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  1. 00wolf

    Your Favorite Game/Region!

    it's fake I looked at it in Photoshop (that's right i got it working again) and I can see where they posted the Pokemon logos and letters. It's a very good fake too it's almost real
  2. 00wolf

    UC's Sprites [1 New]

    dude your awesome, My favorite is the Flareon Cosplay btw do u know any tips for making trainer sprites?
  3. 00wolf

    00wolf's Sprite Thread

    Sorry, but I don't do requests I wish I could and someday I bet I will, but for now I can't sorry :-\ In fact I better go update my thread to let people know
  4. 00wolf

    00wolf's Sprite Thread

    Thanks ^^ here's the hitmonlee fusion in normal colors
  5. 00wolf


    In episode 13 "Mystery at the Lighthouse" Professor Oak says Gary has caught 45 Pokemon While in episode 25 "Primeape Goes Bananas" Ash calls Oak to show that he' earned his 4th badge and Oak tells him that Gary has 5 badges and 30 pokemon. how can this be unless Gary gave some of his away?
  6. 00wolf

    Your Favorite Game/Region!

    after having just replayed Gold I'd have to say Johto the land is my favorite probably because of Blackthorn City I agree all the emerald ones do is bounce up and down
  7. 00wolf

    00wolf's Sprite Thread

    Here's another or and lol dark version
  8. 00wolf


    actually i played a bit more and it happened two more times When it transformed the color was yellow everytime like with a snubbull, it was yellow and it's collar thing was pink
  9. 00wolf


    i noticed in episode 9 of Pokemon "The School of Hard Knocks" the characters mention France, the country (Brock offers to make crepes). I thought Pokemon existed in the mythical lands of Kanto, Johto, Houen, and Sinnoh? yet Misty says she loves French things.
  10. 00wolf

    00wolf's Sprite Thread

    Wow i didn't think it would be that good, thanks ;D and I sorta like the older pokemon games better because well idk i guess they came first and stayed that way in my heart but ya i'm going to start spriting again so more to come ;)
  11. 00wolf

    00wolf's Sprite Thread

    and i tried to make it kinda shady but i think i over did the wings this one is my least fav :(
  12. 00wolf

    Seven Greatest Wonders... of pokemon!

    I have a question that has always bothered me why are moves like thunderbolt, thundershock, and thunder all electric moves using electricity shouldn't they be sound moves since that's all thunder is instead shouldn't the be called Lightningbolt,Lightningshock, and Lightning?
  13. 00wolf

    Shinies: First ever, ones you want, have seen, or own

    i have now seen a shiny Marill, a shiny spinarak, and a shiny wooper
  14. 00wolf

    00wolf's Sprite Thread

    ik the wings are tough >.< i had to keep switching their position and i can't rotate them but anyways thanks ^^
  15. 00wolf


    i checked and it's not a shiny :P and when it transformed it was a solid yellow and not green like in the game
  16. 00wolf

    00wolf's Sprite Thread

    sorry for the double post when you have new sprites you've gotta post and
  17. 00wolf


    I've noticed that in the game Crystal when ever my togepi used metronome and it turns out to be the move transform it changes into the pokemon's shiny form it's done this and become a yellow marill, a purplish spinarak, and a purple/yellow wooper it could be coincidence, but what are the odds...
  18. 00wolf

    00wolf's Sprite Thread

    Well yeah i did :P
  19. 00wolf


    I'm not sure if anybody noticed it but in D/P in Sunyshore City near the light house there is a rock that looks like munchlax out in the ocean.
  20. 00wolf

    00wolf's Sprite Thread

    thanks I guess I'm good at pokemon but i need to practice trainers and spriting from scratch how so?