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  1. BeanKing

    Open Eeveelution DayCare Remake!

    "I'm not a normal Eevee, i'm actually a mixture between an Umbreon and an Eevee" He said.
  2. BeanKing

    Open Eeveelution DayCare Remake!

    *Randomly teleports* "I think something's wrong with my abilities." He said.
  3. BeanKing

    Open Eeveelution DayCare Remake!

    *Turns black* "Urgh, I have this weird headache."
  4. BeanKing

    Open Eeveelution DayCare Remake!

    "How did I get here? I was just in the forest a moment ago." He said confused.
  5. BeanKing

    Open Eeveelution DayCare Remake!

    "W-where am I?" He asked in a shy manner.
  6. BeanKing

    Open Eeveelution DayCare Remake!

  7. BeanKing

    Open Eeveelution DayCare Remake!

    "H-hi i'm Twilight" He rushed over to the small group of eevee's.
  8. BeanKing

    Open Eeveelution DayCare Remake!

    Name: Twilight Gender: Male Species: Eevee/Umbreon (a strange eevee umbreon mixture) Role: Child Parents:N/A (i'm just a wild eevee with no parents) Moves: Headbutt, Tackle Personality: A nice kid who likes to make friends and is rarely shy Likes: Chocolate, friends, music Dislikes: Vegetables...
  9. BeanKing

    Open Pokemon School

    Blue: I wonder where Charlie and Axe are.
  10. BeanKing

    Open Pokemon School

    Blue: When does lunch start? Red: After I become popular. Blue: I swear to god I will kill you.
  11. BeanKing

    Open Pokemon School

    Blue: We get a new kid and it just so happens to be my rival, a known trickster.
  12. BeanKing

    Open Pokemon School

    Red: Hey Blue is anyone scared of your abilities yet? Blue: -_-
  13. BeanKing

    Open Pokemon School

    (Blue's rival) Name: Red Species: Charmeleon Age: 12 Year: 1 Moveset: Flamethrower, Headbutt, Dragon Claw, and Dragon Rage.
  14. BeanKing

    Open Pokemon School

    Someone else walks into school.
  15. BeanKing

    Open Pokemon School

    "I'll show you my ability when you come back."
  16. BeanKing

    Open Pokemon School

    "Ok..." Blue said lying down on the bed.
  17. BeanKing

    Open Pokemon School

    "The Haunter has a strange ability called the time breaker which lets him toy around with people. In this case he's toying with you by putting portals where the school is to confuse you. It's all just a mind illusion to trick you." Blue said looking outside.
  18. BeanKing

    Open Pokemon School

    "My friends had stranger abilities that can even kill people yet everyone loves them..." Blue said not paying attention.
  19. BeanKing

    Open Pokemon School

    "I was born in a strange family and we all had strange abilities that would make everyone afraid of us. Everyone's still scared of us to this day."
  20. BeanKing

    Open Pokemon School

    "I have a 'friend' who is a haunter. Only I can see him. He hates grass types ever since the 'incident'." Blue said in a dark manner.