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  1. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    //but yeah, if you have kik i can probably keep up faster. "That's it Rin!" Yosuki cheered as she watched her get closer and closer to the end. "Come on now, the faster you finish, the faster you get your curry udon!"
  2. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    (But trust me, i do share it with you. It is really hard to find anyone who consistently roleplays this
  3. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    //If you have kik we can just rp there Yosuki stepped off the mat and waited on the sidelines, watching Rin work. 'It's amazing how she can work without sight' Yosuki thought to himself
  4. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    Are you guys still interested in this?//dd
  5. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    Yosuki stiffled a chuckle before going to his daggers. "Okay... One, two," he lunged forward into action dodging and any balls as he could. He touched the ending before collapsing on the ground. "Please tell me that counts" he said
  6. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    //Love the new profile pic Yellow
  7. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    Yosuki got up off the ground and slunk back to the beginning. "Yeah whatever." He said. "And i was so close too."
  8. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    Yosuki was about to make it to the crash mat when a ball came from out of nowhere, coming straight for his head. (Whether or not it hits me is up to you guys)
  9. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    Yosuki was jumping over some balls and slicing through others. His main objective was to get to the crash mat, so that's what he was going to do.
  10. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    Yosuki positioned himself to get ready to run through the course. "All right, ready when you are!"
  11. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "Guess I'll use this then" Yosuki said pulling the long katana out from it's sheathe. The length of the blade alone was from his left shoulder to the fingertips on his right hand. It was long and would take some getting used to, but at least he wouldn't have to miss half of the knives he threw.
  12. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    Yosuki pulled out his phone and pressed the icon. He transformed. His normal outfit was put on him, with the exception of one thing. on his back was a katana, and sitting next to Yosuki, was his new fairy, ( http://i.imgur.com/pMecC1h.png ). The fairy did a little yap before falling asleep. "Oh...
  13. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "Oh fun. I have to try to not get hit by balls. Story of my life right there." Yosuki said. "Do I get to use my weapon or am I just dodging?" He asked as he looked at the length from where he stood to the crash mats.
  14. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    He waved before leaving the room and going down the hall to get more coffee
  15. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "Well then, i'll take the both of you out for dinner, my treat!." he said smiling
  16. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "Well then, go ahead and think of somewhere you want to go." he said.
  17. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "Hey," he said stopping in the door way. "Maybe the three of us should go hang out again somewhere." He said.
  18. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "Indeed." Yosuki said, on the inside though, he knew he may have to again. Yosuki turned to see Maria being tickled by Kai, he chuckled a bit. Before getting up and leaving as well
  19. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    Yosuki chuckled a bit before his smile disappeared. "Um, I'm sorry for trying to push you into telling me what was going on." He said