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Search results

  1. Richard ford


  2. Richard ford

    K I understand theirs always next time

    K I understand theirs always next time
  3. Richard ford

    Have you watched sword art online it's a good anime

    Have you watched sword art online it's a good anime
  4. Richard ford

    I have 2 starters that rank up equal to me charmander and turtwig

    I have 2 starters that rank up equal to me charmander and turtwig
  5. Richard ford

    Question what is your favorite kento starter

    Question what is your favorite kento starter
  6. Richard ford

    Wow I was bored and then I got into a nice conversation with you

    Wow I was bored and then I got into a nice conversation with you
  7. Richard ford

    We'll I have pretty much explored all of provo

    We'll I have pretty much explored all of provo
  8. Richard ford

    Don't worry I spend most my time inside playing pokemon

    Don't worry I spend most my time inside playing pokemon
  9. Richard ford

    Seams like you do your awesome

    Seams like you do your awesome
  10. Richard ford

    Ya still new to this website

    Ya still new to this website
  11. Richard ford

    Your story a train ride is pretty awesome I like it

    Your story a train ride is pretty awesome I like it
  12. Richard ford

    Seems pretty cool

    Seems pretty cool
  13. Richard ford

    What anime is your profile pic from

    What anime is your profile pic from
  14. Richard ford

    Okay are you a squrtil, charmander, bulbasaur person

    Okay are you a squrtil, charmander, bulbasaur person
  15. Richard ford

    I like your artwork too it is awesome I like charmander the most

    I like your artwork too it is awesome I like charmander the most
  16. Richard ford

    Thx for the like

    Thx for the like
  17. Richard ford

    I'm guessing you don't want to talk

    I'm guessing you don't want to talk
  18. Richard ford


  19. Richard ford


  20. Richard ford

    Ok you are an awesome person just let me tell you that i men skyrim call of duty and dragon age...

    Ok you are an awesome person just let me tell you that i men skyrim call of duty and dragon age that's awesome.