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  1. Stark

    The Birthday Thread

    Thank you for your well wishes, everyone! You're always much appreciated :)
  2. Stark

    Your new avatar is very fitting for you, Belle :)

    Your new avatar is very fitting for you, Belle :)
  3. Stark

    Can YOU name all 50 states of the US?

    Here's mine. Yay for non-Americans!
  4. Stark

    The Pokecharms Safari

    I just unlocked my 3rd 'Mon, I believe! if anyone can let me know what it is, that'd be awesome :D
  5. Stark

    What did you get?

    What did you get?
  6. Stark

    3DS/2DS Friend Codes

    3DS Name: Adam Code: 5284-2169-6918 Let me know if you add me, I'll add back ASAP! :)
  7. Stark

    The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

    I'll be streaming some more Portal 2 co-op today with a friend, in around 5hrs 45mins! Check out my Twitter in my signature for more information :D
  8. Stark

    #698 - Amaura

    Ehh... if it evolves into something badass, I'll still take it! We shall have to see :D
  9. Stark

    #696 - Tyrunt

    Huge Jaw indeed! O_O I've always been a big fan of the fossils and this one doesn't change my stance on that!
  10. Stark

    #654 - Braixen

    Hmmm... This isn't quite as terribad as the Grass balloon, the 3rd stage can have potential I think! Still looking at Fennekin as a starter for me. Worst comes to worst, I'll just ditch all of the starters like I did in Gen V.
  11. Stark

    #651 - Quilladin

    Guys! I volunteer myself to take one for the team and spend around a week finding all of these guys in Kalos and having some kind of purge :D
  12. Stark

    Woo! Hihi all \o/

    Woo! Hihi all \o/
  13. Stark

    Mega Garchomp

    Its certainly an interesting look... that much is for sure. Interesting being a very kind, generous way of me putting it!
  14. Stark

    Visiting/Meeting Charmsians

    I just need to wait for my mobility to be better, and I'll happily visit any of the chat regulars I suppose.
  15. Stark

    #690 - Skrelp

    I thought the description said "Disgusted by its shape", and I thought "Yeah, I don't blame you".
  16. Stark

    Please complete this survey

    All finished! Some interesting stuff coming down the pipeline, it seems. Can't wait to see how it all turns out. Great work!
  17. Stark

    If you had a shiny Eevee...

    Asides kicking it around, Flareon! I'm so Flareon biased. Flareon all the things.
  18. Stark

    #694 - Helioptile

    Re: #??? - Elekiteru He's so derpy and adorable :D I hope the part-normal means it will be changing types in its evolution.
  19. Stark

    #661 - Fletchling

    Re: #??? - Yayakoma Yet another Normal/Flying :( Oh well.
  20. Stark

    Whats your favorite pokemon type(s)?

    Grass - I like how much variety is in these types, both in the species and how they can be used in battle. You have the tanks, sweepers, statusers... the works! Super fun type. I nearly always pick the Grass-type starter. Rock - Geology rocks. I love nearly all the fossils, and they come under...