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Search results

  1. TheWanderer

    Private/Closed WTP Johto vs Kalos

    A Zoruark, eh? That explains a bit. Edward grinned. "Now's our chance!" he called out, "Kay, Blinkstrike Combination! Shimmer, keep dodging!" Kay nodded and disappeared with another Teleport, while Shimmer swerved out of the way of the Air Slash. Damn, Edward thought as he watched on, at this...
  2. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join World Team Pokémon, Battles Between Regions

    I was going for the game-style "blast of sound that hits everything" to give Ed and his team a moment to regroup, with Gallade teleporting just as the sound reached him so as to avoid the majority of the damage.
  3. TheWanderer

    Private/Closed WTP Johto vs Kalos

    What the...? Throat Chop? Edward's eyes widened. Kay took the Aerial Ace attack full on, and looked like he was about to be hit by the followup. "Moment Creation!" In desperation, Edward called out one of his team's preformulated defensive tactics. Using Teleport, Kay flickered out immediately...
  4. TheWanderer

    Private/Closed WTP Johto vs Kalos

    Edward was momentarily caught off guard by Angel's immediate offensive. Two Togekisses? Unless there's something I'm not seeing, this is not going to go well for me. "Shimmer! Counter their flames with your own! Heat Wave!" Shimmer's wings turned a faint red, and with one mighty flap, a blazing...
  5. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join World Team Pokémon, Battles Between Regions

    Er... I'm not entirely sure how this battle should turn out. I kind of like Ed being slightly unnerved by Angel, and writing his reaction could be interesting if she snaps. Other than that, I just want to see some cool tactics that the double battle format supports.
  6. TheWanderer

    Private/Closed WTP Johto vs Kalos

    Something was off about this woman. Edward couldn't quite place it, but he had an odd feeling that she was more than she appeared to be. "I'm ready for anything," he replied, "fun or not." Once hands had been shaken, he headed back to his side of the field. Okay, he thought to himself, that...
  7. TheWanderer

    Private/Closed WTP Johto vs Kalos

    Edward accepted Ron's fist bump and continued into the arena. Pulling out a notepad, he checked over his Plans A, B, and C one more time. This is it, he thought to himself, everything I've ever done has led up to this moment. He made sure his two chosen Pokemon were ready to be sent out. Dragon...
  8. TheWanderer

    Post Your Trainer Card

    Here's my final team for my nuzlocke of Pearl: ... I'm still kinda sad that my Empoleon died to a critical hit from my rival's Rapidash just before the league :(
  9. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join World Team Pokémon, Battles Between Regions

    Also, @Merciless Medic, unless I am mistaken, Ed and Angel are going to be facing off. Do you want to say that the events of Alola League happened, even though that RP never got underway?
  10. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join World Team Pokémon, Battles Between Regions

    Not to nag, but are we going to start sometime soon? It's been a few days, and there doesn't seem to have been a response.
  11. TheWanderer

    The Person Below Me

    Right generation, wrong game! My first Pokemon game was Pearl. The person below me has been involved in a theatrical production at one point in their lives (and yes, school ones count).
  12. TheWanderer

    The Person Below Me

    I once tried to learn the guitar, but it went very much not well. I do play the piano, though. The person below me constantly struggles with inexplicable technical difficulties.
  13. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join World Team Pokémon, Battles Between Regions

    I'm ready to battle, with either Leon (Unova) or Ed (Johto)!
  14. TheWanderer

    The Movie Quote Game!

    "Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something." (The Man in Black, The Princess Bride)
  15. TheWanderer

    The Person Below Me

    Depends on the chair and/or sofa. The person below me has played The Witness
  16. TheWanderer

    The Person Below Me

    I can tolerate whole-grain mustard, but I much prefer ketchup or, if it's ripe, a slice of tomato. The person below me has done a nuzlocke challenge run before.
  17. TheWanderer

    The Person Below Me

    Not really. I'm more of a kale person, myself. The person below me has played Dungeons & Dragons.
  18. TheWanderer

    Private/Closed Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Rp

    Jay stood up and gave a determined smile. "I'm not ditching y'all just yet." He looked around and was relieved to see others stepping up as well. "I'm ready for a mission."
  19. TheWanderer

    Farfetch'd Evolution Sirfetch'd Officially Revealed!

    What I'm wondering is if we'll get a Galarian Farfetch'd that actually has the Fighting type. I love this new Pokemon, but it would be kind of weird for a Normal/Flying type to evolve into a pure Fighting type.
  20. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join World Team Pokémon, Battles Between Regions

    Here's another character! Name: Leon Wisteria Age: 22 Gender: Male Appearance: Leon has sandy-blond hair, with eyes that could be classified as either green or hazel, depending on one's perspective. He is tall, but not particularly muscular, given his somewhat lackadaisical approach to...