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Search results

  1. NyanCatJinx

    The Person Below Me

    Vulpix? The person below me LOVES Eeveelutions!
  2. NyanCatJinx

    The Person Below Me

    I like them, yes. The person below me can run quickly.
  3. NyanCatJinx

    The Person Below Me

    I am, in fact, below you. Also, you are now %20 percent cooler. 8) The person below me is a human thing.
  4. NyanCatJinx

    The Person Below Me

    Below Rainbow Dash, you mean? Anyone that commented after you would be under Rainbow Dash. XD The person below me likes My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.
  5. NyanCatJinx

    Word Association

    Frenemies. I don't DO mushy. XD
  6. NyanCatJinx

    Pokemon ABCs Game

    Nidoqueen. What do you mean? Don't think what's right?
  7. NyanCatJinx

    No, thank YOU!

    No, thank YOU!
  8. NyanCatJinx

    The Person Below Me

    <:'( Forever Alone... The person below me likes dogs.
  9. NyanCatJinx

    The Person Below Me

    Don't Hug Me I'm Scared WOOP The person below me plays a sport or two.
  10. NyanCatJinx

    The Person Below Me

    I know nothing, sowwy. ^^' The Person below me has a physical or mental illness.
  11. NyanCatJinx

    The Person Below Me

    Get it off get it off EEK! (yes) And, you didn't answer my question. The person below me knows at least one song by Imagine Dragons.
  12. NyanCatJinx

    I would love that! Also, thank you in advance! Is there anyway I can repay you?

    I would love that! Also, thank you in advance! Is there anyway I can repay you?
  13. NyanCatJinx

    Word Association

  14. NyanCatJinx

    Pokemon ABCs Game

    Umbreon? Omg, my fave Pokemon. ^0^
  15. NyanCatJinx

    Yesh! I think I would like a girl with brown hair down to her shoulders, and she is wearing jean...

    Yesh! I think I would like a girl with brown hair down to her shoulders, and she is wearing jean skirt shorts and a blue t-shirt, and black flip-flops. If that isn't too much. ^^'
  16. NyanCatJinx

    The Person Below Me

    *Opens eyes wide* Uh, who is @Sy Kage? Hehehe... The person below me knows how to play more than 1 instrument.
  17. NyanCatJinx

    *slow claps* Beautiful, simply beautiful.

    *slow claps* Beautiful, simply beautiful.
  18. NyanCatJinx

    And by the way this is going, we will soon be talking about mayonnaise! >:D Why am I such a...

    And by the way this is going, we will soon be talking about mayonnaise! >:D Why am I such a derp. XD
  19. NyanCatJinx

    2 out of 10 of them do. ^^

    2 out of 10 of them do. ^^
  20. NyanCatJinx

    Do you do requests for your sprites? :3

    Do you do requests for your sprites? :3