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  1. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "I don't know what it is, but most First years don't talk to me unless it's about Yuzuki, and only and handful of second years talk to me." Yosuki said. "Something about how I look scary?" He wondered. "Anyways, let's head to the roof then." He smiled, forgetting that she couldn't see it.
  2. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    After what felt like an eternity in class, the lunch bell finally rang. Yosuki got out of his chair and walked to Rin. "Hey Rin, want to have lunch on the roof together?" He asked. He felt that the best way of getting rid of the felling you get after coming back to school from a long vacation...
  3. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    Yosuki waved off Rin's last comment as the class started. They went over commonly used English phrases as well as some literature in English. Yosuki started to daydream about taking a trip to America, maybe in Seattle Washington or some other city.
  4. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "I've always loved DragonForce." Yosuki said. "They had a tour in Japan but I ended up missing it." he continued. He took his seat in the classroom, pulling out his stuff and getting ready for the day.
  5. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "Yeah, but it doesn't hurt to know it. There are some amazing bands that came from the united kingdom and America, so it's cool to understand their lyrics and maybe even get an autograph!" Yosuki said
  6. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    Yosuki stood behind Rin just in case she needed redirecting. "Man, I haven't spoke English in a while" He said in English. "There just hasn't been a need." He said reverting back to japanese.
  7. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    Yosuki used his phone to look at his planner, being the tech guy that he is. "It looks like English next." He said. He was proficient to get by in English but it didn't harm him to retake the course.
  8. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    Yosuki chuckled and set his tray of concertos on a shelf in the middle of the fridge.
  9. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "Sorry, sorry. It was just a joke." Yosuki said trying to calm her down. Yosuki's Concertos looked to be just a little above average, but they still didn't stand a chance against Rin.
  10. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    Yosuki, having finished his about 10 seconds before Rin did, started applauding. "Well done Chef Rin." Yosuki said in a joking manor. "Please enlighten us peasants more!" he said trying his hardest not to laugh mid sentence.
  11. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    Yosuki quietly worked on making them at his station, concentrating on making it as tasty as possible. Yosuki normally didn't talk while he was making food items so that he didn't break his concentration and miss a step.
  12. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    Yosuki chuckled and took Yuzuki to the first year classroom. He left before the commotion of a new student stirred. He went back to his own classroom and prepared to make the Concertos.
  13. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "You sure you don't need help?" Yosuki asked in the half asleep tone he always spoke in. "We have the same classes so it's not a problem." He said. Yuzuki held onto his arm that could feel. Still a little tired herself.
  14. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "Yosuki... Wake up!" Yosuki was awoken by a mix of his alarm going of and his sister in her uniform shaking him. He opened his eyes and shut the alarm off. "You really need to stop working so late." Yuzuki said with worry in her voice. "I'm fine." He said stretching and getting up from the chair...
  15. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    Yosuki, arriving home, got a welcome of dinner made by his sister. They both ate before getting ready for bed. Yuzuki crawled into bed and fell asleep shortly after while Yosuki worked into the night, before falling asleep hours later at his desk.
  16. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    Yosuki nodded. "Ah man, looks like the sun is setting. I should probably get back home." Yosuki said standing up. "Yuzuki will kill me if I stay out super late." Yuzuki tended to get really worried about her brother, no matter how much she knows he can take care of himself. "I'll see you at...
  17. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "As much as I'm not looking forward to school." Yosuki said changing the topic. "At the very least it will give me something to do rather then just wait for what happens next."
  18. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "Nah. I was more worried about everyone wanting to date her." Yosuki said. "There is only one girl in our class that would want to know if she would be a hero, and I'd shut her down." The image of a blond girl popped into his head for a split second. "Trust me. I'll make sure she is never a...
  19. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "And Yuzuki is transferring too." Yosuki said. "And since she's cute... That means that for at least a week I'm going to have to deal with people who want to know more about her." Yosuki said. "Those people are the reason why girls think all men are pigs."
  20. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "Yup." Yosuki said. "That sounds good." He envisioned the desserts in his mind, only for them to turn into homework. Yosuki shuddered at the image of papers overflowing his desk.