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Search results

  1. CloudLine64

    I guess the appropriate term is "Undertale Trash". Who else wants to visit Papyrus's trash can...

    I guess the appropriate term is "Undertale Trash". Who else wants to visit Papyrus's trash can with me?! XD
  2. CloudLine64

    Well, I'm drawing Mettaton and Mettaton EX for fun. Yay!

    Well, I'm drawing Mettaton and Mettaton EX for fun. Yay!
  3. CloudLine64

    and last, but not least, Aquarius the Marshtomp.

    and last, but not least, Aquarius the Marshtomp.
  4. CloudLine64

    My Emerald Pokemon Team: Shadee the Mightyena;Hercules the Hariyama;Falcis the Swellow;Lazer the...

    My Emerald Pokemon Team: Shadee the Mightyena;Hercules the Hariyama;Falcis the Swellow;Lazer the Rayquaza;Virinity the Gardevoir;
  5. CloudLine64

    Azure's little shop of wonders! (Closed!)

    Oh...yeah, I kinda think ponytails are awesome...but if you want to do a different hairstyle on her, you can, I won't mind.
  6. CloudLine64

    Peridot...who else likes her? *I raise my hand* (I can literally do her voice if I tried, it's...

    Peridot...who else likes her? *I raise my hand* (I can literally do her voice if I tried, it's so close, it's scary.) XD
  7. CloudLine64

    I'm back...Sorry I haven't been able to socialize with you guys. So, let's start with a simple...

    I'm back...Sorry I haven't been able to socialize with you guys. So, let's start with a simple question, how are you?
  8. CloudLine64

    Art Requests!

    @Special Riolu You don't mind if the picture is a sketch still...like, it won't be colored in, though it will have the black outlines and things in it.
  9. CloudLine64

    Art Requests!

    @Fujiwara and @PennyThePokemon I am very sorry but requests are closed. Though, I will get to them when I can...it's just the requests I have are the things I am finishing.
  10. CloudLine64

    Art Requests!

    Okay. Also, @Emerelda and @Midnight Umbreon Is it okay if I join both of your requests together? I'll basically have a Umbreon, Sylveon, and Glaceon together under a cherry blossom tree.
  11. CloudLine64

    All right...I'll take it tomorrow morning . Night.

    All right...I'll take it tomorrow morning . Night.
  12. CloudLine64

    Woo! Go Falcis! XD

    Woo! Go Falcis! XD
  13. CloudLine64

    Okay, so I made a sketch for her, would you like me to color it in? Or I can tell you the colors.

    Okay, so I made a sketch for her, would you like me to color it in? Or I can tell you the colors.
  14. CloudLine64

    All right, night Azure!

    All right, night Azure!
  15. CloudLine64

    1. Sorry for my noobness,but what's a PM? 2. I don't mind if you don't get it done ASAP...I can...

    1. Sorry for my noobness,but what's a PM? 2. I don't mind if you don't get it done ASAP...I can wait. 3. Do you want me to do it soon? Or is okay if I do it tomorrow afternoon?
  16. CloudLine64

    Turns out I do, but I can't get it here. Though, I can always draw her! X)

    Turns out I do, but I can't get it here. Though, I can always draw her! X)
  17. CloudLine64

    I mean Cloud, my Oc,http://pokecharms.com/data/attachment-files/2014/08/113184_I_have_no_Idea.png

    I mean Cloud, my Oc,http://pokecharms.com/data/attachment-files/2014/08/113184_I_have_no_Idea.png
  18. CloudLine64

    Azure's little shop of wonders! (Closed!)

    XD My mind went blank asked for that. I don't know what was going on then...
  19. CloudLine64

    Art Requests!

    Okay.... I'll try... Guys, I would like to thank you for the requests. Though, I will have close this for a while so I can get stuff done. So, no more requests for now. Requests Special Riolu Emeralda Midnight Umbreon and Jolteon the ultimate Hey, @Jolteon the ultimate , what Gender do you...
  20. CloudLine64

    XD I just saw a lot Steven Universe avatars and I...kind of freaked out. :)

    XD I just saw a lot Steven Universe avatars and I...kind of freaked out. :)