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Search results

  1. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed Stranded on an Island: IC

    The next Pokémon to arrive was a little less surprising. Finding a Sceptile on an Island like this certainly wasn't impossible and was a lost more plausible than a wild Sylveon. After all Sylveon evolved via a bond with its trainer, what could it bond with here, a tree? Unlikely. "Ahoy." Flint...
  2. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed Unova Travels

    Drake nodded in agreement, glad that Alix had accepted his little challenge. Nothing wrong with a little friendly competition after all. And she even had a map, something he forgotten to pick up in haste to leave home. They probably had some in the Pokémon centre but if he was going to be...
  3. Nebula-Newt

    Open CoDA - (A Superpower RP) Still Accepting New Arrivals

    Jake was comfortable enough doing push ups, he had never really fancied going to the gym so being able to do exercise at home had become quite important to him. Push ups, planks, going for runs, that was how this superhero in training stayed in shape. And so after getting into a plank position...
  4. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed Traveling RP

    It certainly is glorious. You even drew Bawn from just a description and I think its a spectacular wee forest pup. Bambi would have been so much better if they were on fire.
  5. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed Unova Travels

    Drake couldn't help but chuckle a little at what Alix had said but at the same time he was genuinely happy that this girl from Kalos who was actually from Alola wanted to travel with him. She had already done something like this before where as he was a complete and utter novice so it was a...
  6. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed Traveling RP

    Oh damn Crunchy that looks great! Now that's doing the design justice!
  7. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed City of lies. (Superpower roleplay!)

    Uh sure man, hit me up with a bio.
  8. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed City of lies. (Superpower roleplay!)

    So I've taken the time to begin making my character soundtracks! Honestly its too early for me to make one for anybody but Knox right now but hey I'm working on it. In fact its so early in development that I only have the main theme for Knox, but I will add to it over time. 1. (Fight like hell)
  9. Nebula-Newt

    Open CoDA - (A Superpower RP) Still Accepting New Arrivals

    Turns out Jake was number 18, right beside the only kid who actually had a question to ask the headmistress. He had listened patiently, trying to ignore the glare he could feel burrowing into the back of his skull. He knew exactly who it was, that guy with the Mohawk had been right behind him...
  10. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed Unova Travels

    Drake was pleasantly surprised by Alix's answer. He had never met anybody from either Alola or Kalos so this was killing two birds with one stone. What a wonderfully multicultural experience this was already shaping up to be. Taking her hand Drake gave her a confident smile, one that was...
  11. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed Unova Travels

    "It wasn't really my choice where we slept I'm afraid" Drake said sheepishly, indicating to his Poliwhirl who was still laying comatose on the ground. A single bubble of drool formed in the corner of Kek's mouth, growing to about the size of an apple before popping loudly. Drake could have face...
  12. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed City of lies. (Superpower roleplay!)

    Future metal I think metal gets more brittle with ice and stuff but its not a significant amount.
  13. Nebula-Newt

    Open CoDA - (A Superpower RP) Still Accepting New Arrivals

    Sadly it was already time for Jake's first lesson. Thankfully it was P.E so it shouldn't be all that hard on the old brain. After quickly changing into sports gear, in this case some joggers and a random t shirt that he had packed, Jake was ready for his experience at CODA to really begin...
  14. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed Ragnarok, city of lies. (Superpower roleplay! 18+)

    The metallic behemoth barely even noticed its attacker, its internal systems too far gone to realise that its treads had been damaged by his assault. Instead those brutal tools on its bus sized arms kept heaving, causing unnatural groans to echo from the poor skyscraper. On the upper floors...
  15. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed City of lies. (Superpower roleplay!)

    Erosive processes. Mostly freeze thaw I guess as futuristic tech like this is unlikely to be effected by weaker processes such as corrosion or even rusting. Stainless steel and all that.
  16. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed Traveling RP

    Uh okay, why..?
  17. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed Unova Travels

    The pleasant weather and the drowsiness inducing spiral on Kek's belly had almost allowed Drake to fall asleep, his eyes grew heavy, the world was becoming a haze but then a girl plummeted over him and landed in the dirt beside him. Funnily enough that makes it a little harder to sleep. Even Kek...
  18. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed City of lies. (Superpower roleplay!)

    Hmmmmm, well that's up to you really Crunchy. Sky could be the one putting out fires after all. Remember that this thing is tough, we are going to need all of us to take it down so nobody just go straight in and wreck the thing. Crunchy and Sky have the biggest area of effect abilities and...
  19. Nebula-Newt

    Private/Closed City of lies. (Superpower roleplay!)

    No problem, its only a tiny continuity error anyway.
  20. Nebula-Newt

    Open CoDA - (A Superpower RP) Still Accepting New Arrivals

    "Kevin." Jake repeated in an absent minded manner, something he often did after learning a new name. He swears its to help him remember it but honestly his memory is still shocking. It is a good thing that he doesn't actually have a super suit because if he did he would probably leave it on the...