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  1. PokeMasterFrost

    The Person Below Me

    False. I always complete it, and I always have loads of fun!! The person below me knows how to pronounce Rayquaza.
  2. PokeMasterFrost

    The Vending Machine Game!

    You get a Magikarp! insterts a chikorita
  3. PokeMasterFrost

    The Person Below Me

    True.. I never played Green version, but i played Leaf Green!! The person below me never picked Piplup as his/her starter.
  4. PokeMasterFrost

    The Person Below Me

    True.. Why did that Kangaskan flee?! The person below me played every single Pokemon game ( I know it is very unlikelly, but, oh well..).. I realy don't know what to post...
  5. PokeMasterFrost

    Favorite Electric Type?

    Why would you think that? I hear many peopole say that Luxray is OR, and in many walkthroughs on YouTube, they have Luxray on their team so..
  6. PokeMasterFrost

    World says hi back!

    World says hi back!
  7. PokeMasterFrost

    MOO!! :)

    MOO!! :)
  8. PokeMasterFrost

    Which real-life place would you like a future Pokémon region to be based on?

    I would like a region bassed off some island too, or a state with island like Italy or Greece.. Well, Greece more, just because I fell in love with that country the moment that I came to it! It has allot of islands, and the biggest one is so beautifull!! Maybe they could make a region like that...
  9. PokeMasterFrost

    Favorite Electric Type?

    Every and each one of them!!! But if i had to choose.. It's the Hoenn region duo, the best in double battles and super cute! They are - Minun and Plusle!!! The first time I saw a Pokemon, it was Minun and Plusle. After that, I DEMANDED my mom to buy me Emerald version. Sadly, I couldn't catch...
  10. PokeMasterFrost

    What Pokemon do you like just for the heck of it?

    Yeah, I like Goomy too! Goomy is so addorable, and when it evolves into Goodra! One of the cutest fully evolved dragon types out there!!
  11. PokeMasterFrost

    The Person Below Me

    False, I do not know! The person below me thought of eating fries and chocolate together at least once! XD Oh and this comment is eddited, because I posted the same time as Jariii!
  12. PokeMasterFrost

    Do you watch the Pokemon anime?

    Well i watched till Hoenn, then I stoped. The thing was Ash didn't grow up. Not the age, I am fine with 10, but he is so childish and anoying!! I do like the X and Y series, Serena is my fav now! Just because she has the same eye and hair colour as mine! And Ash looks older! Whait, he is 10. He...
  13. PokeMasterFrost

    What Pokemon do you like just for the heck of it?

    Smeargle, Plusle and Minun! Smeargle Is my favourite Pokemon, cuz it's an artist and all. Plus that tounge makes it's expression so cute!!! Minun and Plusle- the Hoenn region duo! They are just super cute, and I just wanna cudle them FOREVA!!! And they are good in double battles!!! Oh and...
  14. PokeMasterFrost

    Favourite Legendary?

    Am I the only one who loves Jirashi? It is the wish maker, and I always wanted to have my wishes come true! Plus, it's SO DARN CUTE!!!! Have you ever looked at it's eyes? so cute..:blush::love::halo:
  15. PokeMasterFrost

    The Person Below Me

    False, I'd have no idea what you would be referncing to.. I'll just Google it..:( The person below me has noticed the Mewtwo on Bills door in episode 13.
  16. PokeMasterFrost


  17. PokeMasterFrost

    Just caught a shiny Panpour in Pokemon X!!!

    Just caught a shiny Panpour in Pokemon X!!!
  18. PokeMasterFrost

    The Person Below Me

    Yeah I love cheese.. If you think of the food, In any other case, I have no idea.. The person bellow me owns a shiny Vaporeon.
  19. PokeMasterFrost

    The Person Below Me

    haha, no. I accually never read Russian literature, but I'll give it a try now :P. The person below me has an owl in his/her backyard!
  20. PokeMasterFrost

    The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

    I aggree that Hoopa and Volcanion could be legendaries, but Diancie an evolution of Carbink.. It has the same typing as Carbink, while the other two have unique. Also you can see the similarities with Diancie and Carbink. Thats what I am thinking about.