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  1. Rhabby

    Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

    Brendan grunted and clenched his stomach as the poison began to set in. His whole body ached and he felt weaker than he did a few seconds ago. The mage was impressed that Viper had such a powerful poison, but he expected nothing less of a Poison Dragon Slayer. Besides the poison, Brendan also...
  2. Rhabby

    Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

    “What the hell.” Brendan muttered before retreating backward, he had thought you had to cut off each head of the hydra at once to kill it but clearly he was wrong as sixteen heads began spouting poison everywhere and would soon attack him head on again. Brendan was now officially in a pinch...
  3. Rhabby

    Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

    Brendan smirked, he had gotten what he wanted and drew out the Hydra. The blue-haired mage was winded of course but he could still continue, though he only had enough magic for his grand finale so he wasn’t able to use any other bigs spells. Brendan requiped into a basic armor set that left...
  4. Rhabby

    Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

    "What?" Brendan muttered before quickly extending his arms and creating a shield of Heavenly Body Magic, attempting to block Viper's attack. An explosion was followed by the sound of power surging as Viper clashed with the shield, but before long the force field began to crack and Viper began to...
  5. Rhabby

    Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

    Brendan swords clashed against Vipers Claw creating the sound of a metallic clash as Brendan blocked the first swipe. The two mages then continued to clash sword against poison claw, the fight appeared to be even. The blue-haired mage had to make another so he fell back a bit, dequiped the...
  6. Rhabby

    Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

    Brendan pivoted to the left as his Viper toss it back at him and the the sword by its handle then launched himself at Viper and went for quick but powerful back to back slashes. Viper could counter with his poison tail, a weapon of his own, or something big. What made Brendan worry was he...
  7. Rhabby

    Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

    Brendan quickly bobbed and weaved through the scales with his Meteor spell before launching the sword in his left hand straight toward Viper. The mage did this to see how Viper responded and hopefully to distract him for a moment while he launched his second attack. The blue-haired mage shot...
  8. Rhabby

    Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

    Brendan glanced around as the circle of flames surrounded himself and Viper, the mage took a deep breath before setting his eyes upon Viper, "Who would've thought it would be me versus you in the end." The blue-haired mage said with a slight grin on his face, he was glad his opponent was Viper...
  9. Rhabby

    Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

    "I see," Brendan began, "In that case, I'm glad a worthy, S-Class mage is running our bar." Brendan finished with a smile. It was still so strange to Brendan that talking and just being with someone could comfort and calm him so much, though he only felt this was when he was with Angela. The...
  10. Rhabby

    Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

    Brendan plopped down next to Angela after she finished healing him and took a deep breath before exhaling, "Thanks, but I couldn't have done it without him." Brendan said, glancing toward Marc for a moment, "One. More. Trial." Brendan muttered before sitting back and resting his weight on his...
  11. Rhabby

    Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

    Brendan fell to one knee and was forced to require back into his regular clothing. He was exhausted not only from this trial but the previous trials. The blue-haired mage gazed toward Angela, he hated to see her bruised and beaten like that, but she was still standing after all, but if she...
  12. Rhabby

    Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

    Brendan's confidence grew as he was able to keep pushing back Angela, his speed tactic had seemed to work, Good, all I need to do now is-- Brendan's train of thought was interrupted by a vine entangling itself around his foot, pulling him backward and back on the ground. The blue-haired mage...
  13. Rhabby

    Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

    Marc fell to the ground still in his take-over and panted profusely, No way... This chick can just brush on attack like that off while I'm sittin' here almost out of magic? Damn. Marc thought to himself. His goal now was to wake up Brendan no matter the cost. The Take-Over mage acted quickly...
  14. Rhabby

    Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

    Just as Angela threw out the seeds, Brendan retreated by shooting a blast of Heavenly Body Magic from his hands, propelling him backward and a good distance away from the lavender seeds. Brendan had thought these were the exploding seeds, but with one look, touching or even coming close to the...
  15. Rhabby

    Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

    "We can't let her have high ground." Brendan said to Marc just as the seeds began falling to the ground and immediately exploding on impact. "And we should probably avoid those too." "Damn straight, let's take to the skies!" Marc exclaimed with a wild smirk on his face as he turned into his...
  16. Rhabby

    Private/Closed Ender Eye X Pokemon: Sinnoh

    Brendan awoke in a corner of the guild, his blue hair was a complete mess and he had no recollection of the previous night. Though he did know one thing, the morning light Zane had let in was really hurting his eyes. “Ugh, what happened last night?” Brendan asked a bit groggily as he stood up...
  17. Rhabby

    Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

    Brendan swiped up with both of his arms and created a Heavenly Body shield, blocking the jets of water that was shot at the duo, though the force of the water did push the two back a bit. "Marc, it's time to get serious." Brendan stated gazing toward Angela, "We have to stop toying with one...
  18. Rhabby

    Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

    Brendan and Marc both grit there teeth as their attacks did basically nothing, but that was to be expected, both of them and never seen her fight after all. Despite this, the two kept their composure and responded accordingly to the flamethrower heading straight for them. Brendan blocked and...
  19. Rhabby

    Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

    After the duo got over their initial shock the two sprung into action and swiftly avoided the thorn-like vines and both shot back and cut them at their base, Brendan with a flame sword and Marc with his Fire Wolf hands. "I'm going to tell you right now, my man. You better not hold back on this...
  20. Rhabby

    Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

    Brendan stepped up to the portal on the far right and took a deep breath, “It’s now or never, let’s do this.” Brendan said, a bit nervously. He had made it far last year but was quickly defeated by the mage who awaited him and his partner. “Don’t worry man, we got this. I promised I’d help you...