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Cool pictures, the trip looked fuuuun, and for added coolness I own that same Pikachu plushie w00t.
well...not that exact one but you know what I mean... :|..I also have one that says Pika pika etc. when you spank it...creepy.
I have way to much free time....On my last Ruby game i had 500+ hours and my first ever ruby game had 250+ I'm nearing 300 on my current one only something like 85 hours on LG.
Ok folks I need to know how to breed Wish on to a cute little Eevee, it's been driving me insane for days now. Garex suggested asking Raichu since she's a breeding expert so umm heh heh Rai chu any ideas? XD If nobody knows the answer I may have to walk to japan which is gonna be hard since I...
I don't you know you well..or infact at all XD so I won't request anything but I will wish you good times on your travels :P sounds like it's gonna be a blast. I said I wouldn't request anything but if you took some pictures to show us that would be cool :D .
How can anyone go to Hell if God forgives everyone? The bible is full of contradictions which many just happen to ignore. I'm not saying there is no God because quit frankly i don't know, but it's quite likely that the bible is a load of shit. If Jesus existed why is he only spoken of in the...
Skillet - under my skin . Skillet are an awesome band.
Green day - any song :P. I've been listening to green day for most of my life my Dad was and still is a huge fan so theres always been green day tapes and cd's about my house. (fun fact: did you know Green day used to be called sweet child?)...
Need for speed underground 2: Must...win...races...
Soul Caliber 2: Fun fun.
LG: Damn you E4 pt.2.
FFX: Bought it a few days ago after selling my first copy over 3 months ago. So close....have to beat the final boss....Been playing blitzball alot...it beats playing football.
Prince of persia...
Since it started? How old are you :| back when I was a young lad they never had this kind of warped humour it was good clean broken bone inspiring, slipping on a banana goodness. *Takes out butter stick* the Japanese rock.
Haha I wish but alas it is the same in Scotland although nowadays they tend to just burn piles of wood and set off mountains of fireworks.
[tiny rant]And might I point out the other countries in the UK do not or rather should not hate the english people, but rather what the english government...
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