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Search results

  1. Animefan1

    The Acronym Game

    Whoa , He Ate Tim !? YO
  2. Animefan1

    The Pokemon Name game~

  3. Animefan1

    Post Your Opinions

    Re: Post Your Opinions Game You say pizza , I say what kind ? Well I like cheese and Hawaiian with the pineapples .... Your opinion on sock monkeys ?
  4. Animefan1

    Pokemon Forum Story Game

    Then they met Bowser the ...
  5. Animefan1

    The "If Pokemon Were Real" Game

    If Pokemon Were Real then more and more 10 year olds would get kidnapped .
  6. Animefan1

    The Person Below Me Is...

    No ! I don't even know you ! :-[ The person below ate dog food once .... :o
  7. Animefan1

    The Acronym Game

    Goggles ! Oh , oh ! Goggles ! Let's eat ! KITCHEN
  8. Animefan1

    The Stupid Game!

    He ate an envelope . I saw a sock flower fluffing shoes . Why ?
  9. Animefan1

    Create A Pokemon Food !

    Heart Souffle (I don't know how to spell it so oh well) made with Luvdisc hearts and Gorebyss cheeks
  10. Animefan1

    The Stupid Game!

    To eat molten canydcane flavored llamas Why is the chicken spring shooter singing ?
  11. Animefan1

    Who's That Pokemon ? Riddle Game

    Porygon2 ? Pink and Apricot colored pokemon with big ears for hearing . I'm from Gen. V
  12. Animefan1

    Who's That Pokemon ? Riddle Game

    Pichu ! I know because I have Guardian Signs . The 4th Generation version of Pidgeot . Who's that Pokemon ?
  13. Animefan1

    The Crtl+V Game 2!

    Uh yeah .
  14. Animefan1

    Create A Pokemon Food !

    Stone Scone :) made with real Onix rocks and Graveler stones Umbrellas
  15. Animefan1

    Create A Pokemon Food !

    Hey PokeCharms ! :) This is a fun and simple forum game that I have made up . It goes like this : I start out with a word of any kind and you make it into a Pokemon food in some way . Like this : Me: Clouds Person Below: Cloud Salad, a fluffy mix of cotton and Jumpluff hair >.< Hope you enjoy...
  16. Animefan1

    The Stupid Game!

    Because mom said no . Why do carpets melt ?
  17. Animefan1

    Charmuraji -RX's almost-live picture show-

    GET OUT OF HERE !! That Mewtwo remix on page 8 ... One word : EPIC . Oh let's make it two : OUTSTANDING . I'm sorry for the caps but that's too much for me to handle . Just way too much . Epic . Even epic can't judge that masterpiece ! You POWN at art skills , RX . + the new pics are just out...
  18. Animefan1

    Cody's Photography

    Amazing photos ! Consider on being a photographer one day --- you may benefit from it . BIG TIME . XD
  19. Animefan1

    Painting The Forest Purple. |Requests are still open!|

    Re: Painting The Forest Purple. :3 Aww all your pictures are so kawaii :3 Did you make all the drawings on regular Paint ?
  20. Animefan1

    Who's That Pokemon ? Riddle Game

    @PokeGirlPraure if your riddle stays on for another day , Im gonna have to name it winner ! Its the longest staying Pokemon riddle that no one even ever got close to figuring out !