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  1. Espeon_aura

    I live in the Uk, I'm English! #sips tea, lol

    I live in the Uk, I'm English! #sips tea, lol
  2. Espeon_aura


  3. Espeon_aura


  4. Espeon_aura

    Ummmmm..... well

    Ummmmm..... well
  5. Espeon_aura

    I dunno how to do it to here. Upload creative corner and once i've seen and liked it, delete it...

    I dunno how to do it to here. Upload creative corner and once i've seen and liked it, delete it if u want
  6. Espeon_aura

    Creative corner

    Creative corner
  7. Espeon_aura


  8. Espeon_aura

    You don't need to say. I understand if you don't wanna say.

    You don't need to say. I understand if you don't wanna say.
  9. Espeon_aura

    Which country, ok now I sound like a stalker lol! XD

    Which country, ok now I sound like a stalker lol! XD
  10. Espeon_aura

    Also by the way, are you American (I am not being a stalker, lol) just wondering!

    Also by the way, are you American (I am not being a stalker, lol) just wondering!
  11. Espeon_aura

    Gtg homework calls... bye

    Gtg homework calls... bye
  12. Espeon_aura


  13. Espeon_aura

    Do you play any musical instruments?

    Do you play any musical instruments?
  14. Espeon_aura

    It sounds cool then... I might look into it XD

    It sounds cool then... I might look into it XD
  15. Espeon_aura

    Yeah same. I am a nerd too lol but I am a boy and I haven't really seen my little pony

    Yeah same. I am a nerd too lol but I am a boy and I haven't really seen my little pony
  16. Espeon_aura

    In what way are you a geek (not trying to be mean XD) I like harry potter too

    In what way are you a geek (not trying to be mean XD) I like harry potter too
  17. Espeon_aura

    What else are you into apart from pokemon

    What else are you into apart from pokemon
  18. Espeon_aura

    Have you ever made any fakemon?

    Have you ever made any fakemon?