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The vertex finally popped up . "There your left!" He shouted. He began to throw knives at the vertex, each on sinking in, doing a bit of damage at a time
Yosuki sheathed his katana on his back, then jumped to what was essentially a tree branch that was rainbow colored. He pulled out more knives with his right hand and began waiting for where the vertex would pop up.
"So what's the battle plan here?" Yosuki asked as he welded his weapon. His katana was in his right hand while his knives were in his now bandaged left hand.
Yosuki felt bad, he had only lost feeling in his arm, what happened to him was nothing compared what happened to rin. "I know, but this seems like it was to high of a price for the first time." He said
Yosuki tried to comfort her. He held her hands. "Hey, it'll be alright." Yosuki said in as comforting of a voice he could manage. On the inside though, he hoped he didn't seem like a creep.
After they ate, Yosuki paid the bill. "So now what?" He ask rin. He didn't mind walking around and spending time with her. That's what friends do, he thought to himself
The woman nodded and shortly after brought back the desserts. As well as slipping Yosuki the bill. Yosuki opened it, internally cried, and then ate his cake.
"You know what? I could go for some cake." Yosuki said. Cake and coffee was his favorite treat. He ordered a piece of chocolate cake. The waitress turned to Rin, "and how about you?"
Yosuki just watched Rin eat and eat. He was amazed by how much one person can eat at a time. He looked at the clock seeing that she had not taken that long to eat the first bowl. He turned back and drank another cup.
"Jeez" Yosuki said as he sipped on his coffee. "I don't even know if I could finish one of those. None the less three." He just drank his coffee before ordering another.
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