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Search results

  1. F

    Your Starter - Take 3

    I ended up picking Chimchar, because, for some reason, I always go for the fire type... (Plus, its a flaming monkey, whats not to love?)
  2. F

    DPPt/HGSS Rhyperior

    For an Item... you could go with Leftovers, standard Hold item, that will pretty much guarantee that perior stays healthy... and... well, i Know this is a topic for Rhyperior, but a T-tar could easily make use of that once shunned sandstream :D
  3. F

    The Chatlog Topic!

    el oh el, you guys are Nuts :P glad to see freedom of speech is kept alive through IM :)
  4. F

    Team rocket- Want anything new to happen?

    Oh, well, that answered that question :P (I dunno, I havent been watching the Anime much...)
  5. F

    DPPt/HGSS Good team for Pearl?

    Might i Just throw a suggestion out there? how about Spiritomb? decent stats, though, low health and speed, and no weakness without lock-on, which no one uses, not so bad a choice
  6. F

    Your Favourite Pokemon

    you know what? im gonna just list my favorites by type Fire: Charizard, Houndoom Water: Blastoise, Milotic, Kabutops Grass: Venusaur Electric: Electabuzz Ground: Rhydon Rock: Kabutops, Tyrannitar Bug: Scyther, Heracross Fighting: Hitmonlee, Heracross Flying: Charizard, Dragonite Psychic...
  7. F

    Team rocket- Want anything new to happen?

    Im just wondering one thing, though, First of, I dont remember, WHY does Giovanni want a Pikachu so badly? theyere fairly common, secondly, instead of sending a crew the keps failing, why doesent he just go himself? (I know, Im gonna get bashed with "Thats the henchmens Job", But i find it to be...
  8. F

    Ask Teh Doc

    Are some of the TMs/learnabillitys i read in the pokedex In-accurate? I mean, Multiple things, FIrst, Can Charizard Really learn Solar Beam? secondly Is Dragon Dance really gonna be a Tm? Because that would save so much Time from breeding.
  9. F

    Warming up to the new Pokemon yet?

    The first one :P, yeah, probobly shoulda stated that :P Im lovin' it
  10. F

    Warming up to the new Pokemon yet?

    how about Dusknoir, is that one we can all agree on? and i dont get something.. Happiny!? Liek... double you-Tea-Eff, Did chansey NEED a pre evolved form? same with Buddew, Bonsly and Mime Jr.... theyere running out of ideas, arent they?
  11. F

    Your Favourite Pokemon

    OH! and T-Tar! Haven't seen him around in awhile! its a shame though, that damn sandstream always gets in the way (that's probably why its not used as much anymore :P )
  12. F

    DPPt/HGSS Another 4th Gen Wi-fi Team Rate

    Eermm... well to be honest, its a bit uneven, three Pokemon (weavile, Abomasnow, and roserade) are weak to fire, i would first try to do something about that, because Charizard (A Standard and common Fire type) will most likely wipe out Roserade and Ambomasnow, No challenge (Weavile will most...
  13. F

    The Random PokePoll Topic (61): Still watch the Anime?

    Buizel, definently, the bird looks like it will get caught in a bush with a head like that.
  14. F

    Your Favourite Pokemon

    well, yeah, I guess that is pretty cool :) although when i said "Cooler" Part of that was being that i think Dragonite looks cooler (Its mainly salamence's "eyebrows", they aint pretty)
  15. F

    Your Favourite Pokemon

    I also like dragonite, In my opinion, its way cooler than salamence (and i almost feel sorry for it, having been abandond for Salamence/Metagross)
  16. F

    People who play video games

    im playing a video game about 8 hours on weekdays and like... 21 hours on weekends :P
  17. F

    DPPt/HGSS Dusknoir

    Well, a chansey would (most likely) Cure itself of toxic, however, curse will still hit it quite nicely :) (Unless something un-predictable happens, I.E Hell freezez over and chansey Actually kills dusknoir) though, i would say stick with the first one, dusknoir can use shadow punch if its the...
  18. F

    Your Favourite Pokemon

    ....Those are two very nice reasons, and now that you mention that docter, yes, they would be broken... I just dont like that 4X weakness to rock XD ...anyways, back on topic
  19. F

    Current and Dream Teams

    Well, im planning to go with Charizard Blastoise Venusaur Dragonite Dusknoir Gardevoir There arent to many new ones that i like, although, ingame, before i can get them, ill probobly go with Infernape garchomp Bronzong Spiritomb snorlax Magnazone
  20. F

    Shinies: First ever, ones you want, have seen, or own

    Its in the double battle. anyways, I've only seen one shiny pokemon, A Kakuna, and i accidently KO'd it, i wasnt even aware it was shiny at the time (YOU wake up at 4am and be fully aware of any situation..)