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Search results

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    Where would you live in the Pokemon World?

    In Johto I would also like Ecruteak city...
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    The Pokemon Name game~

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    Word Association

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    Music in Gaming

    Snowman ------ Mother 3 I can't think of others right now.... (or I don't know the name hehe) but when I remember (or know) I'll post it Withered leaf -------- Touhou 7 The fantastic Legend of Tohno ------ Touhou 7
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    The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

    You are not, I do that too =3
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    The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

    Yayz!!! I'm finally out! My official Summer has started!
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    The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

    Everyone that likes the melancholy oh haruhi suzumiya must watch this, really http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqI7Yy1gHAo
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    The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

    YAYZ!! just one day, tomorrow is my last day of class!
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    The thread of quotes...

    One of my favorites: "So um yea, bread factory, come on don't be shy~" -Lucky star episode 22
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    Who are your original pokemon?

    Sapphire: -Treecko -Zigzagoon -Wurmple -Shroomish -Poochyena -Zubat
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    The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

    Oh so it is a song. By the way... Just two days! =3 I'm so tired of school now (;-_-)
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    The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

    What does that mean? I don't really understand...
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    Where would you live in the Pokemon World?

    In Kanto: Fuchsia City In Johto: Goldenrod In Hoenn: Sootopolis In Sinnoh: .... In Unova: Castelia City
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    Sapphire: Treecko LG: Squirtle Pearl: Piplup Platinum: Turtwig SS: Chikorita Black: Oshawott White: Snivy I passed Samurott to white because my little sister wanted to play pokemon and well... restarted
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    Word Association

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    The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

    tomorrow is wednesday... almost friday =3
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    Word Association

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    The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

    TT.TT 14hours for my Spanish exam...
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    東方: touhou

    I think there is many people who like touhou, so this is a post for it. Like favorite games, bosses, characters, story, and that stuff. Everything you want to talk about it. Personally I'm not so good at it, but I manage to get to the last stage on medium. I always use reimu.... Because of her...
  20. D

    What are you playing?

    Currently Playing Touhou 12.8 the great fairy wars Mother 3: =3 last chapter Will play in official Summer Touhou: 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 12.8, maybe some more... Pokemon White LBP1-2 Mother 3 Final fantasy III Others...