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Pokemon Sun and Moon definitely. I'm not saying they are bad games; far from that. I love them. They are so jammed packed full of content, and that's the problem. It's full of new ideas, and a new and extremely extended storyline (1 hour tutorial.)
With all of that, it's best not to...
Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones.
Sure it's easier than the other GBA titles, but I love the story and characters. It's definitely a lot darker (Chapter 16 pushes the E rating more than Fates the T rating) and brings back the whole monsters plaguing the region aspect, which is back for Echoes...
I usually breed rare pokemon and Wonder Trade them off. Every Rattata, Pikepek, Yungoos, and Meowth I receive I store in a box and release. I will make Wonder Trade great again!
Until Pokebank comes out and it becomes more diverse
I saw Sausage Party yesterday...there is nothing left to the story. There is nothing else left to add to that.
Still a better ending than Batman v Superman.
Though I will say that this year has been amazing for animated films such as: Zootopia, Finding Dory...this film even...and I want to see...
I honestly like it's design and typing. I most likely won't use it on my team but it has potential...
BUT IT'S NAME THOUGH! Perhaps I'm acting a bit immature about this, but my god it sounds like "Turd-inator". Sometimes combining two words don't work out every time.
Animes are like gladiatorial matches. Fun to watch but God forbid you are in their shoes. Back when I was a kid, I always thought living in the Pokémon world would be so much fun. Upon learning how ferocious Beautifly is I regret thinking of living there. I regret many things. In fact here's a...
Shedinja. Hopefully somebody I'm not particularly fond of has the misfortune of looking into it's back.
Plus they are nothing but a hollow shell, which I will assume doesn't need food or water. That and it's dead. Easy care :)
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