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Search results

  1. Agent Zero

    Your Favourite Pokemon

    Isn't that the truth. I finally decided to evolve my Scyther, and boy am I glad I did (even though Scyther still rules). What a great Pokemon to have.
  2. Agent Zero

    Current and Dream Teams

    Update to my team.... Charizard (m) (starter) Type: Fire/Flying Ability: Blaze Item Held: Charcoal Moves: - Flamethrower - Blast Burn - Dragon Claw - Fly Scizor (m) Type: Bug/Steel Ability: Swarm Item Held: Quick Claw Moves: - Slash -...
  3. Agent Zero

    Ideas on Generation V Pokemon

    d'oh! My mistake, I sat Ruby/Sapphire out, and I just started Emerald. Glad to see a shark after all these years. Hmm....Gen V.... The "Four Horses" sounds like a good idea. I would also like to see better computer trainer AI.
  4. Agent Zero

    Pokemon VS Reality

    Thank you for saying what I tried to say in less convoluted manner :) But yeah, I actually feel more awkward buying the latest WWE game then I do buying a Pokemon game. Yes, I know it's all fixed, just give me the game already!
  5. Agent Zero

    Pokemon VS Reality

    I think a lot of the backlash comes from Pokemon's early popularity. My generation, for example, was in grade 4/5 when Gen I came out. It was huge, everyone loved it. Everyone played it, kids would stay inside to trade and battle rather then go out and play after lunch. Then, as kids grow up...
  6. Agent Zero

    Your Favourite Pokemon

    Overall? Charizard. Even before Pokemon made its way across the Atlantic I was a fan. I've always been kind of a pyro, and I've always loved dragons. I was in grade 5 when I opened up an issue of Nintendo Power which basically served as the launching of the Pokemon campaign in North America to...
  7. Agent Zero

    Ideas on Generation V Pokemon

    You mean like this gal? ;D IMO I would like to see a shark Pokemon. As far as I know it hasn't been done.
  8. Agent Zero

    Current and Dream Teams

    Hi all, I'm a first-time poster, and I thought this would be a good place to start. ;D I'm currently playing FireRed (was a HUGE fan of Gen I), and even though I plan on playing Diamond or Pearl my FireRed team (a redux of my Red team) will always feel like my team. So here we go...