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  1. IzzyLovesCats

    Open Pokemon College RP

    She started training her pokemon, wanting then to prepare for battle.
  2. IzzyLovesCats

    Open Pokemon College RP

    "It was, bye!" She smiled.
  3. IzzyLovesCats

    Open Pokemon College RP

    "Weird, but creative!" She laughed.
  4. IzzyLovesCats

    Open Pokemon College RP

    "You know I think I'll name him. How about Gangster? It's weird but go big or go home."
  5. IzzyLovesCats

    Open Pokemon College RP

    When a Jigglypuff came out of the pokeball, she let out a shriek of suprise. "Thank you so much! Thank you thank you thank you!"
  6. IzzyLovesCats

    Open Pokemon College RP

    She called out the pokemon in her pokeball
  7. IzzyLovesCats

    Open Pokemon College RP

    "Thank you!" She said without opening it yet. "Here, this is yours." Handing him the mega stone. " I wasn't able to catch a a Tyranirate, sorry."
  8. IzzyLovesCats

    Open Pokemon College RP

    She returned to her dorm as well, and there was a mega stone.
  9. IzzyLovesCats

    Open Pokemon College RP

    "That makes sense." She nodded. "You know... I have to use the bathroom too." She went inside the building and rang her mother. "Oh hi Izzy!" "Hi mom! I can't talk much but can you send a mega stone to my dorm please?" "Okay but you owe me, bye!" Izzy hung up and returned to Tyler
  10. IzzyLovesCats

    Open Pokemon College RP

    "I know you really want that trip, but if it was an item or a thing, what would it be?"
  11. IzzyLovesCats

    Open Pokemon College RP

    (OOC oops read that wrong, sorry.) BIN "Well, if it was something general like a thing, I would want a Wigglytuff. I've seen the Wigglytuff workers at the pokemon center, but I never had one for my self. It's always been my dream to be a Wigglytuff trainer, there my favorite pokemon."
  12. IzzyLovesCats

    Open Pokemon College RP

    "Of course, who wouldn't be happy about that?" She replied. JC is really nice, I can't hate her just because Tyler liKes her.
  13. IzzyLovesCats

    Open Pokemon College RP

    "Yeah, I hope they'll come. It would be great." She said. She didn't mind Baz and Rin coming, but she had her doubts about JC.
  14. IzzyLovesCats

    Open Pokemon College RP

    "You really mean it?" She said, shocked. "Of course I'll come!"
  15. IzzyLovesCats

    Open Pokemon College RP

    She winced at the name of JC they are friends, and she does make him happy. "Just wondering." She responded.
  16. IzzyLovesCats

    Open Pokemon College RP

    She suddenly looKed up at Tyler. " If you don't mind me asking... what do you want more than ever? What would make you happy?" She asked.
  17. IzzyLovesCats

    Open Pokemon College RP

    She at last managed to call back Froakie into his pokeball. "Sorry about that. Froakie seems to be afraid of any pokemon stronger or bigger than him, I just don't know why." Seeing he had the menus, she thanked him.
  18. IzzyLovesCats

    Open Pokemon College RP

    Froakie suddenly appeared on the table, coming out from his pokeball. "Froakie! I thought you were back with Greninja! How'd you manage to get in the pokeball?" Froakie hang head in guilt. As if to say he didn't want to stay with Greninja.
  19. IzzyLovesCats

    Open Pokemon College RP

    She nodded in response, smiling. "Thanks Sylveon." She said as they found there seats. "Shall we order, then?"
  20. IzzyLovesCats

    Open Pokemon College RP

    "Good idea, its a gorgeous day outside." She responded.