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Search results

  1. InTheForest

    Nuotykiu Sinnoh

    Marleigh mumbled something in her sleep before snuggling into the Piplup and sighing contently. The chair was comfortable and she was snuggling into a plush (or what she thought was a plush) and fell in a slightly deeper sleep.
  2. InTheForest

    Nuotykiu Sinnoh

    "Who... oh..." Marleigh glanced at the blue bowl shaped haircut that she once imagined donning herself when she thought Team Galactic was good and quickly looked away. She took the seat that was positioned to be able to easily see the front door so she could easily warn the others if another...
  3. InTheForest

    Nuotykiu Sinnoh

    Marleigh followed at a leisure-like place, not really understanding why anyone wouldn't believe her new companions, but eventually jogged up next to them as they were moving ahead of her to quickly. Pachirisu sat on her shoulder, chewing on her hair, while Shinx rested in a blue Pokeball with...
  4. InTheForest

    Private/Closed A Kalos Seeker

    Due to Shadow's command, he let the attack hit him, knocking him back a few feet. He grinned as Shadow shouted a move he liked. "Use Revenge, and point-blank Dark Pulse!" At this point, Shadow was to into the game to hide his commands. Slice rushed up to Fennekin and delivered a punch that was...
  5. InTheForest

    Private/Closed A Kalos Seeker

    Shadow's eyes widened before he let out a loud laugh. "Slice, stand still and use Nasty Plot!" Slice stood, a rigid post, and thought dark and evil thoughts, allowing his mind to become his Dark typing, raising his Special Attack. "Well, baby fox, will you fall into our trap?" Slice hummed this...
  6. InTheForest

    The Vending Machine Game!

    Gets a partridge in a pear tree Inserts Five Golden Rings
  7. InTheForest

    Word Association

  8. InTheForest

    The Person Below Me

    Nope The person below has been on the ocean
  9. InTheForest

    The Person Below Me

    Yup! The person below loves airplanes
  10. InTheForest

    Private/Closed A Kalos Seeker

    Shadow smirked. If Spencer and Fennekin worked together, it might have worked, but instead... "Now, Slice! Dig with with a little jab." Shadow commanded and Slice jumped out of the ground where Fennekin used to be. Unperturbed by the lack of hitting his opponent, he charged forward and past...
  11. InTheForest

    Private/Closed A Kalos Seeker

    King smiled gratefully as the snow around them melted a bit. "Yeah, nice and toasty! Thanks a lot, Cinder!" King did a little dance in the area where they stood to show he was fine now. Erin watched gratefully as the snow around her Chespin melted, allowing him to warm up quickly. "Anything can...
  12. InTheForest

    The Person Below Me

    Yeah but that is probably because I just woke up The person below me is full of energy
  13. InTheForest

    Private/Closed A Kalos Seeker

    Slice and Shadow were momentarily surprised at how she was able to send him back. As their shock finished going through them, Shadow's red eyes gleamed wit dangerous excitement, rivaling his own Pokemon's eyes. "Okay, Slice! Full on Blizzard! Don't even give them the change of digging out!"...
  14. InTheForest

    Word Association

  15. InTheForest

    The Vending Machine Game!

    Gets back a Five Guys sign Inserts an apple
  16. InTheForest

    Game Revival and New Game Requests

    How about a friendly game of Would you Rather?
  17. InTheForest

    Private/Closed A Kalos Seeker

    Slice's claws glowed with Shadow Claw as he slapped the embers away some touching him, the ones falling touching the sandy battlefield before fizzing out. "Slice, jump. Then use Torment!" Shadow called out as Slice jumped over the flames until he landed close to Fennekin. "Your nothing more...