ethan tried to figure out Ace's smirk, but for the life of him, he couldn't. 'Then again, I might not...
  16. InTheForest

    The Person Below Me

    Ha, I wish The person below is impatient
  17. InTheForest

    The Vending Machine Game!

    Gets Torchic Inserts Milktank
  18. InTheForest

    Word Association

  19. InTheForest

    PokeFact: While any Pokémon species can be caught by any PokéBall, no Pokémon species can...

    PokeFact: While any Pokémon species can be caught by any PokéBall, no Pokémon species can legitimately be in all of the 26 PokéBall variants
  20. InTheForest

    Hoenn Scavenger Hunt (Open)

    Lizzie raised up one finger before digging in her bag. "Lets see... Fresh Water, Lemonade, some berries... Ah!" From her bag, she pulled out a green notepad that featured Treecko on the cover. "Here you go." Lizzie gave the notepad to Bleyd, before waiting for him to write and the other boy to...