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Search results

  1. M

    The region Leando.

    Zach was amazed at all of the Pokemon. It was a magnificent site. It reminded him of his moms old Pokemon daycare in Hoenn. Trainers from all over hoenn would come down to leave Pokemon, and Zach would always have an amazing time watching over them when his mom was doing other things. He also...
  2. M

    The region Leando.

    Zach was to busy looking at the machines to notice Alex and Macy staring at him. He continued to stare at all of the machines. He looked past a computer to see a door leading to what seemed like the backyard of the lab. He started to walk twords there when he realized he was being stared at...
  3. M

    The region Leando.

    Zach watched the unmoving gaurds stand at their post. Armed gaurds? Isn't that a little dramatic? He thought. Then it went away when he was distracted by a shiny thing on a desk. He walked over towards it and picked it up. it said POKEDEX on the top. He fiddled with it for a second when all of...
  4. M

    The region Leando.

    Zach jokingly rolled his eyed at Alex's joke, and walked into the massive lab. He looked around at all of the machines and computers and scientists. "So," he said, "where's the proffesor?" He asked, turning his head towards Alex, then turned to look at the 2 gaurds. Something seemed slightly off...
  5. M

    The region Leando.

    -a few minutes later, at the lab- Zach looked at the Pokemon lab before him. It looked like quite the building, and he couldn't wait to go in. He turned his head to look at Alex. "Thank you for taking me with you here!" He said with a smile. Then he sent out his togepi and picked it up.
  6. M

    The region Leando.

    Zach's mom looked at him, and smiled. "Oh, it's fine." She said. "I've cleaned messes worse then this, trust me." She said, then looked Zach. "Hey, why don't you go with him to deliver the box..." She looked back at Alex. "If its okay with you." She said.
  7. M

    The region Leando.

    Zach took the pokeballs and in seconds they were filled. He took a quick glance around the room before he realized they got them all. Zach turned over to see his mom crawling out from behind the wall. When she realized the madness was over she jumped up and ran to Zach. "IT WAS MADDNESS!!" she...
  8. M

    The region Leando.

    Zach grabbed togepi and lifted her in the air. He smiled and did that thing where Pokemon say their names, then Zach looked at Alex. "Really?!" He said excitedly. "Thank you sooooo much!" Then he rememberd the box of Pokemon. "Oh yeah!" He said, running towards his house. "I need to get the rest...
  9. M

    The region Leando.

    Zach, not hearing what Alex said, was checking his togepi. It didn't seem hurt at all. "Togepi, are you okay?!" He said. The togepi smiled and jumped up in response almost to say: I'm good!! Zach then looked behind him at Alex. "Oh sorry, did you say something?"
  10. M

    The region Leando.

    Zach watched as the togekiss attacked gracefully, and when it took out 2 of those pokemon at once. "Woah!" He yelled. "That was amazing!"
  11. M

    The region Leando.

    One of the men turned to Zach and Alex. He scoffed and notioned the two Nosepass to the Pokemon before him. Then he faced the other man. "You take care of that kid." He said, then looked back at them. "I gots this!" Zach looked at the man, then at his strange uniform, then at his Pokemon...
  12. M

    The region Leando.

    Zach was almost at the doorstep when he heard a yell from behind him. He turned around to see 2 men in light brown uniforms with 2 Nosepass cornering a young trainer against a building wall. "What the hell?!" Zach yelled. He sent out the togepi and started running towards the kaos with it next...
  13. M

    The region Leando.

    ((Its fine Lazuli)) Zach looked over at Macy. "Dont worry, as I said, the pokemon should be under my moms care." He said. "You can come with us." He looked at Skylar. "You too." Then he started walking towards his house.
  14. M

    The region Leando.

    Zach looked in the box with him. "Oh, don't worry." He said. "The rest should be at my house." He started walking towards his house before he stopped and turned to look at the boy. "Im Zach by the way!" He said, holding out his hand to shake.
  15. M

    The region Leando.

    Zach saw the massive magestic togekiss land right by him. He watched as a boy hopped of it. "Woah..." He said in amazement. "That is an amazing Pokemon." He looked over at the massive togekiss and waved at it. "Hi there!" He shouted. Then he felt a rumbling in his pocket and then the togepi...
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  18. M

    The region Leando.

    He looked at the box. "Probably something of my moms." He said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pokeball. Togepi's pokeball. He returned her. "Is there a proffesor near by? Or a pokemon center? Somewhere we can get some information?" He asked.
  19. M

    The region Leando.

    "Wait," he said as he ran back to his house. He came back with an empty cardbord box. He opened it. "Put all of the pokeball in here. This is where the pokeballs were when I found them." He looked over at togepi. "I think I'll hang on to this one until I find its owner." He said.
  20. M

    The region Leando.

    He smiled and nodded. "Yeah." He said. "Just moved from the hoenn region. Lilycove city." He threw a pokeball at a bonsly then at a geodude. His togepi was behind him playing with a starley. He turned around and threw a ball at the starley.