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  1. T

    Can you fight Ash In Pokemon Pearl?

    we can't in this game, but we could in gsc. and i owned him every time with my lvl 100 typhlosion =]
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    Ask Teh Doc

    you have to beat e4 and talk to the boatman in snowpoint. edit: you might have to get nat'l dex, as well.
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    Ask Teh Doc

    burmy, wormadam, mothim, finneon, lumineon, respectively. the burmies you can get from sweet honey trees, at level 20 if it's a female it'll evolve into a wormadam, if male mothim. finneon evolves into lumineon at lvl 28, and you can get finneon by fishing with a good rod most places.
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    Ask Teh Doc

    just tell what the blanks are, and i'll tell you, or the doc will if he gets to it first ((and sorry if you feel like i'm usurping your thread, doc, in which case i'll stop))
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    DPPt/HGSS Zyuns Trade Requests

    you can catch zangoose in d/p i believe.
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    Ask Teh Doc

    i know i'm not the doc, but after the national dex, and it's like safari zone with the pokemon you transfered with master balls. except they're called park balls.
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    Crazy Japanese Traders

    you can get cyndaquils in emerald and xd, from the mt. battle in xd and from completing hoenn dex in emerald. unobtainables discounted. (i'm 196/200)
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    Shinies: First ever, ones you want, have seen, or own

    i currently have shiny: voltorb electrode duskull tyrogue zubat looking for more, so if you want shinies...well, you're getting a shiny voltorb or electrode, but only if you give me some shininess in return.
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    The Realm of Pixeity

    i have 2 requests, but before that...*bow*bow*bow*bow* *kow-tow*kow-tow*kow-tow* *grovel*grovel*grovel*...ermmm...i think you get the point =] ok, my requests are a luxray with smaller ears and a new pose (the huge ears bother me...:'( it's one of my favorites too) and an ice dragon...i know...
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    UC's Sprites [1 New]

    the cosplayers are very nice. especially the drifblim one =]
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    DPPt/HGSS Another 4th Gen Wi-fi Team Rate

    also, (you haven't posted what kind of battles you hope to be participating in) if you're in double battle and you have a swampert, discharge is amazing. all of the opponents instead of your guy, and then you can use surf/muddy water or whatever move you can think of to hit both of the...
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    Poffin Question

    i'm pretty sure it's just like in rse, where their bellies are impenetrable, and their gastric systems constipated. (in other words, it stays the same no matter what until you feed them more. which if their belly is full, you just can't do.)
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    Crazy Japanese Traders

    the only issue with that is you can't ask for shiny pokemon (and that's actually a good thing; instead of people wanting dialgas and palkias for bidoofs they'd want shiny dialgas and palkias for starlies) i love the gts =] it helps especially if you don't have enough money to buy both games.
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    Warming up to the new Pokemon yet?

    (sorry to disappoint you, naru-chu, but read the above post) ((sorry if this is considered spam, but i don't have much else to say))
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    DPPt/HGSS Trade with Nem!

    (i'm past pal park, i got there on 4/26) i can hook you up with one, (as doc oak said, courtesy of emerald)
  16. T

    Downloadable content for Spectrobes! Event Pokemon now seem possible!

    note: what's the polished stone on route 224 for? i feel that the darkrai event will be in canalave (because of what the little boy from the cresselia event said.) and i believe shaymin will be near floaroma. interestingly, the polished stone reminds me of the white stone infront of the space...
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    Warming up to the new Pokemon yet?

    i have noticed that, the difference is blaziken is a fire-chicken and infernape is a head-on-fire monkey. also, empoleon is water/steel and swampert is water/ground, surprisingly similar second type... i think in this gen they mainly focused upon improving past pokemon to make them more...
  18. T

    Warming up to the new Pokemon yet?

    very, very little. (note: i have warmed up to the new pokemon, i officially love them all more than the entire 3rd gen, and am now restarting for a shiny drifloon) i have a shiny duskull, and i'm thinking about evolving it...though i'm not too sure. i might make a poll on that. i'm also...
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    Crazy Japanese Traders

    =] you want it, give me something worth my time. i'm going to go on the serebii wifi chat today to see if i can get a shiny cyndaquil....cyndaquil's entire line = my soon-to-be bishies.
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    DPPt/HGSS Another 4th Gen Wi-fi Team Rate

    luxray is AMAZING. i'd almost say you'd be a fool not to use it =]. almost. for that matter, luxray's sp atk is high enough to be effective, but not effective enough to be incredible. so go with thunder fang, i s'pose. off topic: woot past the 50 post mark