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Search results

  1. M

    The Stupid Game!

    Because speeches don't swear ever other sentence, DUH! Why won't anybody reply to threat mail from chickens?
  2. M

    A Pokemon Nickname Game

    Two-Face! Primeape. Name. NOW!
  3. M

    The Stupid Game!

    Only if she wants to eat a hippo. Do I have any common sense whatsoever in my thumbs?
  4. M

    The Stupid Game!

    Only when the camels eat in it. Who has money for nothing?
  5. M

    A Pokemon Nickname Game

    Spin-Spin! Infernape needs a name! What should it be?
  6. M

    A Pokemon Nickname Game

    The last Pokemon Electric Master will ever meet! If somebody doesn't nickname this Chatot, it won't stop swearing! Please, somebody!
  7. M

    It's time for some experimting...with sprites!

    Thanks. How about Salamence and Flygon?
  8. M

    PokeStrong! The Sinister Company!

    Max couldn't take it any longer. He ran with no specific destination. His mind was flooding with ideas about how to infiltrate Pokestrong. He didn't get very far. In the midst of his thought, he forgot to pay attention to his actions. He was jolted back into reality when he ran smack-dab into...
  9. M

    my pokemon persona ^-^

    I don't have any sprites :'(
  10. M

    my pokemon persona ^-^

    Oh man! :'( Oh well. I happen to be male.
  11. M

    my pokemon persona ^-^

    I think they are really cool! Do you take requests?
  12. M

    A Pokemon Nickname Game

    Pwner! Name an Infernape, PLEASE?
  13. M

    The Stupid Game!

    Because of a brainwasher who tells people it's bad! What am I talking about?
  14. M

    It's time for some experimting...with sprites!

    I got a request. Can you make an Ivysaur and Infernape fusion? ???
  15. M

    A Pokemon Nickname Game

    Mike Tyson! AHHH! A rabid Delcatty is attacking me! Give it a nickname so it will stop!
  16. M

    The Stupid Game!

    187 KABILLION! Why do I eat cheese?
  17. M

    A Pokemon Nickname Game

    Shockito Aggron need name, NOW!
  18. M

    The Stupid Game!

    Because you ate pie! Where did you get the pie?
  19. M

    A Pokemon Nickname Game

    El Plant-Man! Triple M forced a chimchar into a Poke-ball. What should he force its new name to be?
  20. M

    The Stupid Game!

    Because Africa filled a restraining order against Europe. Who killed the dark monkey dude?