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    Open Capelle's School for Higher Education

    Surprisingly, the Pokémon in charge of the houses popped up in the crowd. "We're here for partners, too, if you don't have one!" Mr. Garcia cawed quite loudly. The Braviary waddled over to Leoron, talons tip-tapping on the gym floor. "Are you an Ignite student?" He chirped as he bent down to...

    Open Capelle's School for Higher Education

    I hope Snow and Valour pair up! I want those roommates to be besties ;u;

    Open Capelle's School for Higher Education

    GAY! GAY! GAY! I mean. Uh. I love you. Wait that's not what I meant to- Oops. I am very, very bad at this guessing game. Let's have a few more 'mons pair up and we can get started! Either choose here or find someone random in the RP. The only character I have that's similar to me is my...

    Aw, aren't you a sweetheart!

    Aw, aren't you a sweetheart!

    Icebreaker time for the roleplay! Fun fun. It's still not too late to sign up, everyone!

    Icebreaker time for the roleplay! Fun fun. It's still not too late to sign up, everyone!

    Open Capelle's School for Higher Education

    Atteeeeeention! Icebreakers are starting!

    Open Capelle's School for Higher Education

    "Naomi, is it?" The Whimsicott said with a soft smile as she glanced at the Absol. "That's a gorgeous name. And, Strike... hmm... you'll be in room 303, in the Pinap dorms. But please, go straight to the gym! You're missing an important announcement!" --- "Icebreakers, hmmm... now, to...

    Open Capelle's School for Higher Education

    Lmao thanks... /dies again REMINDER TO EDIT YOUR FORM OUT AND POST IT HERE IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADYYYYYY. I'm sad we don't have the forms over there, though. It made the job of registering students a lot easier. Time to get to work now that I've caught up on y'all's responses!

    Open Capelle's School for Higher Education

    HEY HEY HEY. As always, I'm late! ;U; -Satokuye you are of course welcome to join our lovely little school! Just have your 'mon sign up with Ms. Black and post your bio here. -For the Psuedo rule, I've seen some valid arguments from both sides, and I think I'm going to remove that portion of...

    Thanks for all the likes you left me! All of your art is just darling. I feel like the eevee...

    Thanks for all the likes you left me! All of your art is just darling. I feel like the eevee cosplayer sprite fits you to a T!

    Mmm... thinking about posting art or something on here, but I'm not sure. Capelle has got all my...

    Mmm... thinking about posting art or something on here, but I'm not sure. Capelle has got all my attention right now ♥

    Open Capelle's School for Higher Education

    It's 3:22 am here rip. So, yes, everyone PLEASE remove your bios from the roleplay if you haven't already! They all belong over here! Also, I'm gonna post the icebreakers in the morning because most of us are asleep/out of order/etc. so please be patient ♥ and you're welcome about the Cliff...

    Open Capelle's School for Higher Education

    Nah, you're pretty G-ood at them. Get it? Because your character is a G... I... im sorry ill go now

    Open Capelle's School for Higher Education

    VALOUR BABY PLEASE. Be brave young one. It IS in your name. Thank you for editing grumps! Everyone else, look to this wonderful role model here. EDIT: You're edit is swanky as well Charles.

    Open Capelle's School for Higher Education

    Welp, don't worry, you haven't seen the icebreakers we will play yet! They don't all require conversation. As for the situation with Stellar, they responded quite kindly to my message and here is how they explained it: the rule about it being acceptable to post forms that contain roleplay...

    Haha, understandable. Thank you for being so nice lmao.

    Haha, understandable. Thank you for being so nice lmao.

    Lol, little scared because a staff member responded to my roleplay. #problematicnewpokecharmmember

    Lol, little scared because a staff member responded to my roleplay. #problematicnewpokecharmmember

    Open Capelle's School for Higher Education

    Mhm. After all, staff is here to help us, not hinder! I checked through the roleplay and I don't think anyone else's messages were removed containing roleplay content, thankfully. I'll keep you guys posted on the next course of action.

    Open Capelle's School for Higher Education

    I'm gonna go ahead and ask anyways for the sake of things, and see if we can get the posts concerning Snow back (so that the OOC can be edited out.) I was sort of scared when we had a message from Stellar myself, but I'm certainly doing my best to be respectful and calm about it. SOMEONE KILL...